Baidu AI Cloud


Cloud Compute Service

Reinstall the Operating System

Application Scenarios

You can reinstall the operating system version purchased according to your requirements or replace with a new version of operating system for reinstallation.

It supports the replacement of similar operating systems and the interchangeability of Windows operating system and Linux operating system. For example, if you select the Windows operating system previously, you can replace it with other Windows operating system version or replace it with the Linux operating system.

Note: Reinstalling the operating system clears the system disk data, which is not recoverable. The CDS disk data is not affected. Furthermore, the system disk snapshot is deleted. To back up the system disk data, create a custom image. For the BCC service is interrupted for several minutes after the reinstallation of system, prepare for the backup and service switching.

Operation Steps

You can reinstall the operating system for the selected BCC in the following two ways.

  • Method I
  1. Select "Product Service" > "BCC", and then you can see the BCC list created by users.
  2. Select this instance, and then click "More" > "Instance Settings" > "Reinstall Operating System".

Note: You can select three available images, including public image, custom image and service integration image.

  1. Select the operating system to replace in the pop-up dialog, and enter the verification code, and then click "OK".
  2. After the reinstallation of operating system, the system sends the new password and the host name to you in the short message.
  • Method II
  1. Select the ID link of this BCC in the "Instance Name" column to enter the "Instance Details" page.
  2. Click "Reinstall Operating System" on the page to reinstall the system.
  3. Select the operating system to replace in the pop-up dialog, and enter the verification code, and then click "OK".
  4. After the reinstallation of operating system, the system sends the new password and the host name to you in the short message.
Modify the Name of Instances in Batch
Instance Renewal