
All Product Document

          Cloud Compute Service

          Cross-region Replication of the Image


          The cross-region replication of images is applicable for the cross-region instance deployment and the cross-region data backup. You can replicate the custom image in a certain region to other Baidu AI Cloud regions, and create the BCC instance in corresponding regions through this image, so that the BCC instances of the same environment is deployed in different regions.

          Application Scenarios

          The image is a regional resource, and the custom image belongs to the region where it is created. The usage of different scenarios is shown in the table below.

          Scenarios Operation Steps Description
          Cross-region replication with same account You only needs to operate it by following the description below. After the successful cross-region replication, generate an image in the destination region. The new image has a unique image ID.
          Cross-region and cross-account replication Operate it by following the steps below firstly, and then operate as per[Shared Custom Image.](BCC/Operation Guide/Image/Share a Custom Image.md) After the cross-region replication of image to the destination region, share the image with the destination account.

          Usage Limits

          • The cross-region replication of images is only applicable for the custom image.
          • Traffic fee for data transmission between different regions. At present, this part of traffic is not charged. The specific charging time is subject to Baidu AI Cloud announcement.
          • The custom image is in the Replicating status during the replication. You can not operate this image in this status.
          • The cross-region replication is not supported for the custom image greater than 200 GB.
          • The image replication takes about 10-30 minutes.

          Operation Steps

          1. Log in to the Baidu AI Cloud platform to enter the "BCC Products" page.
          2. Select "Image" in the left navigation bar to enter the "Image List" page.
          3. Select the image to replicate. The image type must be of Custom Image. Click "Cross-region Replication" in the action bar.
          4. You can see the name of selected custom image in the Image Replication dialog.
          5. Select the destination region (selection of multiple regions supported), and then click "OK".
          6. Switch to the destination region to view the replication progress of custom image. When the status changes to "Completed", it indicates that the task is completed successfully.

          Note: When the status is Replicating, you can click Cancel Replication at any time. After the cancellation of task, this custom image is not displayed in the image list of destination region.

          Share a Custom Image
          Import the Custom Image