
All Product Document

          Cloud Compute Service

          Quick Guide for the Image

          Getting Started of Public Image

          This document is a LAMP-based WordPress tutorial, which leads you to create the BCC instance from scratch, configure the basic LAMP service (Linux+Apache+Mysql+PHP), and then build your first WordPress blog based on this.

          1. Log in to the Baidu AI Cloud Official Website.

          2. Complete the Identity Verification.

            You can complete the enterprise authentication or personal authentication according to your requirements. For the prepaid instance, you need to complete the identity verification when the purchased public bandwidth is greater than 0. For the on-demand billing instance, you must complete the identity verification.

            If you do not complete the identity verification when you create the BCC instance, you can click the Authentication Prompt button on the page to complete the operation on the identity verification page.

          3. Create a BCC Instance.

            The BCC instance creation provides the prepaid mode or on-demand billing mode. See Create BCC Instance for details.

            Select Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (64 bit) for the Linux image. After the successful creation, return to the instance list to obtain the public IP.

          4. Log in to BCC.

            Open the remote login tool, and enter the public IP in the IP Name box, and then log in to BCC as the user root.

          5. Configure Apache.

               # apt-get install apache2        //install apache
               # vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf  
                 //add ServerName localhost
               # service apache2 restart        //Start apache service
               # chmod a+w /var/www             //Grant write privilege to the current user
          6. Configure PHP and Mysql.

                # apt-get install php5 php5-mysql
                # apt-get install mysql-server
                # mysql -u root -p
                > mysql
                # exit
          7. Configure Wordpress.

                # cd /var/www/html
                # wget http://dlsw.baidu.com/sw-search-sp/soft/fd/26373/wordpress_V4.2.2_zh_CN.1436773043.zip
                # apt-get install unzip 
                # unzip
                # ls /var/www/html/wordpress
                 index.php        wp-admin              wp-content         wp-load.php      wp-signup.php
                 license.txt      wp-blog-header.php    wp-cron.php        wp-login.php     wp-trackback.php
                 readme.html      wp-comments-post.php  wp-includes        wp-mail.php      xmlrpc.php
                 wp-activate.php  wp-config-sample.php  wp-links-opml.php  wp-settings.php
          8. Open "<Public IP>/wordpress" to browse the WordPress blog.

          Getting Started of Service Integration Image

          CVM CentOS6.5 Version (64-bit)

          Service provider: Xuzhou Bafang Network Technology Co., Ltd.

          Operating system: CentOS6.5 64-bit

          Integrated software: Nginx1.4.7, MySQL5.1.73, PHP5.2.17/PHP5.4.24, PHPMyAdmin4.0.10, PureFtpd1.0.36, Memcached1.4.18 and CVM Linux Version 2.1.3

          Features Highlights:

          1. The system is pre-installed with the CVM management panel, which can quickly and flexibly deploy a secure WEB environment, and easily manage and back up the site, database and FTP.
          2. It optimizes the site environment and the system security settings, improves the access speed and load capacity, and supports the quick switching from PHP5.2 to PHP5.4.
          3. The 7x24 all-weather online after-sales service support makes every effort to protect your application!

          Instruction for after-sales service:

          Email: baidubce@admin5.com (7x24h) Tel: 13305205345 (7x24h)

          Operating Document:

          CVM CentOS6.5 (64-bit) Creating Inbound Operating Document


          When you use the CVM CentOS image, you need to add the ports TCP 21, TCP 80, TCP 9999 and TCP 35000-50000 to the inbound rule of security group. For the configuration method, see the operating document or the Configuration Document of Security Group.

          Copyright Notice of Open Source Software:

          Copyright Notice of Open Source Software Provided by Xuzhou Bafang Network Technology Co., Ltd.

          Legal Notice of Baidu AI Cloud:

          Baidu AI Cloud has no right to process the image provided by the service providers, whose intellectual property right (IPR) belongs to the legal owner of this image. More statements

          CVM Windows Server 2008 Version (64-bit)

          Service provider: Xuzhou Bafang Network Technology Co., Ltd.

          Operating system: Windows Server 2008 (64-bit)

          Integration software: ASP, .NET2.0/3.5/4.0, PHP5.2.17/PHP5.4.21, MySQL5.1.73, PHPMyAdmin4.0.10, FileZilla 0.9.41 and CVM 2.0.9

          Features Highlights:

          1. The system is pre-installed with the CVM management panel, which can quickly and flexibly deploy a secure WEB environment, and easily manage and back up the site, database and FTP.
          2. It optimizes the website environment and the system security settings, improves the access speed and load capacity, and supports the quick switching from PHP5.2 to PHP5.4.
          3. The 7x24 all-weather online after-sales service support makes every effort to protect your application!

          Instruction for after-sales service:

          Email: baidubce@admin5.com (7x24h) Tel: 13305205345 (7x24h)

          Operating Document:

          CVM Windows Server 2008 (64-bit) Creating Inbound Operating Document


          When you use the CVM Windows image, you need to add the ports TCP 21, TCP 80 and TCP 6801-6802 to the inbound rule of security group. For the configuration method, see the operating document or the Configuration Documentation of Security Group.

          Copyright Notice of Open Source Software:

          Copyright Notice of Open Source Software Provided by Xuzhou Bafang Network Technology Co., Ltd.

          Legal Notice of Baidu AI Cloud:

          Baidu AI Cloud has no right to process the image provided by the service providers, whose intellectual property right (IPR) belongs to the legal owner of this image. [More statements](BCC/Operation Guide/Image/Service Agreement for Baidu AI Cloud Image.md)

          CentOS6.5-based LAMP Environment (64-bit)

          Service provider: Baidu AI Cloud

          Operating system: CentOS6.5 64-bit

          Integration Software: Apache 2.2.15, MySQL 5.1.73, PHP 5.3.3 and vsftp 2.2.2

          Features Highlights:

          1. It is officially provided by Baidu AI Cloud, which is secure and stable.
          2. The system environment is compiled and installed with the source code, and the integrated FTP service facilitates users to upload the site files.
          3. After the purchase, you can easily create a site by referring to the operating document, which avoids the complicated configuration.

          Instruction for after-sales service:

          Baidu AI Cloud provides the technical support.

          Operating Document:

          Instruction for CentOS6.5-based LAMP Environment (64-bit)


          • When you use the CentOS6.5-based LAMP environment image (64-bit), you need to add the ports TCP 21 and TCP 80 to the inbound rule of security group. For the configuration method, see the operating document or the Configuration Documentation of Security Group.
          • The LAMP environment in this image is installed with the default software version of official yum source. When there is any security vulnerability for specific software and the yum source is not updated officially, pay attention to the security notice on the Baidu AI Cloud official website at any time, and upgrade the software to fix the vulnerability.

          Copyright Notice of Open Source Software:

          Copyright Notice of Baidu AI Cloud Open Source Software

          Legal Notice of Baidu AI Cloud:

          Baidu AI Cloud has no right to process the image provided by the service providers, whose intellectual property right (IPR) belongs to the legal owner of this image. [More statements](BCC/Operation Guide/Image/Service Agreement for Baidu AI Cloud Image.md)

          CentOS6.5-based WordPress Environment (64-bit)

          Service provider: Baidu AI Cloud

          Operating system: CentOS6.5 64-bit

          Integration Software: Apache 2.2.15, MySQL 5.1.73、PHP 5.3.3, vsftp 2.2.2, phpMyAdmin 4.0.10 and WordPress 3.9

          Features Highlights:

          1. It is officially provided by Baidu AI Cloud, which is secure and stable.
          2. The system is pre-installed with the WordPress blog platform program, and you can configure and activate the blog platform refering to the opperating document.
          3. The phpmyadmin management platform is installed by default to facilitate the database management.

          Instruction for after-sales service:

          Baidu AI Cloud provides the technical support.

          Operating Document:

          CentOS6.5-based WordPress Environment (64-bit) Instructions


          • When you use the CentOS6.5-based WordPress environment image (64-bit), you need to add the ports TCP 21 and TCP 80 to the inbound rule of security group. For the configuration method, see the operating document or the[Configuration Document of Security Group.
          • The LAMP environment in this image is installed with the default software version of official yum source. When there is any security vulnerability for specific software and the yum source is not updated officially, pay attention to the security notice on the Baidu AI Cloud official website at any time, and upgrade the software to fix the vulnerability.

          Copyright Notice of Open Source Software:

          Copyright Notice of Baidu AI Cloud Open Source Software

          Legal Notice of Baidu AI Cloud:

          Baidu AI Cloud has no right to process the image provided by the service providers, whose intellectual property right (IPR) belongs to the legal owner of this image. More statements

          Image Overview
          Image List