
All Product Document

          Relational Database Service

          Calling Instructions

          Request sstructure

          Request structure introduction

          1. API Service Domain Name

          Service Domain Name of the RDS API includes:

          Region EndPoint Protocol
          Beijing rds.bj.baidubce.com HTTP and HTTPS
          Guangzhou rds.gz.baidubce.com HTTP and HTTPS
          Suzhou rds.su.baidubce.com HTTP and HTTPS

          2. Communications Protocol

          API calls follow HTTP protocol, and each Region adopts different domain names. The specific domain name is rds.{region}.baidubce.com.

          3. Request Parameter

          Two types of parameters should be specified for each request of Baidu AI Cloud API, namely, common request parameter and interface request parameter. Of which, the common request parameter is the request parameter for every interface, and the interface request parameter is the specific parameter for each interface. See the description of the Request Parameter of each interface.

          The request parameters include the following four types:

          Parameter Type Parameter description:
          URI It is usually used to indicate the operation entity, such as POST /v{version}/instance/{instanceId}.
          Query parameters The request parameters carried in the URL
          HEADER Passed in via HTTP header field, e.g., x-bce-date
          RequestBody Request data body organized in JSON format

          4. API version number

          Parameters Type Parameter Position Description Required
          version string URL parameter API version number, current API version is v1. Yes

          5. Character Encoding

          Content can be parsed, and UTF-8 encoding is adopted for all request/response body contents for now. Support more encoding types later.

          Common header

          Common Request Header

          Parameter Name Description
          Authorization Include Access Key and request signature
          Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8
          x-bce-date String representing date, conforming to API specification.
          Host Domain name representing request API.
          x-bce-content-sha256 Hexadecimal string representing SHA256 signature of content part. Content here refers to the HTTP Request Payload Body. It is the original data before the Content part is encoded by HTTP.

          The standard header field of the HTTP protocol is no longer listed here. The Common header field appears in each RDS API, which is a required header field. The x-bce-content-sha256 header field appears only in POST and PUT requests. POST, PUT, DELETE, and other request data are placed in the request body.

          Common Response Header

          Parameter Name Description
          Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8
          x-bce-request-id Cloud database RDS is generated at backend and is automatically set into the response header field.

          Interface special request parameter instruction

          The interface request parameter is related with a specific interface, and interface request parameters supported by different interfaces vary from one another.

          Take Query Instance List as an example, and the supported interface request parameters are as follows:

          Parameter Name Type Required Parameter Position Description
          version string Yes URL parameter API Version Number
          marker string No Query parameters The start position of a query to obtain the list by batch, which is a character string generated by the system.
          maxKeys string No Query parameters The maximum number contained in each page, which is usually no more than 1,000 pages per page, and 1,000 by default.

          Instruction for each field is as follows:

          Field Note
          Parameter Name Name of request parameter supported by the current interface, which may be defined as the interface request parameter in use of the current interface.
          Type Data type of this interface parameter.
          Required Define this parameter as “Required”. If required, it indicates this parameter must be introduced when calling this interface. If not, there is no need to introduce this parameter.
          Parameter Position Position of this interface parameter.
          Description Brief introduction of this interface request parameter’s content.

          Final request form

          The final request is composed of the following parts:

          1. Request domain name: For example, Beijing Zone’s domain name is rds.bj.baidubce.com.
          2. Request path The interface request paths vary from one another. See Interface Details.
          3. Request method: Support request method of RESTful and this interface file involves four methods like POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE.
          4. Request header common request header, including authentication information. See the [Common Header](#Common Header) for details.
          5. Parameter string of final request: Including interface path parameters (behind the question mark in request path) and interface request parameters. For example, the path parameter readReplica and interface request parameter clientToken={clientToken} for creation of read-only instance.
          6. Request body: json structure that is composed of RequestBody parameter structures according to interface provisions.


          POST /v1/instance/readReplica&clientToken={be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20} HTTP/1.1
          Host: rds.bj.baidubce.com
          Content-Type: application/json
          x-bce-content-sha256: fc2af5fb07f6acdf3981dfe4f02d23a3585e93f618b81876abee98ed268cf
          x-bce-date 2018-02-06T08:33:37Z
          Authorization bce-auth-v1/d2f57e2b0b1611e89c59c56590fe827b/2018-02-06T08:33:37Z/3600/host;x-bce-account;x-bce-client-ip;x-bce-date;x-bce-request-id;x-bce-security-token/fc2af5fb07f6704f118641f75ea4f02d23a3585e93f618b81876f5d210fb8be4
              "sourceInstanceId": "rds-mudjimy0jbig",

          Return results

          Return correct result

          Cloud database RDS’s API service requires that details returned by one request are described using JSON structure. See the example below for the correct result return format.


          Returnn error

          When an error occurs in the request, the detailed error message is returned via the Response Body in the format below:

          Parameter Name Type Note
          code string Error Code
          message string Error Description
          requestId string RequestId of this request


              "requestId" : "ae2225f7-1c2e-427a-a1ad-5413b762957d",
              "code"      : "AccessDenied",
              "message"   : "Access denied."

          Instruction on the RDS error return code

          Error Code Error Description HTTP states code Chinese explanation
          InstanceNotExist Instance not exist. 403 Instance does not exist
          AccessDenied Access denied. 403 Operation disabled
          InvalidAction Invalid Action. 400 Invalid Action
          InternalFailure We encountered an internal error. Please try again. 400 Internal service error
          ValidationError Validation Error. 400 Verification failed
          AlreadyMaxLimit Already Max Limit. 400 Reach the maximum limit
          DbinstanceStateChange Operation not allowed. 400 Cloud database DRDS instance status error.
          MalformedJSON The JSON you provided was not well-formed. 400 JSON format error.
          MissingDateHeader Request must have a "date" or "x-bce-date" header. 400 No "date" or "x-bce-date” in Header
          MissingAuthToken Request must have a "authorization" header. 400 No “Authorization” in Header
          RequestExpired Request has expired. 400 “Authorization” in Request expires
          InstanceTypeError The instance do not allow to do! 400 Instance Type Error
          ReadReplicaMaxLimit Read replica number larger than 5. 400 Number of read-only instances must not exceed 5.
          MasterInstanceValidationError Master instance engine version validate error. 403 Version validates error.
          ResourceInTask You have other order(s) need to payed first. 409 This instance has unpaid orders or orders in progress.
          NotSupportOperation You are not allowed to execute this operation 409 You are not allowed to execute this operation
          InternalServerError Internal Server Error. 503 Internal server error
          ParamValidationFailed Parameter validate error:{detail} 403 Parameter verification failed
          DurationValidationError Instance Duration Validate Error. 403 Prepaid duration parameter error
          CpuCountValidationException Instance Cpu Size Validate Error. 403 CPU parameter error.

          Signature authentication

          The RDS API authenticates every access request to ensure user security. Access Key and request signature are used for security authentication. The Access Key consists of an Access Key ID and a Secret Access Key, both of which are strings and granted to users by Baidu AI Cloud. Access Key ID is used to indicate user identity. Access Key Secret is the key used to encrypt the signature string and to verify the signature string on the server side, so it must be strictly kept confidential.

          In response to every HTTP request, the user needs to generate a signature string according to the method mentioned below and put the authentication string into the Authorization header field requested by HTTP.

          Signature String Format


          Signature application steps

          See Get AK/SK to Get AK/SK.

          Signature generation algorithm

          See Authentication and Certification Mechanism for signature generation algorithm.

          Other descriptions

          Definition of password encryption and transmission specification

          All interface parameters involving a password need to be encrypted, and plaintext transmission is prohibited. All passwords are encrypted by AES-128-ECB encryption algorithm, with the first 16 bits of SK as the key. PKCS5Padding algorithm is used for length completion. Also, the binary byte stream generated after encryption needs to be converted to hexadecimal and transmitted to the server in the form of string.

          For the encryption process, see the following codes, taking Python as an example:

          # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
          from Crypto.Cipher import AES
          from binascii import b2a_hex, a2b_hex
          If the package does not exist after calling Cipher package, install the pycryptodome package.
          def encrypt(secretkey, password):
              """Encrypt adminpass by AES-128-ECB/PKCS5Padding, the key is secretkey."""
              pendding = 16 - len(password) % 16
              password += chr(pendding) * (pendding)
              return b2a_hex(AES.new(secretkey[:16], AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(password))
          def decrypt(secretkey, password):
              """Decrypt adminpass by AES-128-ECB/PKCS5Padding, the key is secretkey."""
              decrypted = AES.new(secretkey[:16], AES.MODE_ECB).decrypt(a2b_hex(password))
              pendding = ord(decrypted[len(decrypted) - 1])
              return decrypted[:-pendding]


          If the user encounters a request timeout or an internal error of the server when calling the creation interface, the user may try to resend the request. In this case, the user avoids creating more resources than expected via the clientToken parameter, which is to guarantee the idempotency of the request.

          Idempotency is based on clientToken, which is an ASCII string of up to 64 bits in length, usually placed in a query string, such as http://rds.bj.baidubce.com/v1/instance?clientToken=be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20.

          If the user invokes the creation interface with the same clientToken value, the server returns the same request result. So the user can ensure that only one resource is created by providing the same clientToken value when retrying an error. If the user provides a used clientToken, and other request parameters (including the queryString and requestBody) are different url Path is different, it returns to IdempotentParameterMismatch error code.

          ClientToken is valid for 24 hours, and that the last time the clientToken was received by the server is considered to be standard. That is to say, if the client sends the same clientToken always, then this clientToke is valid for a long time.

          Date and time specification

          There are many ways to represent the date and time. For unification, unless it is established by convention or has corresponding specifications, UTC time shall be adopted everywhere where date and time are required, ISO 8601 shall be followed, and the following restrictions shall be made:

          1. The date is indicated in the form of YYYY-MM-DD. For example, 2014-06-01 represents June 1, 2014.
          2. The time is indicated in the form of hh: mm: ss, and an upper case Z is added at the end to indicate the UTC time. For example, 23:00:10Z represents PM 23:00:10 UTC time.
          3. When it involves the combined indication of date and time, an upper case T is added between date and time. For example, 2014-06-01T23:00:10Z represents PM 23:00:10 UTC time on June 1, 2014.

          Agreed typesetting

          Typesetting format Significance
          < > Variable
          [ ] Optional
          { } Required
          | Mutual exclusion
          Monospaced font, Courier New Screen output
          Instructions for Account Management Interfaces