
All Product Document

          Relational Database Service



          Status Type Description
          paymentTiming String Mode of Payment Prepaid, Postpaid
          reservation Reservation Reservation information, which needs not be set in postpaid mode, but must be set in prepaid mode.


          Status Type Description
          reservationLength int Duration, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,24,36]
          reservationTimeUnit String Time unit: month, only supporting “monthly basis” for now.

          Instance optional package

          Master/read-only instance, instance optional package

          Engine (Type) Optional specification configuration (CPU cores, memory GB) Disk (GB)
          MySQL/PostgreSQL/MySQL Read-only [1, 1] 5-200
          - [1, 2] 5-400
          - [1, 4], [2, 8], [1, 8], [2, 4], [6, 8] 5-1000
          - [4, 16], [8, 32],[16, 64], [32, 128], [2, 16], [4, 32], [8, 64],[16, 128], [32, 256], [56, 480], [8, 16], [12, 24], [16, 32], [20, 48], [20, 64] 5-3000
          SQLServer [1, 2] 5-400
          - [1, 4], [2, 8], [1, 8], [2, 4], [6, 8], [6, 12] 5-1000
          - [4, 16], [8, 32],[16, 64], [32, 128], [2, 16], [4, 32], [8, 64],[16, 128], [32, 256], [56, 480], [8, 16], [12, 24], [16, 32], [20, 48], [20, 64] 5-3000

          Proxy Instance optional package

          The number of nodes:2, 4, 6, 8, 16

          The following old package, annulled.

          Engine CPU Cores Memory (GB) Disk (GB)
          MySQL 1 0.25 5-1000
          - 1 0.5 5-1000
          - 2 1 5-1000
          - 2 2 5-1000
          - 4 4 5-1000
          - 6 8 5-1000
          - 8 16 5-1000
          - 12 24 5-1000
          - 16 32 5-1000
          - 20 48 5-1000
          - 20 64 5-1000
          SQLServer 2 1 10-1000
          - 2 2 10-1000
          - 4 4 10-1000
          - 6 8 10-1000
          - 6 12 10-1000
          - 8 16 10-1000
          - 12 24 10-1000
          - 16 32 10-1000
          - 20 48 10-1000
          - 20 64 10-1000
          PostgreSQL 1 0.5 5-1000
          - 2 1 5-1000
          - 2 2 5-1000
          - 4 4 5-1000
          - 6 8 5-1000
          - 8 16 5-1000
          - 12 24 5-1000
          - 16 32 5-1000
          - 20 48 5-1000
          - 20 64 5-1000

          Database version

          MySQL version

          Version Number Description
          5.5 Custom 5.5.35 is recommended.
          5.6 Custom 5.6.20 is recommended.
          5.7 Custom 5.7.17 is recommended.

          SQLServer version

          Version Number Description
          2008r2 sqlserver 2008
          2012sp3 sqlserver 2012
          2016sp1 sqlserver 2016

          PostgreSQL version

          Version Number Description
          9.4 postgre 9.4.4

          Common data format

          Time and date

          There are many ways to represent the date and time. For the uniformity reasons, all date and time are of the ISO 8601-compliant UTC time unless it is a convention or there is a corresponding specification, and the following constraints are specified:

          1. The date is indicated in the form of YYYY-MM-DD. For example, 2016-06-01 represents June 1, 2016.
          2. The time is indicated in the form of hh: mm: ss, and an upper case Z is added at the end to indicate the UTC time. For example, 23:00:10Z represents PM 23:00:10 UTC time.
          3. When it involes the combined indication of date and time, an upper case T is added between date and time. For example, 2016-06-01T23:00:10Z represents PM 23:00:10 UTC time, June 1, 2016.

          IP format

          CIDR mode is adopted, for example:, (Ip),or (Classless InterDomain Routing, 24 denotes length of prefix in address, range [1,32]). Of which, % or denotes no limits

          Engine type

          Status Value Description
          MySQL RDS for MySQL
          SQLServer RDS for SQLServer
          PostgreSQL RDS for PostgreSQL

          Instance type

          Status value Description
          Master Master instance
          financial Financial examples
          ReadReplica Read-only instance
          RdsProxy Proxy instance

          Synchronization Mode

          Status Value Description
          Async Async copy
          Semi_sync Semisync copy

          Synchronization Mode Status

          Status Value Description
          Async Async copy
          Semi_sync Semisync copy
          Modifying Means the fault is undr the processing progress.

          Instance status

          Status Value Description
          Creating Creating
          Available Running
          Rebooting Instance rebooting
          Backuping Instance backuping
          Restoring Backup restoring
          ReadReplicating Creation of read-only replica data in synchronization
          Initing Data, cloning
          LockExpiration Expired
          LockDiskQuota Disk capacity exceeded
          Migrating Data migrating
          Modifying Instance, adjusting (including upgrading of hardware package)
          MasterModifying Master instance, in configuration change
          ReadReplicateModifying Read-only replicate instance, upgrading

          Public network access status

          Status Value Description
          Closed Extranet privilege not enabled
          Creating Public network, enabling, and the status is Available after success
          Available Public network privilege, enabled

          Instance purchase series

          Status Value Description
          Basic Standalone Basic, only master database is offered
          Standard Dual High-availability, one master, and one backup

          Database Status

          Status Value Description
          Creating Database creating
          Available Database running
          Deleting Deleting

          Type of authorization

          Type of Authorization Description
          ReadOnly Read-only ID
          ReadWrite Read-write ID

          Type of ID privilege

          Type of Authorization Description
          Common Read-only ID
          Super Read-write ID

          Type of ID belonging

          Status Value Description
          OnlyMaster ID for master
          RdsProxy ID for middleware

          Account status

          Status Value Description
          Creating Creating
          Available Available
          Updating Updating
          Deleting Deleting

          Backups type

          Status Value Description
          Manual Manual creation
          Automated Automated creation

          Backups Status

          Status Value Description
          Creating Creating
          Available Backups available
          Deleting Deleting

          Log status

          Status Value Description
          Creating Creating
          Available Downloading available

          Type of parameter data

          Status Value Description
          integer This parameter’s value is integer and ranges within integers (from-to) specified in allowedValues.
          string This parameter’s value is character string and ranges within one of those values specified in allowedValues.
          Set This parameter’s value is a collection value and ranges within one or multiple values specified in allowedValues.

          Parameter enabling mode

          Status Value Description
          immediate Immediate enabling
          pendingReboot Enabling after restart

          Parameter Enabling Status

          Status Value Description
          Success Enabled
          PendingReboot Enabling after restart
          Failed Not enabled

          Database character set

          Character set supported by MySQL

          Character Set Description
          gbk Support common Chinese characters
          latin1 Avoid using it
          utf8 Character set by default, supporting characters from most languages
          utf8mb4 Suitable for scenarios with expression characters

          Character set supported by SQLServer

          Character Set Description
          Chinese_PRC_CI_AS Support common Chinese characters
          Chinese_PRC_CS_AS Avoid using it
          SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS Character set by default, supporting characters from most languages
          SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS Suitable for scenarios with expression characters

          Database reserved keywords

          MySQL reserved keywords

          The following words are reserved for the ID name and database name and must not be used.

          admin,aurora,replicator,xtrabak,root,mysql,test,eagleye,information_schema,guest,add,analyze,asc,between,blob,call,change,check,condition, continue,cross,current_timestamp,database,day_microsecond,dec,default,desc,distinct,double,each,enclosed,exit,fetch,float8,foreign,goto,having, hour_minute,ignore,infile,insensitive,int1,int4,interval,iterate,keys,leading,like,lines,localtimestamp,longblob,low_priority,mediumint, minute_microsecond,modifies,no_write_to_binlog,on,optionally,out,precision,purge,read,references,rename,require,revoke,schema,select,set,spatial, sqlexception,sql_big_result,ssl,table,tinyblob,to,true,unique,update,using,utc_timestamp,varchar,when,with,xor,all,and,asensitive,bigint, both,cascade,char,collate,connection,convert,current_date,current_user,databases,day_minute,decimal,delayed,describe,distinctrow,drop,else, escaped,explain,float,for,from,grant,high_priority,hour_second,in,inner,insert,int2,int8,into,join,kill,leave,limit,load,lock,longtext,match,mediumtext, minute_second,natural,null,optimize,or,outer,primary,raid0,reads,regexp,repeat,restrict,right,schemas,sensitive,show,specific,sqlstate, sql_calc_found_rows,starting,terminated,tinyint,trailing,undo,unlock,usage,utc_date,values,varcharacter,where,write,year_month,alter,as,before,binary, by,case,character,column,constraint,create,current_time,cursor,day_hour,day_second,declare,delete,deterministic,div,dual,elseif,exists,false, float4,force,fulltext,group,hour_microsecond,if,index,inout,int,int3,integer,is,key,label,left,linear,localtime,long,loop,mediumblob,middleint, mod,not,numeric,option,order,outfile,procedure,range,real,release,replace,return,rlike,second_microsecond,separator,smallint,sql,sqlwarning,sql_small_result, straight_join,then,tinytext,trigger,union,unsigned,use,utc_time,varbinary,varying,while,x509,zerofill,performance_schema

          SQLServer reserved keywords

          The following words are reserved for the ID name and database name and must not be used.

          master, model, msdb, tempdb, sa, sqlserver_mirror_login, add, external, procedure, all, fetch, public, alter, file, raiserror, and, fillfactor, read, any, for, readtext, as, foreign, reconfigure, asc, freetext, references, authorization, freetexttable, replication, backup, from, restore, begin, full, restrict, between, function, return, breakgoto, revert, browse, grant, revoke, bulk, group, right, by, having, rollback, cascade, holdlock, rowcount, case, identity, rowguidcol, check, identity_insert, rule, checkpoint, identitycol, save, close, if, schema, clustered, in, securityaudit, coalesce, index, select, collate, inner, semantickeyphrasetable, column, insert, semanticsimilaritydetailstable, commit, intersect, semanticsimilaritytable, compute, into, session_user, constraint, is, set, contains, join, setuser, containstable, key, shutdown, continue, kill, some, convert, left, statistics, create, like, system_user, cross, lineno, table, current, load, tablesample, current_date, merge, textsize, current_time, national, then, current_timestamp, nocheck, to, current_user, nonclustered, top, cursor, not, tran, database, null, transaction, dbcc, nullif, trigger, deallocate, of, truncate, declare, off, try_convert, default, offsets, tsequal, delete, on, union, deny, open, unique, desc, opendatasource, unpivot, disk, openquery, update, distinct, openrowset, updatetext, distributed, openxml, use, double, option, user, drop, or, values, dump, order, varying, else, outer, view, end, over, waitfor, errlvl, percent, when, escape, pivot, where, except, plan, while, exec, precision, with, execute, primary, within, group, exists, print, writetext, exit, proc.

          PostgreSQL reserved keywords

          The following words are reserved for the ID name and must not be used.

          abort, abs, absolute, access, action, ada, add, admin, after, aggregate, alias, all, allocate, alter, analyse, analyze, and, any, are, array, as, asc, asensitive, assertion, assignment, asymmetric, at, atomic, authorization, avg, backward, before, begin, between, bigint, binary, bit, bitvar, bit_length, blob, boolean, both, breadth, by, c, cache, call, called, cardinality, cascade, cascaded, case, cast, catalog, catalog_name, chain, char, character, characteristics, character_length, character_set_catalog, character_set_name, character_set_schema, char_length, check, checked, checkpoint, class, class_origin, clob, close, cluster, coalesce, cobol, collate, collation, collation_catalog, collation_name, collation_schema, column, column_name, command_function, command_function_code, comment, commit, committed, completion, condition_number, connect, connection, connection_name, constraint, constraints, constraint_catalog, constraint_name, constraint_schema, constructor, contains, continue, conversion, convert, copy, corresponding, count, create, createdb, createuser, cross, cube, current, current_date, current_path, current_role, current_time, current_timestamp, current_user, cursor, cursor_name, cycle, data, database, date, datetime_interval_code, datetime_interval_precision, day, deallocate, dec, decimal, declare, default, deferrable, deferred, defined, definer, delete, delimiter, delimiters, depth, deref, desc, describe, descriptor, destroy, destructor, deterministic, diagnostics, dictionary, disconnect, dispatch, distinct, do, domain, double, drop, dynamic, dynamic_function, dynamic_function_code, each, else, encoding, encrypted, end, endexec, equals, escape, every, except, exception, exclusive, exec, execute, existing, exists, explain, external, extract, false, fetch, final, first, float, for, force, foreign, fortran, forward, found, free, freeze, from, full, function, g, general, generated, get, global, go, goto, grant, granted, group, grouping, handler, having, hierarchy, hold, host, hour, identity, ignore, ilike, immediate, immutable, implementation, implicit, in, increment, index, indicator, infix, inherits, initialize, initially, inner, inout, input, insensitive, insert, instance, instantiable, instead, int, integer, intersect, interval, into, invoker, is, isnull, isolation, iterate, join, k, key, key_member, key_type, lancompiler, language, large, last, lateral, leading, left, length, less, level, like, limit, listen, load, local, localtime, localtimestamp, location, locator, lock, lower, m, map, match, max, maxvalue, message_length, message_octet_length, message_text, method, min, minute, minvalue, mod, mode, modifies, modify, module, month, more, move, mumps, name, names, national, natural, nchar, nclob, new, next, no, nocreatedb, nocreateuser, none, not, nothing, notify, notnull, null, nullable, nullif, number, numeric, object, octet_length, of, off, offset, oids, old, on, only, open, operation, operator, option, options, or, order, ordinality, out, outer, output, overlaps, overlay, overriding, owner, pad, parameter, parameters, parameter_mode, parameter_name, parameter_ordinal_position, parameter_specific_catalog, parameter_specific_name, parameter_specific_schema, partial, pascal, password, path, pendant, placing, pli, position, postfix, precision, prefix, preorder, prepare, preserve, primary, prior, privileges, procedural, procedure, public, read, reads, real, recheck, recursive, ref, references, referencing, reindex, relative, rename, repeatable, replace, reset, restrict, result, return, returned_length, returned_octet_length, returned_sqlstate, returns, revoke, right, role, rollback, rollup, routine, routine_catalog, routine_name, routine_schema, row, rows, row_count, rule, savepoint, scale, schema, schema_name, scope, scroll, search, second, section, security, select, self, sensitive, sequence, serializable, server_name, session, session_user, set, setof, sets, share, show, similar, simple, size, smallint, some, source, space, specific, specifictype, specific_name, sql, sqlcode, sqlerror, sqlexception, sqlstate, sqlwarning, stable, start, state, statement, static, statistics, stdin, stdout, storage, strict, structure, style, sub class_origin, sublist, substring, sum, symmetric, sysid, system, system_user, table, table_name, temp, template, temporary, terminate, than, then, time, timestamp, timezone_hour, timezone_minute, to, toast, trailing, transaction, transactions_committed, transactions_rolled_back, transaction_active, transform, transforms, translate, translation, treat, trigger, trigger_catalog, trigger_name, trigger_schema, trim, true, truncate, trusted, type, uncommitted, under, unencrypted, union, unique, unknown, unlisten, unnamed, unnest, until, update, upper, usage, user, user_defined_type_catalog, user_defined_type_name, user_defined_type_schema, using, vacuum, valid, validator, value, values, varchar, variable, varying, verbose, version, view, volatile, when, whenever, where, with, without, work, write, year, zone, postgresql, postgres, template1, template0.

          Instructions for Whitelist Management Interfaces