
All Product Document

          Relational Database Service

          Detailed Interpretation for mysqldump Tool

          Tool introduction

          "mysqldump" is a self-contained client tool of MySQL, and it is mainly used in the logic backup of MySQL, meeting the needs for database/table/row-level data backup and database table structure backup. Application scenarios include but are not limited to the following cases:

          • Carry out data backup before executing SQL of DML/DDL type (used in meeting rollback needs)
          • Data migration between databases of different vendors.
          • Data migration during database version upgrading
          • Export some data into a test environment for feature and performance tests.

          Common usages

          Scenarios Command examples Key parameters
          Export the entire database mysqldump -h -P -u -p -A -d > result.sql -A, --all-databases
          Export partial database mysqldump -h -P -u -p -A -d > result.sql -B, --databases
          Export some tables from the single database mysqldump -h -P -u -p -A -d > result.sql
          Export some data from single table mysqldump -h -P -u -p -A -d > result.sql -w, --where=name, add quotation marks to "Notice"
          Only export teh table structure mysqldump -h -P -u -p -A -d > result.sql -d, --no-data
          Only export the data, except for table structure mysqldump -h -P -u -p -A -d > result.sql -t, --no-create-info
          Export database events mysqldump -h -P -u -p -A -d > result.sql -E, --events
          Export database trigger mysqldump -h -P -u -p -A -d > result.sql --triggers
          Export database storage process and function mysqldump -h -P -u -p -A -d > result.sql -R, --routines
          Export specified character set mysqldump -h -P -u -p -A --default-character-set=utf8 > result.sql --default-character-set

          Important parameters

          • --add-drop-table

            [Note]Be enabled by default. The SQL file exported from mysqldump contains DROP statement: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 'XXX';

            [Notice]Avoid "drop" of the original datasheet. Lose the data when importing the SQL file directly into an online instance. Avoid exporting a DROP statement using the parameter "--skip-add-drop-table".

          • --add-locks

            [Note]Be enabled by default, add "LOCK TABLES 'XXX' WRITE" and "UNLOCK TABLES" respectively before and after the "INSERT" statement.

            [Notice]Avoid locking the table and blocking write-in of other connections when importing SQL into an instance. Resolve this problem using the parameter "--skip-add-locks".

          • --lock-tables

            [Note]Be enabled by default. Add a read lock (LOCK TABLES xxx READ) to tables in the specified database for blocking write-in and ensuring consistency of backup sites.

            [Notice]As for the InnoDB engine table, you are advised to use "-single-transaction" rather than "--lock-tables". You can avoid this problem using the parameter "--skip-lock-tables".

          • --lock-tables

            [Note]disabled by default, lock all database tables by adding read lock ahead of the backup cycle.

            [Notice]this parameter automatically disables the parameter options "--single-transaction" and "--lock-tables".

          • --single-transaction

            [Note]"mysqldump" automatically enables a transaction for "REPEATABLE READ", and then backs up the consistent data snapshot. It is only applicable to transaction tables like a table of the InnoDB engine.

            [Notice]If the database only has tables of InnoDB engine, recommend you to enable this parameter when exporting the "mysqldump". The specific execution process is as follows. Before the back-up, set the transaction isolation level as "REPEATABLE READ", and send the server "START TRANSACTION" statement. In the MySQL's general log, you can see the following contents:

            SAVEPOINT SP
            ... ...
          • --set-gtid-purged

            [Note]Be enabled by default. Check if the exported SQL file contains "GTID_PURGED" information.

            When "ON/AUTO", exported SQL file contains "SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED='xxx:1-xxx';"

            When "OFF", exported SQL file does not contain "SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED='xxx:1-xxx';"

            [Notice]You need to set this parameter when enabling the GTID instance.

          • --master-data

            [Note]Be used for recording the master database's "binlog" site when the master database backup is ongoing.

            Value 1: In the exported SQL file there is no comment "CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE='XXX', MASTER_LOG_POS=XXX";

            Value 2: In the exported SQL file there is a comment "CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE='XXX', MASTER_LOG_POS=XXX";

            [Notice]You need to set this parameter when "binlog" is enabled, but the "GTID" is disabled.

          • --dump-slave

            [Note]Be used for the backup on the slave, and record the corresponding master's "binlog" site at the backup moment.

            Value 1: in the exported SQL file there is no comment "CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE='XXX', MASTER_LOG_POS=XXX";

            Value 2: in the exported SQL file there is the comment "CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE='XXX', MASTER_LOG_POS=XXX";

            [Notice]When executing the "mysqldump" on the slave, the command "flush table with read lock" is first enabled by default for acquiring the backup consistency snapshot. If there is no non-transaction table in the instance, recommend you to use "--single-transaction" together, preventing master-slave synchronous thread write-in from being blocked during the backup process.

          Notices for data import

          1. Delete data by mistake when importing data

            When "--add-drop-table=FALSE" is not specified, there is a "drop table" statement in the exported SQL file. When the backup data is recovered on line, table re-creation comes after "drop table", during which there might be error prompt "the table does not exist and original table data is lost".

          2. Lock table when importing data

            When "--add-locks=FALSE" is not specified, there is a "lock table write" statement in the exported SQL file. When the backup data is recovered on line, the table is locked, during which write-in of the current table's other connections are blocked, and several connections might rise.

          3. When 5.7 enables GTID, there is "SET @@SESSION.SQL_LOG_BIN= 0" statement in SQL that is exported by using "--set-gtid-purged" parameter. When importing, the data do not record "binlog". Thus, the slave does not synchronize data. To ensure consistency of master-slave data, you need to remove the following statements in files from "mysqldump":

            SET @@SESSION.SQL_LOG_BIN= 0;
          4. In the exported SQL file, there are both database table data and some variable setting statements. Special attention must be given in online importing.
          Detailed Interpretations for sql_mode Parameters - NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION
          Detailed Interpretations for the Use of local_infile Parameters