
All Product Document

          Relational Database Service

          FAQs About the Use

          How to log in to the RDS database instance?

          Please see Use the RDS Instance in the Operations Guide

          What types of database engines does the RDS support for now?

          • The RDS supports MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL databases for now.
          • Presently, there is no plan to support the Oracle database, and you may apply for the use of the BCC virtual machine on your own to build databases of these types.

          How to create "Slave" in the created MySQL instance?

          • To ensure the database's high availability, the users have one Slave created by default when creating MySQL by using the RDS. However, this master-slave relationship is invisible to users for now. The users need not create "Slave" manually.
          • To expand the database's read ability, the users need to use the RDS for MySQL read-only instance.

          Must the RDS be purchased in the purchase of a cloud server? Is the database type subject to restrictions?

          You may use BCC only, rather than purchase the RDS products. You may download and install the database from BCC on your own, but such kind of database falls beyond the technical support by Baidu AI Cloud.

          Does the RDS for MySQL support the "Event" feature?

          The RDS for MySQL 5.6 supports this feature, but Version 5.5 does not support it.

          Does the RDS support recovery of a separate stable?

          The RDS supports "Clone Instance", and you may recover the designated database table using the "Clone Instance" feature.

          How to manage the storage process in "phpMyAdmin"?

          From "Routnies" tag in phpMyAdmin you can see the custom storage process.

          Does the RDS support a slow query log?

          Yes. The users may view it on the management console.

          How to upgrade the RDS?

          What account is used for the login to the RDS proxy instance?

          To log in to the RDS's proxy instance, you need to use a proxy instance's special account and privilege. When being created, the proxy instance's special account is automatically synchronized to the master instance.

          Why is there no instance on the console in the purchase of the RDS database?

          If the RDS instance is missing, you should click the top left corner on the instance page of your RDS console for the switch, checking if your RDS server exists in other zones. If no server is found, recommend you to submit "database/the RDS" ticket, on which you should exhaustively describe your problems and provide specific instance ID. Then, our engineers contact you for troubleshooting.

          How to realize RDS read/write separation?

          Presently, only MySQL instance supports read/write separation feature for this feature must be used together with the read-only instance. Both master instance and read-only instance have separate connection address. The application can automatically configure the instance connection address, and realize data read/write separation. For details, see Read/write separation.

          Is there a way to open SSL without downtime?

          it is required to instance to restart the instance to open or close SSL in RDS, the configuration should be done during the low peak period of business. You can refer to the official documents SSL Encryption.

          Will the services be affected when the configuration of RDS MySQL changes?

          When the changes of configuration is taking effective, the database will stop writing for a period, which depends on the business flow, and most operations related to the database, account number, network, etc. cannot be performed. Therefore, please try to perform the configuration change operation during the low peak period of the business.

          What is the public IP bandwidth of RDS?

          At present, after public network access is enabled in the cloud database RDS, the allocated IP bandwidth of public network is 20M by default.

          Why the RDS proxy instance created has no traffic?

          After creating the proxy instance, you need to modify the requested connection information in your code from the previous master library as the connection information of the proxy instance created. If there are still exceptions after modification, you can Submit Work Order for consultation.

          Is MyISAM or InnoDB the default database storage engine of MySQL?

          The default storage engine of rds database is InnoDB.

          How long can the BINLOG log of RDS be kept?

          The BLNLOG is to be kept locally for 7 days by default, if you need to modify it, you can submit the work order for modification.

          After the cloud database account is created, can it only be authorized through the command line, and can't be authorized through the page?

          After you create a super account, you can only authorize it through the command line. If the account you create is a normal one, you can also authorize it on the console.

          Can relational database of Baidu AI cloud-RDS recover the data not covered by automatic backup time?

          The automatic backup in RDS console is a kind of full backup, RDS does not support multiple full backups in a day, but it supports incremental backups every 5 minutes at present. So if you need to restore data, you can restore it to the specified time point by cloning instance function. Please refer to :Cloning Instance, Automatic Backup for details.

          How to use remote ssh connection for cloud database RDS?

          As RDS database is not a server, it does not support ssh connection. It can be called by a database tools or in code. The public network is not opened for database by default. If there is a need for public network access, you can open it (free of charge). Specific opening and connection method steps can be found in: Connection Instance.

          How many pieces of data a table in RDS support at most?

          It is suggested to be no more than 2000w pieces of data in a table, otherwise, the primary key and index query will not be seriously affected but the complex query cannot be performed.

          How to deal with if RDS memory can't be released all the time?

          At present, it is required to restart to completely release the memory, only a small part of the memory can be cleaned by executing the flush-tables command; If too much memory cannot be cleaned, it will cause memory occupation, which will kill SQL. In addition, it is also required to check the parameter value setting of innodb_buffer_pool. If the memory release problem is not solved by the above methods, please Submit Work Order to contact Baidu AI cloud database expert for assistance or apply for database expert service.

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