Baidu AI Cloud


Cloud Disk Service

Overview of Scaling up

Scale up Mode

With the business growth, your disk capacity may not meet the requirements of data storage. At this time, you can scale up your disk to the desired target capacity based on the original disk capacity. The data in the scaled-up disk will still remain.

For the mode of scaling up, please pay attention to:

  • The CDS data disk can be scaled up only when it is in the status of "Unmounted" and "Mounted".
  • The CDS system disk can be scaled up only when it is in the status of "Operating" or "Normal";
  • The scaled-up capacity cannot exceed the upper limit of the capacity of disks of this type;
  • The users are recommended to first Create a Disk Snapshot for data backup before scaling up the disk;
  • The last-generation disks will face the scenarios of scaling-up failure because the disks are at the phase-out stage. If you want to initiate the operation of scaling up for the last-generation Cloud Disk Storage (CDS), please synchronously initiate the operation of Change Cloud Disk Storage (CDS) Type while initiating the operation of scaling up.

Upper Limit of Disk Capacity

For the scaling up of Cloud Disk Storage (CDS), the new value of scaling up must be greater than the capacity of the existing data disk, and cannot exceed the upper limit of the inherent disk capacity of the used disk type.

Upper Limit of Data Disk Capacity

For the data disks, the upper limits of scaling up of data disks different from the Cloud Disk Storage (CDS) type are as shown in the table below:

Data disk type Upper limit of scaled-up disk (GB)
General SSD 32765
High-performance Cloud Disk Storage (CDS) 32765
High-throughput HDD 32765
General HDD 32765
Last-generation Cloud Disk Storage (CDS) 32765

For the specific performance of each kind of disk, you can view Disk Type.

Upper Limit of System Disk Capacity

For the system disks, the SSD Cloud Disk Storage (CDS) and high-performance disk are currently supported, and their upper limits of scaling up are as shown in the Table below:

System disk type Upper limit of scaled-up disk (GB)
General SSD 500
High-performance Cloud Disk Storage (CDS) 500

Scale up Operation

1.Scale up disk

You should complete the operation of scaling up of disk by the console or API. For the API interface, please refer to "Scaling up and Type Change of Disk".

2.Complete the partition and file and the file system expansion

After scaling up the disk, you should also log in to the BCC instance to complete the disk partition and the system file extension in Linux environment or Windows environment. About the mode of log-in instance, please view "Log in to Instance".

For the detailed partition and file system creation, you can view Extended Partition of Linux Data Disk or Extended Partition of Windows Data Disk.

Extended Partition of Windows Data Disk