Baidu AI Cloud


Cloud Disk Service

Change Cloud Disk Type


You can flexibly change the disk type of the Cloud Disk Storage (CDS) according to your own business use requirements, and the CDS supports a variety of change forms:

  • You can upgrade or degrade the purchased post-paid CDS type, or upgrade the prepaid CDS type.
  • Not only the data disk type conversion but also the system disk type conversion is supported.
  • If you want to scale up the purchased CDS, you can synchronously initiate the disk type change operation.

Usage Scenarios

If having mounted the CDS to the Baidu Cloud Compute (BCC) instance, you can change the data disk and system disk type; if having mounted the CDS to the Dedicated Cloud Compute (DCC), you can only change the data disk type, and the system disk type change is not supported temporarily. For the specific scenarios of disk type change, you can refer to the following Table:

Mounting instance type Disk charging method Disk region Disk function Disk type upgrade Disk type degrade
Baidu Cloud Compute (BCC) Postpaid All-region Data disk Support Support
Baidu Cloud Compute (BCC) Postpaid All-region System disk Support Support
Baidu Cloud Compute (BCC) Prepaid All-region Data disk Support Nonsupport
Baidu Cloud Compute (BCC) Prepaid All-region System disk Support Nonsupport
Dedicated Cloud Compute (DCC) Postpaid All-region Data disk Support Support
Dedicated Cloud Compute (DCC) Prepaid All-region Data disk Support Nonsupport


  • The disk type upgrade refer to: To change the type of CDS to a disk type with a higher price.
  • The disk type degrade refer to: To change the type of CDS to a disk type with a lower price.
  • The disk type change is only limited to the CDS, and the local disk type change is not supported;
  • Currently, cloud platform provides five types of CDS with prices ranging from low to high: Last-generation CDS, general HDD, high-throughput HDD, high-performance CDS and general SSD. For the differences and specific performance indexes of all disk types, please view Disk Type. The pricing of different CDS varies and supports the two charging modes of prepaid and on-demand billing, please view the two modes respectively.

Usage Restriction

1.You can initiate the disk type change operation only when your disk is in the status of "Operating" or "Mounted". The configuration change is not allowed when your disk is in other status.

2.The disk type change operation may last for several hours from initiation to completion, so we recommend you to initiate the type change operation for the disk when your service is during the low peak period.

3.After the disk type change operation is initiated, the disk will go through two kinds of status, namely, "Scaling up in Configuration Change" and "Optimizing in Configuration Change". Specifically, "Scaling up in Configuration Change" will last for seconds or minutes, while "Optimizing in Configuration Change" will last for minutes to hours. When the disk is in the status of "Optimizing in Configuration Change", the duration is longer, but the reading and writing is not impacted.

4.For the security of your data, some operations are not allowed during the type conversion period. For the detailed use restriction, you can view the "Operation Guide > Scaling up in Configuration Change" and "Operation Guide > Optimizing in Configuration Change" below the help document.

5.For the security of your data, the system sets a window protection period for the disk type change operation. The window protection period starts from the initiation time of the configuration change operation and ends 12 hours later. When you initiate the disk type change operation and the change operation is completed within 12 hours, you should wait until the window protection period ends if you want to initiate the operation again. If the configuration change fails due to that the disk type change operation initiated by you meets accidental external factors within 12 hours, you can immediately initiate the new configuration change operation. So the new operation is not limited by the window protection period. If the time of disk type change exceeds 12 hours due to that your disk encounters any abnormal conditions, please submit a ticket for processing.

Operation Guide

You can log in to the console to change the instance type of CDS.

1.Log in to the official website of ticket

Log in to official website.

  • If you do not register an account, you must first "Register an Account" for operation.
  • If you have registered an account, you can directly "Login".

2.Enter the CDS console

In the left navigation bar in the page, select "Product Service > Cloud Disk Storage (CDS)" to enter the page of "disk list". Or in the left navigation bar, select "Product Service > Baidu Cloud Compute > Instance List > Current Instance Disk" to enter "Page of Current Instance Disk List".

3.Enter the page of disk configuration change

You can check the CDS requiring type change in the page of disk list, and then click "Scaling up and Configuration Change" in "More Operations" above the page to enter the page of disk configuration change.


You can also click the disk name in the disk list to enter the details page of disk, and then click the "Change" entry behind the disk type to enter the page of disk configuration change.


After entering the page of disk type configuration change, you can select the target change type of the disk. At this time, if you want to simultaneously scale up the disk, you can complete the scaling up synchronously in this page. For the operation method of disk scaling up, you can view Scaling up of Cloud Disk Storage (CDS). You can view the price of the changed disk on the right side of the page, click "Next" after confirmation, and then complete the order and pay.

After you complete the above operations, the disk will enter the status of "Scaling up in Configuration Change" and "Optimizing in Configuration Change" successively to complete the configuration change operation initiated by you. The status of "Scaling up in Configuration Change" is expected to last for seconds or minutes, depending on the network and load condition of the current server; while the status of "Optimizing in Configuration Change" is expected to last for minutes to hours, depending on the size of the data in your current disk, but doesn't exceed 12 hours.


  • When the disk for configuration change utilizes the prepaid charging mode, the disk will start to be charged according to the new disk type after the configuration change operation is initiated;
  • When the disk for configuration change utilizes the postpaid charging mode, the disk will start to be charged according to the new disk type after the type conversion. When in status of "configuration change", namely "Scaling up in Configuration Change" and "Optimizing in Configuration Change", the disk will be charged according to the original disk type;
  • Cloud platform provides you with a system disk with the capacity of 40GB for free. When you initiate the configuration change operation for the system disk of 40GB, if the disk capacity is not changed when the system disk type is changed, no fees are collected for the change operation;
  • When you convert the disk type to SSD, the lower limit of capacity of the disk will start from 50GB.

4.Scaling up in Configuration Change

When the disk is in the status of "Scaling up in Configuration Change", the background is conducting the configuration change operation for you. The operation is expected to last for seconds or minutes, depending on the network and load condition of the current server.

When the disk is in the status of "Scaling up in Configuration Change", for the security of your data, some operations are not allowed. If you should carry out the operations, we recommend you to delay the initiation of the disk type change operation. The specific operations which are not allowed are as shown below:

  • It is not allowed to carry out the mounting and uninstalling operation for the data disk in the status of "Scaling up in Configuration Change";
  • It is not allowed to execute the manual or automatic snapshot for the data disk or system disk in the status of "Scaling up in Configuration Change";
  • It is not allowed to execute the rollback snapshot for the data disk or system disk in the status of "Scaling up in Configuration Change";
  • It is not allowed to carry out the operation of configuration change and scaling up for the data disk in the status of "Scaling up in Configuration Change".

5.Optimizing in Configuration Change

When the status of "Scaling up in Configuration Change" ends, the disk enter the status of "Optimizing in Configuration Change". In this status, the system will transport data for your disk. This process lasts for minutes to hours, depending on the data size in your disk and the type of the disk.

At this time, the read and write operation in your disk is not impacted, but there are still some use restrictions.

  • It is not allowed to execute the manual or automatic snapshot for the data disk or system disk in the status of "Optimizing in Configuration Change";
  • It is not allowed to execute the rollback snapshot for the data disk or system disk in the status of "Scaling up in Configuration Change";
  • It is not allowed to create images for system disks that are in the "Optimizing in Configuration Change"
  • It is not allowed to scale up the data disk or system disk in the status of "Optimizing in Configuration Change";
  • It is not allowed to release the data disk in the status of "Optimizing in Configuration Change";
  • It is not allowed to release or regularly release the instance in the status of "Optimizing in Configuration Change";
  • It is not allowed to reinstall the system for the instance in the status of "Optimizing in Configuration Change".


  • If you initiate type change for the prepaid CDS within 7 days after creation (or the prepaid BCC instance mounted to the disk within 7 days after creation), when you want to release the CDS or BCC instance when the change operation is initiated but not completed, you should initiate the release operation after the change is completed. If you want to release the disk immediately, please submit a "Ticket" for processing.
Scale up Cloud Disk
Performance Burst Capability