
All Product Document

          Cloud Database MONGODB

          Purchase Product

          When you expect to buy Baidu AI Cloud copy set architecture Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB products, you can enter the instance purchase page for operation. This article explains how to purchase a replica set schema instance.

          During the purchase, you need to select corresponding configuration based on your business needs.


          Currently, the Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB supports both prepaid and postpaid modes. You can purchase instances on time in the prepaid mode based on the estimated business scale. The longer the prepaid purchase duration is, the lower the price is. If the instance is used for testing, you can choose the postpaid mode. After the test is completed, you have the option of releasing the instance, or change the postpaid mode to the prepaid mode.

          Region and Availability Zone

          The region refers to the geographical location of the instance. The Intranet of the instance in different regions is not interlinked. You cannot change the region after the instance is created successfully. Thus, it is prudent to select the region.

          Baidu AI Cloud is currently under construction in North China-Beijing, North China-Baoding, East China-Suzhou, South China-Guangzhou, Hong Kong and other places. Currently, cloud database DocDB for MongoDB has services in North China-Beijing, North China-Baoding, East China-Suzhou, South China-Guangzhou, and Central China-Wuhan.

          For other information about Baidu AI Cloud region construction, please refer to the Instruction of Region Selection



          When you purchase the instance of cloud database DocDB for MongoDB replica set, the corresponding configuration instructions are as follows:

          Configuration Type Configuration Item Note
          Basic Configuration Database Version Baidu AI Cloud currently provides 3.4 version MongoDB service
          Storage Engine Baidu AI Cloud currently provides WiredTiger Storage Engine Service
          Database Type Baidu AI Cloud currently provides three-node replica sets and shard architecture types
          Specification Baidu AI Cloud currently provides a variety of instance specifications for different CPU and memory configurations, see Instance Specifications
          Network Configuration Default Private Network Baidu AI Cloud provides a default private network VPC for each user in each region. You can select to use this default private network.
          In addition, you can change the private network configuration at any time after the purchase and activation instance is completed.
          Customize Private Network If you have created several custom VPCs in Baidu's private network VPC service, you can also select to use this custom VPC when purchasing Baidu AI Cloud Database DocDB for MongoDB
          Storage Configuration Storage Space Configuration The DocDB for MongoDB instance of Baidu AI Cloud Database provides a storage space range of 0-2000GB. You can also expand the existing space at any time after opening.

          Configuration selection for replica set architecture:


          The configuration option of shard cluster architecture:


          System Information

          You can customize the instance name, which supports uppercase and lowercase case letters, numbers, Chinese characters, and special characters, such as "-", "_", "/" and ".". The name must begin with letter within 65 bytes.

          Set the account password for the initial connection to the cloud database DocDB for MongoDB.

          Password of “root” account is 8-32 bytes. English character(s), number(s), and symbol(s) must exist at the same time. Of which, symbols are limited to "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "*" and "()".

          You can set the password when the instance is created or change the password while the instance is running.

          Purchase Information

          Under the prepaid purchase model, you can purchase instance durations, which are available for 1-10 months or 1-year, 2-year, or 3-year.


          Enable a Service
          Manage Instance