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          Cloud Database MONGODB

          FAQs About Use of Product

          What Is the Quota of Baidu AI Cloud Database DocDB for MongoDB Instance Per User Per Region?

          Currently, there is no limit on the number of instances that users can create for the Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB. So, you can create as many intances as you want.

          What If the Time of Creating Instances Is Too Long/the Creating Is Failed?

          Generally, the creation of Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB gets finished within 5 minutes. Please wait patiently. You receive a short message notice from us when creating an instance is successful.

          If the instance creation process takes more than 15 minutes, the creation may fail with a small probability. At this point, the instance is removed from the list of instances, and your account automatically receives a refund, which you can view in the financial center.

          What Privileges Does the Specified Root Account Have for Creating An Instance?

          The root administrator account in Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB has the following operation rights: dbAdminAnyDatabase, readWriteAnyDatabase, restore, backup.

          How to Renew and Set Up Automatic Renewal?

          The prepaid instance of the Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB supports manual and automatic renewal. If your plan to use an instance for a long time, it is recommended to turn on the automatic renewal function to avoid releasing the instance in case of forgetting. After the automatic renewal is enabled, the system renews the instance automatically 7 days before the expiration date.

          • Manual renewal entry Entry1: Specify the renewal for a single instance or multiple instances in batches on the instance list page. Entry2: specify the renewal for a single instance in the upper right corner of the instance details page. Entry3: complete manual renewal for a single or multiple Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB instance in the renewal management page in the financial center.
          • Automatic renewal entry Entry1: Start automatic renewal in the purchase information of the instance creation page. Entry 2: Enable automatic renewal for one or more instances on the renewal management page in the finance center. image.png image.png

          How to Choose Pricing Policies (Postpaid/Prepaid)?

          Postpaid instances can be released flexibly for AD hoc test and trial scenarios.

          Prepaid instance purchase requires a one-time prepaid package annual or monthly fee. However, it has a significant advantage over post-paid instance in price. If you plan to use the Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB for a long time, it is recommended to choose the prepaid billing method.

          How Does A Postpaid Instance Switch to Prepaid Billing?

          Currently, the Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB does not support billing changes (stay tuned). It is recommended that you should create a prepaid instance and import data from the postpaid instance into the prepaid instance. Refer to MongoDB data migration best practices for data migration.

          How Much Configuration Is Appropriate to Purchase?

          Select the CPU, memory, and disk configurations when buying an instance. There are two main considerations for configuration selection, i.e., performance and business data size.

          • CPU memory configuration: Business requirements on performance affect the choice of CPU memory configuration. The maximum IOPS and the maximum number of connections corresponding to each CPU memory package should be referred to the Instance Specification. QPS, response delay, and other performance depend on the characteristics of user business data and request type.
          • Disk configuration: The size of the business data directly affect the size of the disk. It is recommended to purchase the size of the disk with some redundancy based on the existing data volume. If you find that CPU, memory, and disk configuration you purchased is not enough, you can expand capacity or change the instance at any time. For specific operation, please see Transformation and Expansion.

          What Does the Baidu AI Cloud Database DocDB for MongoDB Disk Space Consist of? How Much Space Is Available?

          Users' available storage size = purchased disk capacity size -Journal

          Note: journals are usually around 300 MB in size

          How to Deal with the Loss of Database Login-Password?

          You can reset the password of the database account on the instance details page of the Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB.


          What Is the Difference Between Baidu AI Cloud Database DocDB for MongoDB and Self-Built MongoDB?

          Compared with self-built MongoDB, see Product Features about Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB

          How to Configure Multi-User Access Control IAM?

          See the introduction of Identity and Access Management(IAM) in the operation guide.

          Does the Configuration Changes Affect Services?

          The total time of CPU, memory, the disk is in minute. Read operations can be carried out typically when expanding capacity while large numbers of writes are not recommended. When switching between new and old instances, the disk entry has a second flash.

          How Many Tables Can The Baidu AI Cloud Database DocDB For MongoDB Create? What's the Maximum of Each Database?

          The Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB does not exceed 16 MB per document.

          FAQs About Operations