
All Product Document

          Cloud Database MONGODB

          Calling Instruction

          API Authentication Mechanism

          Users can interact with Baidu AI Cloud in two ways, including authentication and anonymity. For the authentication method, the sender identity of a request needs to be verified by using the Access Key Id/Secret Access Key encryption method. Access Key Id (AK) is used to indicate the user. Secret Access Key (SK) is the key used by the user to encrypt the authentication string and by Baidu AI Cloud to verify the authentication string. SK must be kept confidential and only be known by the user and Baidu AI Cloud.

          When Baidu AI Cloud receives the user's request, the system will use the same SK and the same authentication mechanism to generate the authentication string and compare it with the authentication string contained in the user's request. If the authentication string is the same, the system considers that the user has the specified operation permission and performs the relevant operation. If the authentication string is different, the system ignores the operation and returns the error code. For details of the authentication mechanism, see Authentication mechanism.

          Typesetting Agreement

          Typesetting format Significance
          < > Variable
          [ ] Options available
          { } Required
          | Mutual exclusion
          Monospaced font, Courier New Screen output

          Time and Date

          Date and time can be represented in many ways. For the sake of uniformity, unless it is a convention or an appropriate specification, all the date and time fields specified in the HTTP standard must adopt GMT, and all other date and time fields must adopt UTC and be in accordance with ISO 8601, with the following restrictions::

          1. All dates should adopt the form of YYYY-MM-DD, for example, 2016-06-01 is represented as Wednesday, June 1st, 2016.
          2. All time should adopt the form of hh:mm:ss, and add a capital Z at the end to indicate UTC time. For example, 23:00:10Z indicates that UTC time is 23:00:10.
          3. When combining representations of date and time, add the letter T between the two. For example, 2016-06-01T23:00:10Z indicates that the UTC time is 23:0:10 on Wednesday, June 1, 2016.

          General Instructions

          API calls follow the HTTP protocol, and each Region adopts a different domain name, and the specific domain name is mongodb.{region}.baidubce.com. The data exchange format is JSON, and all request/response body contents are encoded in UTF-8.

          Request Parameters

          The request parameters include the following 4 types:

          Parameters Instruction
          URI It is usually used to designate operation entity, such as: POST /v{version}/instance/{instanceId}
          Query parameter The request parameters carried in the URL
          HEADER Passed in via HTTP header field, e.g. x-bce-date
          RequestBody Request data body organized in JSON format

          Return Value

          The return value has two forms:

          Return content Description
          HTTP STATUS CODE Such as 200,400,403,404 etc.
          ResponseBody The body of response data organized in JSON format

          API Version Number

          Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required or not
          version string URL parameter API version number, the current API version is v1. Yes

          Authentication Mechanism

          Access Key and request signature are used for all API security authentication. The Access Key consists of an Access Key ID and a Secret Access Key, both of which are strings. For each HTTP request, an authentication string is generated with the algorithm described below. Submit authentication string in Header Fields--Authorization. The server verifies the correctness of the authentication string according to the generation algorithm. The format of the authentication string isbce-auth-v{version}/{accessKeyId}/{timestamp}/{expirationPeriodInSeconds}/{signedHeaders}/{signature}.

          • Version is a positive integer.
          • Timestamp is the UTC time when the signature is generated
          • ExpirationPeriodInSeconds represents the expiration period of the signature.
          • SignedHeaders is the list of header fields involved in the signature algorithm Header domains are separated by(;), such as host ; X-bce-date. The list is in lexicographic order. (API signature only uses host and two headers of x-bce-date)
          • Signature is a hexadecimal representation of a 256-bit signature, consisting of 64 lowercase letters.

          Definition of Password Encryption and Transmission Specification

          All interface parameters involving password need to be encrypted and plaintext transmission is prohibited. All passwords are encrypted by AES 128-bit encryption algorithm, with the first 16 bits of SK as the key. The binary byte stream generated after encryption needs to be converted to hexadecimal and transmitted to the server in the form of string. The specific steps are as follows:

          • byte[] bCiphertext= AES(plaintext,SK)
          • String strHex = HexStr(bCiphertext)


          If the user encounters a request timeout or an internal server error when calling the create interface, the user can try to resend the request, in which case the user avoids creating more resources than expected through the clientToken parameter, guaranteeing the idempotent of the request.

          Idempotent is based on clientToken, which is an ASCII string of up to 64 bits in length, usually placed in a query string, such as http://mongodb.bj.baidubce.com/v1/instance?clientToken=be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20.

          If the user invokes the creation interface with the same clientToken value, the server returns the same request result. So the user can ensure that only one resource is created by providing the same clientToken value during an error retry. If the user provides a used clientToken, but other request parameters (including the queryString and requestBody) are different, and even the url Path is different, it returns the “IdempotentParameterMismatch” error code.

          ClientToken is valid for 24 hours, and that the last time the clientToken was received by the server is considered to be standard. That is to say, it the client sends the same clientToken constantly, then this clientTokem will be valid for a long time.

          Error Return

          Error Return Format

          When an error occurs in the request, return detailed error message via response body, following the format below:

          Parameter Name Type Description
          code string Error code
          message string Error description
          requestId string requestId of the request


              "requestId" : "ae2225f7-1c2e-427a-a1ad-5413b762957d",
              "code"      : "AccessDenied",
              "message"   : "Access denied."

          Error Return Code

          Error Code Error Description HTTP Status Code Explanation
          AccessDenied Access denied. 403 Operation prohibited
          InvalidAction Invalid Action. 400 Invalid Action.
          InternalFailure We encountered an internal error Please try again. 400 Internal error
          ValidationError Validation Error. 400 Verification failed
          InvalidVersion The API version specified was invalid. 400 Invalid version number
          MissingDateHeader Request must have a “date” or “x-bce-date” header. 400 The Header lacks of ”date” or “x-bce-date”
          MissingAuthToken Request must have a “authorization” header. 400 The header lacks of ”authorization”.
          RequestExpired Request has expired. 400 Request authorization has expired
          ServiceInternalError Internal service occurs error. 500 Internal (unknown) server error
          PaymentFailed payment failed, please check remaining balance 403 Payment fails
          InsufficientBalance Insufficient balance, please check remaining balance 403 Payment fails, insufficient balance
          NoSuchObject The specified object is not found or resource do not exist. 404 The resource does not exist.
          OperationDenied No permission to accessor or permission error. 403 You do not have permission to do this.
          OperationDenied Operation not available. 409 This operation is not allowed under current state of the resource.
          BadRequest Bad request parameters or illegal request. 400 Invalid parameter input

          Public Header

          Public Request Header

          Public header Description
          Authorization Include Access Key and request signature
          Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8.
          x-bce-date String representing date, conforming to API specification.
          Host It indicates the domain name of request API
          x-bce-content-sha256 Hexadecimal string representing SHA256 signature of content part. Content here refers to the HTTP Request Payload Body. It is the original data before the Content part is encoded by HTTP.

          The standard header field of HTTP protocol is no longer listed here. The common header field appears in every Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB API which is required and where the x-bce-content-sha256 header field appears only in POST and PUT requests. POST, PUT, DELETE and other request data are placed in “request body”.

          Public Response Header

          Public header Description
          Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8.
          x-bce-request-id The Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB backend is generated and automatically set to the response header field.
          API Instructions
          Instance Related Interface