
All Product Document

          Cloud Database MONGODB

          API Instructions


          Welcome to use Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB. You can use the API described in this document for flexible manipulation of the Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB service.

          If you are calling the API of Baidu AI Cloud product for the first time, you can watch the API Introductory Video Guide to quickly master the method of calling the API.

          The Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB API provides the following interface types:

          Interface types Description
          Instance Management Instance is a document database Instance. The interface provided by the Instance management API can be used to create a replica set Instance, get the Instance list, Instance details, change the configuration, restart, release the Instance, change the Instance name and change the administrator password.
          Billing Management It can be renewed through the billing management API.
          Other interfaces. The availability zone list can be acquired quickly through interfaces provided in this section.

          The Domain Name of API Service

          Service domain names for the cloud database DocDB for MongoDB API include:

          Region EndPoint Protocol
          Beijing mongodb.bj.baidubce.com HTTP and HTTPS
          Guangzhou mongodb.gz.baidubce.com HTTP and HTTPS
          Suzhou mongodb.su.baidubce.com HTTP and HTTPS
          Best Practices
          Calling Instruction