
All Product Document

          Cloud Database MONGODB


          General Concept


          It means each physical node distributed in the global scope. Currently, Baidu AI Cloud Database DocDB for MongoDB supports North China—Beijing, East China—Suzhou, and South China—Guangzhou.

          Availability Zone

          It means one or more data centers where power, network, and other infrastructure architecture are isolated from each other in the same area. One region contains one or more availability zones. When one availability zone fails, that does not affect the use of other availability zones, to prevent your application or database from being affected by the single point of failure.

          Public network

          It is what we usually refer to as Internet network

          Private network

          It means the Baidu AI Cloud network. By default, the private network is a network within a private network, VPC (Virtual private Cloud). See Private Network VPC for details.

          Terms of Baidu AI Cloud Database DocDB for MongoDB Products

          Database Instance

          The database instance is the database environment running in Baidu AI Cloud. The database instance contain multiple databases created by users.

          Instances Architecture

          The instance architecture means the overall architecture and components within an instance. Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB provides two architectures, replica set and cluster shard, for business scenarios with different data sizes. Please refer to the Instance System Architecture for details.

          Permission of Database Users

          It means the user's role and corresponding permissions when accessing the database instance. Currently, Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB allows users to open modified MongoDB root privileges by default.

          Access Password

          The access password is the proof of the legitimate access to the database. When connecting to an instance, you need to verify the access password.

          Primary Node

          A component in the Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB three-node replica set architecture instance can provide reading and writing services to the outside world.

          Secondary Node

          A component in the Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB three node replica set architecture instance can provide read-only services to the public.

          Hidden Node

          A component in the Baidu AI cloud database DocDB for MongoDB three node replica set architecture instance is invisible to users and it is used for automatic switching in case of failure of primary node to ensure high availability of service.

          Mongos Component

          A component of the Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB shard cluster architecture instance serves as a service proxy to provide access to the instance, and to achieve internal read-write traffic distribution of the instance.

          Shard Component

          A component of the Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB shard cluster architecture instance serves as a shard server for data storage. Reading and writing operations actually occur in the Shard component.


          A component of Baidu AI Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB shard cluster architecture instance stores cluster configuration information.

          High Availability

          It is often used to describe a system that has been specifically designed to reduce downtime and ensure high availability of services. The Baidu AI cloud database DocDB for MongoDB has functions such as automatic single point switch to ensure high availability of instances and data security.

          Cold Backups

          It means backups when the database is down or under maintenance.

          Hot Backup

          It means backups of the database in its normal working state.


          Queries Per Second is a performance metric that measures how much traffic a particular query server can handle in a given amount of time.

          Database Migration

          As the business changes, the database needs to migrate from one environment to another as the business moves. Such as migrating from local IDC to the cloud, or from one cloud to another

          Database Engine

          The database engine is the core service for storing, processing, and protecting data. The database engine allows you to control access and process requests quickly to meet the requirements of most applications that need to process large amounts of data.

          Instance Specifications
          Instructions for Use