
All Product Document

          Cloud-Native Application Platform CNAP

          Service-mesh-application Access


          Service Mesh is an infrastructure layer dedicated to solving communication between services, and is used to handle communication between services. Service Mesh is usually implemented through a group of sidecar proxies deployed with application codes without sensing the application itself.

          We have provided simple demos for you to quickly get to know and experience our platform: Provider and consumer demos.

          Create a Provider

          Here, taking the Go language as an example, a provider application is created locally and its own service is registered with the service registration center of the micro service platform so that the consumer can call it.

          1.Create a web application that listens on Port 9091 for consumers to call

          // Provider health check interface 
          http.HandleFunc("/health", healthCheck) 
          // Provider functional interface 
          http.HandleFunc("/echo", echo)
          if err := http.ListenAndServe(":9091", nil); err != nil {
                 og.Println("ListenAndServe: ", err)

          2.Code compilation

          GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build

          Create a Consumer

          Here, taking the Go language as an example, a consumer application is created locally and its own service is registered with the service registration center of the micro service platform. At the same time, the application can discover the provider service and complete the call.

          1.Create a web application that listens on Port 9090 for external access

          // External access interface, which calls the echo interface of mesh-provider and returns the processing result 
          http.HandleFunc("/echo", echo)
          // Consumer health check interface 
          http.HandleFunc("/health", healthCheck)
          if err := http.ListenAndServe(":9090", nil); err != nil {
              log.Println("ListeneAndServe error: ", err)

          2.Add call chain headers to codes

          TRACE_HEADERS = []string{

          Note: Mesh's call chain is implemented through header passing. If the user wants to obtaine different service call relationship, he needs to bring the parent call chain head when accessing other services. Call chain and topology are omitted if not used. 3.Code compilation

          GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build

          Deploy CNAP

          1.Make an image

          Refer to the Mesh Image section in the image production document.

          Taking the consumer as an example, the Dockerfile needed to make the image is as follows:

          Use the above Dockerfile to complete the image compilation: 

          docker build -t hub.baidubce.com/[namespace]/[ImageName]:[Image version] .

          > Note: namespace is the name of the namespace created in the environment preparation; ImageName is the name of the image specified by the user to create; 
          Push the compiled image to the image warehouse: 

          docker push hub.baidubce.com/[namespace]/[ImageName]:[Image version]

          # Basic image, optional for user 
          FROM hub.baidubce.com/cnap-public/mesh-base:ubuntu
          # Add binary files 
          COPY mesh-consumer /usr/local/bin
          # Add startup command 
          CMD ["/usr/local/bin/mesh-consumer", "-a", "http://mesh-provider:9091"]

          2.Deploy using CNAP

          Please refer to the service deployment section in CNAP Operation Guide.
          Note: For mesh-type applications, you need to fill in the mesh service port on the console. At the same time, the filled application name needs to be consistent with the service name.

          3.Check the deployment results

          You will see the service information on the registration in CNAP service list page after successful deployment.


          4.Service verification You can observe if the call returns as expected by calling the following interface.

          curl   xx.xx.xx.xx:9090/echo?value=helloworld

          5.Routing Service Mesh supports routing without the need for users to transform services. For the user manual, refer to the routing section in microservice management.

          Configuration Center Access
          Lightweight Registry Access