
All Product Document

          Cloud-Native Application Platform CNAP

          Workspace Management


          CNAP provides a logically isolated application operating environment for different service/project groups under the same Baidu AI Cloud account through the workspace. Workspace operation supports View space list, Create and manage workspace.

          View space list

          1. Log in to the CNAP console
          2. Click Workspace in the left function menu bar to open the workspace list page.


          Create workspace

          1.Click Create Workspace on the workspace list page to open the creation page.

          Basic information:

          • Space name: Workspace name supports uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and -characters. It must start with a letter and be 2-20 bits long.
          • Remarks: Optionally fill in the workspace description information.

          2.Click Next to the associated cluster page.

          The page lists the cluster that can be optionally associated with the current workspace. You can select one or more cluster associations.

          Notes: You can select no cluster during the creation process. After creating the workspace, you can associate cluster operation in Workspace Details.


          3.Select two clusters (examples) and click Next to enter the confirmation page.

          The page shows the name and description of the workspace to be created and the name of the cluster to be associated. Click OK to create a workspace and associate the selected cluster.

          View workspace details

          Click the target workspace name on the workspace list page to enter the workspace details page. Show the basic workspace information and the associated cluster information. You can click Associated Cluster on this page to associate one or more clusters to the current workspace.


          Getting Started
          Resource Management