Baidu AI Cloud


Virtual Private Cloud

Bind Physical Express Tunnel


To bind the physical express tunnel to the express tunnel gateway, you can select to simultaneously set cloud network parameters.

Request Structure

PUT /v{version}/etGateway/{etGatewayId}?action&clientToken={clientToken} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: authorization string
    "etId": "dcphy-478px3km77dh",
    "channelId": "dedicatedconn-i7c1skfd0djs",
    "localCidrs": [""]

Request Parameter

Parameter name Type Required or not Parameter position Description
version String Yes URL parameter API version number (the current value is 1)
etGatewayId String Yes URL parameter Id of express tunnel gateway
action String Yes Query parameter For the actions executed by the express tunnel gateway instance, the value taken in the interface is bind.
clientToken String No Query parameter The idempotence Token is a ASCII string with a length not exceeding 64 bits. Refer to ClientToken idempotence for details.
etId String Yes RequestBody parameter The id, etid and channelId of the bound physical express tunnel must coexist.
channelId String Yes RequestBody parameter The id, etid and channelId of the bound express tunnel channel must coexist.
localCidrs List No RequestBody parameter For the cloud network of the express tunnel gateway, the users can select the vpc segment or customize one or more network segments.

Return Header

There are no other special headers except the public headers.

Return Parameter

There is no special return parameter.

Request Example

PUT /v1/etGateway/dcgw-4ds9x3kmds88?bind&clientToken={ac31ef8c-5e41-4k38-9ds0-9de700ds5b20} HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json
Authorization: bce-auth-v1/bf427691810a11e8a106475a8496ca04/2018-07-06T11:02:49Z/3600/host;x-bce-date/e84ee938f6466428ff5c16b3562a1cbf3db5928e7f863cedec8820b5d98aa474
connection: Keep-Alive
    "etId": "dcphy-478px3km77dh",
    "channelId": "dedicatedconn-i7c1skfd0djs",
    "localCidrs": [""]

Return Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-bce-request-id: cb337890-fda4-4de7-ae5c-6af8ade82281
Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2018 02:11:01 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Server: BWS
VPN Related Interface
Create Express Tunnel Gateway