Baidu AI Cloud


Virtual Private Cloud

SDK Installation

Install SDK Toolkit

Runtime Environment

The PHP SDK package requires a runtime environment of at least PHP 5.3.2.

Install SDK

1.Download VPC PHP SDK tool kit (ZIP kit) in Official Website. 2.Add the following code to the script file and you can use the SDK package:
include 'BaiduBce.phar'; require 'YourConf.php'; For the configuration of VPCClient, you can view the documents of each source for details.

SDK's Directory Structure

    └── BaiduBce
        ├── Auth                //BCE signature related 
        ├── Exception           //BCE client exception 
        ├── Http                //BCE's Http communication related 
        ├── Log                 //BCE log 
        ├── Services 
        │   ├── Acl                    //Acl home directory which must be kept 
        │    │    ├── AclClient.php       //Acl operation class (all operations can be completed through the AclClient class) 
        │    │    └── model     
        │    │         └── AclRule.php    //AclRule module 
        │    ├── Bcc                     //Bcc home directory which must be kept 
        │    │    ├── BccClient.php       //Bcc operation class (all operations can be completed through the BccClient class) 
        │    │    └── model     
        │    │         ├── Billing.php    //Billing module 
        │    │         └── SecurityGroupRuleModel.php //SecurityGroupRule module 
        │   ├── Blb                    //Blb home directory which must be kept 
        │   │   ├── BlbClient.php      //Blb operation class (all operations can be completed through the BlbClient class) 
        │    │    └── model     
        │   │        └── BackendServer.php //BackendServer module 
        │    ├── Eip                     //Eip home directory which must be kept 
        │    │    ├── EipClient.php       //Eip operation class (all operations can be completed through the EipClient class) 
        │    │    └── model     
        │    │         ├── Billing.php    //Billing module 
        │    │         └── Reservation.php //Reservation module 
        │    ├── EipGroup                 //EipGroup home directory which must be kept 
        │    │    ├── EipGroupClient.php   //EipGroup operation class (all operations can be completed through the EipGroupClient class) 
        │    │    └── model     
        │    │         ├── Billing.php     //Billing module 
        │    │         └── Reservation.php //Reservation module 
        │    ├── Nat                      //Nat home directory which must be kept 
        │    │    ├── NatClient.php        //Nat operation class (all operations can be completed through the NatClient class) 
        │    │    └── model     
        │    │         ├── Billing.php     //Billing module 
        │    │         └── Reservation.php //Reservation module 
        │    ├── PeerConn                 //PeerConn home directory which must be kept 
        │    │    ├── PeerConnClient.php   // PeerConn operation class, and all operation can be completed via PeerConnClient class. 
        │    │    └── model     
        │    │         ├── Billing.php     //Billing module 
        │    │         └── Reservation.php //Reservation module 
        │   └── Route                   //Route home directory which must be kept 
        │    │    └── RouteClient.php      //Route operation class (all operations can be completed through the RouteClient class) 
        │    ├── Subnet                   //Subnet home directory which must be kept 
        │    │    └── SubnetClient.php     //Subnet operation type, all operations available. 
        │   └── Vpc                     //Vpc home directory which must be kept 
        │        └── VpcClient.php        //Vpc operation type, all operations available 
        └── Util                 //BCE utility 

Uninstall SDK

It is expected that you delete the phar package of include in the script when uninstalling the SDK .
