
All Product Document

          Virtual Private Cloud


          Isolation Resources

          One logic isolation zone is created on the network resources provided by Baidu AI Cloud to allow you to create cloud resources in the customized virtual private cloud.

          Custom Network

          You can customize and set the network in the management console of Baidu AI Cloud, divide the IP address space in the VPC into one or more subnets, and deploy the different types of cloud service resources in different subnets on demand to facilitate management and operation services.

          Access Control

          The VPC of Baidu AI Cloud provides the security group function. The security group is a security firewall created by the users for instances in the VPC, and defines the ingress and egress rules of IP + port at the instance level.

          Across Regions and Available Zones

          In the same region, the VPC can be created across different available zones (AZ). Currently, the VPC doesn't support across regions.

          High Performance

          The data intercommunicate between two VPC, supporting the bandwidth as high as 10G. An individual NAT gateway supports the throughput performance as high as 5G.

          Application Scenarios