Acquire Endpoint
When confirming the Endpoint configured when you use the SDK, you can first read the section on Service Domain Name in the Developer Guide to understand the Endpoint concept. Baidu AI Cloud currently opens the multi-region support. Please refer to the part of network product VPC in Region Selection Introduction. The Route services are a part of VPC services, and use the VPC service domain name.
Get the Key
To use Baidu Cloud products, you need to have a Baidu Cloud account and a valid AK (Access Key ID) and SK (Secret Access Key) for signature verification. You can obtain and understand your AK/SK information through the following steps:
1.[Register Baidu Cloud Account]( tpl=bceplat&from=portal)
2.[Create AK/SK]( account=&redirect= _=1513940574695#/iam/accesslist)
Being the client of the Route service, RouteClient provides a series of methods for developers to interact with the Route service. When creating RouteClient, you need to first use Endpoint, AK and SK to configure the BceClientConfigurationl type config instance, and then use the config instance to configure the RouteClient. The specific configuration method is as follows:
HOST = b''
AK = b''
SK = b''
config = BceClientConfiguration(credentials=BceCredentials(AK, SK), endpoint=HOST)
self.the_client = route_client.RouteClient(config)
Query Route Table
For query of a route table, the request's parameter routeTableId and vpcId cannot be simultaneously empty.
The instance code for query of a route table is as below:
def get_route(self, vpc_id=None, route_table_id=None, config=None):
path = b'/route'
params = {}
if route_table_id is not None:
params[b'routeTableId'] = route_table_id
if vpc_id is not None:
params[b'vpcId'] = vpc_id
return self._send_request(http_methods.GET, path, params=params, config=config)
The parameters are described as follows:
Parameter name | Type | Required or not | Description |
vpc_id | Bytes or str | No | At least one of the id of VPC and the route_table_id should be selected. |
route_table_id | Bytes or str | No | At least one of the route table id and the vpc_id should be selected. |
config | BceClientConfiguration | No | Config in initializing route_client by default |
Create Route Rule
To create route table rules, you need to pay attention to the following points:
- When "Custom" is selected for the source segment, the customized segment need to be within the existing subnet range, excluding;
- The target network and the current VPC cidr cannot overlap (except when the target segment or the VPC cidr is;
- The source segment and target segment of added route entries cannot be completely consistent with those of existing entries in the route table.
The code for creating route rules is as follows:
def create_route(self, route_table_id, source_address, destination_address,
next_hop_type, description, next_hop_id=None, client_token=None,
path = b'/route/rule'
params = {}
if client_token is None:
params[b'clientToken'] = generate_client_token()
params[b'clientToken'] = client_token
body = {
'routeTableId': compat.convert_to_string(route_table_id),
'sourceAddress': compat.convert_to_string(source_address),
'destinationAddress': compat.convert_to_string(destination_address),
'nexthopType': compat.convert_to_string(next_hop_type),
'description': compat.convert_to_string(description)
if next_hop_id is not None:
body['nexthopId'] = compat.convert_to_string(next_hop_id)
return self._send_request(http_methods.POST, path, body=json.dumps(body), params=params, config=config)
The parameters are described as follows:
Parameter name | Type | Required or not | Description |
route_table_id | Bytes or str | Yes | Route table id |
source_address | Bytes or str | Yes | For the source segment, you can fill in all network segments, existing subnet segments in VPC or segments in the subnet range. |
destination_address | Bytes or str | Yes | The target segment can be, or the destination address and the current VPC cidr cannot overlap (except when the destination segment or the VPC cidr is |
next_hop_type | Bytes or str | Yes | Route type. The Bcc type is "custom"; the VPN type is "vpn"; the NAT type is "nat". |
description | Bytes or str | Yes | Description |
next_hop_id | Bytes or str | No | Next hop id |
client_token | Bytes or str | No | The idempotence Token is a ASCII string with the length of no more than 64 bits. |
config | BceClientConfiguration | No | Config in initializing route_client by default |
Delete Route Rule
The code for deleting route rules according to the routeRuleId is as follows:
def delete_route(self, route_rule_id, client_token=None, config=None):
path = b'/route/rule/%s' % compat.convert_to_bytes(route_rule_id)
params = {}
if client_token is None:
params[b'clientToken'] = generate_client_token()
params[b'clientToken'] = client_token
return self._send_request(http_methods.DELETE, path, params=params, config=config)
The parameters are described as follows:
Parameter name | Type | Required or not | Description |
route_rule_id | Bytes or str | Yes | Route rule id |
client_token | Bytes or str | No | The idempotence Token is a ASCII string with the length of no more than 64 bits. |
config | BceClientConfiguration | No | Config in initializing route_client by default |