Baidu AI Cloud


Virtual Private Cloud

Create NAT Gateway


Create a NAT gateway

  • For EIP, only one EIP can be bound, and for the shared bandwidth, and multiple IP in it can be bound.

Request Structure

POST /v{version}/nat?clientToken={clientToken} HTTP/1.1    
Authorization: authorization string
	"name": name,
	"vpcId": vpcId,
	"eips": [eips],
	"billing": {
		"paymentTiming": paymentTiming,
		"reservation": {
			"reservationLength": reservationLength,
			"reservationTimeUnit": reservationTimeUnit

Request Header

There are no other special headers except the public headers.

Request Parameter

Parameter name Type Required or not Parameter position Description
version String Yes URL parameter API version number (the current value is 1)
clientToken String Yes Query parameter Idempotence Token is an ASCII string with length not exceeding 64 bytes, for details, please see ClientToken Idempotence
name String Yes RequestBody parameter The name of NAT gateway is composed by upper and lower case letters, numbers, and -_ /. special characters, and must start with letters, with a length of 1-65.
vpcId String Yes RequestBody parameter ID of VPC
spec String Yes RequestBody parameter The size of NAT gateway is divided into three kinds: small (supporting binding a maximum of 5 public network IPs), medium (supporting binding a maximum of 10 public network IPs) and large (supporting binding a maximum of 15 public network IPs).
eips List No RequestBody parameter One public network EIP associated with the NAT gateway or one or more EIPs in the shared bandwidth
billing Billing Yes RequestBody parameter Billing information

Return Header

There are no other special headers except the public headers.

Return Parameter

Parameter name Type Description
natId String ID of created NAT

Request Example - Prepaid

POST /v1/nat?clientToken=be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20 HTTP/1.1
ContentType: application/json    
Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2018-07-05T04:17:29Z/3600/  host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de


Request Example - Postpaid

POST /v1/nat?clientToken=be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20 HTTP/1.1
ContentType: application/json    
Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2018-07-05T04:17:29Z/3600/    host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de


Return Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-bce-request-id: 1214cca7-4ad5-451d-9215-71cb844c0a50
Date: Fri, 06 July 2018 07:06:06 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Server: BWS

    "natId": "nat-b58rnkn1g98h"
ACL Related Interface
Query NAT Gateway List