
All Product Document

          Virtual Private Cloud

          Query VPN Details


          Query the detailed information of the specified VPN.

          Request Structure

               GET /v{version}/vpn/{vpnId} HTTP/1.1
               Host: bcc.bj.baidubce.com
               Authorization: authorization string    

          Request Header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Request Parameter

          Parameter name Type Required or not Parameter position Description
          version String Yes URL parameter API version number
          vpnId String Yes URL parameter Id of vpn

          Return Header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Return Parameter

          Parameter name Type Description
          vpnId String Id of vpn
          vpnName String Name
          description String Description
          status String Vpn status, active: Available, building: Creating, unconfigured: Unconfigured
          expiredTime String Maturity time
          productType String Billing Type
          eip String Public network ip
          bandwidthInMbps Integer Eip bandwidth
          vpcId String id of vpc
          vpnConnNum Integer Tunnel number
          vpnConns List<VpnConn> VPN tunnel list

          Request Example

               GET /v1/vpn/vpn-shkgan7et1vx HTTP/1.1
               Host: bcc.bj.baidubce.com
               Authorization: authorization string    

          Return Example

               HTTP/1.1 200 OK     
               x-bce-request-id: 1214cca7 4ad5 451d 9215 71cb844c0a50     
               Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 06:29:48 GMT       
               Content Type: application/json;charset=UTF 8     
               Server: BWS            
            		"status": "active",
            		"eip": "",
            		"vpnId": "vpn-shkgan7et1vx",
            		"vpcId": "83edd0d2-8a68-4ce5-a396-9d2917d58a57",
            		"description": "",
            		"expiredTime": null,
            		"productType": "postpay",
            		"vpnConnNum": 0,
            		"bandwidthInMbps": 0,
            		"vpnConns": [],
            		"vpnName": "VPN_aoko_2"
          Bind EIP
          Query VPN List