
All Product Document

          Virtual Private Cloud

          Public Header and Error Return

          Public Header Specification

          Public Request Header

          Public Header Description
          Authorization Including Access Key and request signature.
          Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8
          x-bce-date String representing the date comply with API specifications.

          The standard header fields for the html protocol are no longer listed here. The common header field will appear in each BCC API and is required. POST, PUT, DELETE and other request data are placed in the request body.

          Public Response Header

          Public Header Description
          Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8
          x-bce-request-id VPC backend is generated and automatically set to the response header field.

          Error Return

          When there is an error in the user's access to the VPC, the corresponding error code and error information will be returned to the user, which is convenient for the user to locate the problem and make appropriate treatment. The detailed error information is returned through Response Body in case of a request error, and the following format is followed:

          Parameter Name Type Description
          code String Error code
          message String Error description
          requestId String RequestID of this request


              "code": "NoSuchObject", 
              "message": "account not exist", 
              "requestId": "c4abab14-ebc4-4eb0-85d2-03c4d51eed18" 

          BCE Common Error Code

          Error Code Error Message Status Code Description
          AccessDenied Access denied. 403Forbidden No permission to access the corresponding resource.
          QualifyNotPass The User has not pass qualify. 403 Account has not passed identity verification
          InappropriateJSON The JSON you provided was well-formed and valid, but not appropriate forthis operation. 400 Bad Request The JSON format in the request is correct, but doesn't meet the requirements semantically, For example, a required item is missing, or the value type does not match. For consideration of compatibility, all unrecognizable items should be ignored directly, and this error should not be returned.
          InternalError We encountered an internal error Please try again. 500 Internal Server Error All other undefined errors should not be utilized when there are specific corresponding other types of errors (including generic and service customized errors).
          InvalidAccessKeyId The Access Key ID you provided doesnot exist in our records. 403Forbidden Access key ID does not exist.
          InvalidHTTPAuthHeader The Access Key ID you provided does notexist in our records. 400 BadRequest Authorization header field format error.
          InvalidHTTPRequest There was an error in the body of your HTTP request. 400 Bad Request The HTTP body format is wrong. For example, it does not conform to the specified Encoding.
          InvalidURI Could not parse the specified URI. 400 Bad Request The URI format is incorrect, such as mismatch of some service-defined keywords. For ID mismatch, more specific error codes should be defined, such as NoSuchKey.
          MalformedJSON The JSON you provided was not well-formed. 400 BadRequest Illegal JSON format.
          InvalidVersion The API version specified was invalid. 404 NotFound The version number of the URI is illegal.
          OptInRequired A subscription for the service is required. 403Forbidden No corresponding service has been enabled.
          PreconditionFailed The specified If-Match header doesn't match the ETag header. 412PreconditionFailed See Etag for details.
          RequestExpired Request has expired. Timestamp date is <Data>. 400 BadRequest The request has timed out. Change to x-bce-date. If only Date exists in the request, you need to convert Date to datetime.
          IdempotentParameterMismatch The request uses the same client token asa previous, but non-identical request. 403Forbidden The API parameters corresponding to clientToken are non-identical.
          SignatureDoesNotMatch The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check yourSecret Access Key and signing method. Consultthe service documentation for details. 400 Bad Request The signature attached in the authorization header field is inconsistent with the server-side verification.

          VPC Error Return Code

          Error code Error Description HTTP Status Code Chinese explanation
          BadRequest Bad request parameters or illegal request. 400 The request is wrong
          NoSuchObject The specified object is not found or resource do not exist. 404 The object is not found.
          ServiceInternalError Internal service occurs error. 500 Internal service error
          LimitExceeded Limit exceeded for current request. 413 Limit exceeded
          OperationDenied Operation not available. 409 Operation not available
          CidrConflict This subnet's cidr has conflict with other subnets'. 409 The subnet segments cannot overlap.
          ResourceNeedRelease Delete failed, please delete bcc, blb, nat, vpn, rds and so on in the VPC. 409 Resources need to be released.

          ACL Error Return Code

          Error code Error Description HTTP Status Code Semantics
          InvalidAction The ACL rule's action was invalid. 400 The ACL rule's action was invalid.
          InvalidProtocol The ACL rule's protocal was invalid. 400 The ACL rule's protocal was invalid.
          InvalidPosition The ACL rule's position was out of range. 400 The ACL rule's position was out of range.
          DuplicatePosition The ACL rule's position was repeated. 400 The ACL rule's action was invalid.
          InvalidPort The ACL rule's port was invalid. 400 The ACL rule's port was invalid.

          NAT Gateway Error Return Code

          Error code Error Description HTTP Status Code Semantics
          RequestVpcIdEmpty The request's param vpcId cannot be empty. 400 The request's parameter vpcId cannot be empty.
          RequestNatIdEmpty The request's param natId cannot be empty. 400 The request's parameter natId cannot be empty.
          NoSuchNat The specified nat is not found. 404 The specified nat is not found.
          RequestNameEmpty The request's param name cannot be empty. 400 The request's parameter name cannot be empty.
          RequestSpecEmpty The request's param spec cannot be empty. 400 The request's parameter spec cannot be empty.
          RequestBillingEmpty The request's param billing cannot be empty. 400 The request's parameter billing cannot be empty.
          SpecInvalid The request's param spec is invalid. 400 The request's parameter spec is invalid.
          PaymentTimingEmpty The request's param paymentTiming cannot be empty. 400 The request's parameter paymentTiming cannot be empty.
          PaymentTimingInvalid The request's param paymentTiming is invalid. 400 The request's parameter paymentTiming is invalid.
          ReservationEmpty The request's param reservation cannot be empty when paymentiming is Preaid. 400 The request's parameter reservation cannot be empty when paymentiming is Preaid.
          createOrderError Create nat gateway order error. 500 Create NAT gateway order error.
          subnatEmpty The VPC in the creation request has no subnet. 500 The VPC in the creation request has no subnet.
          NoSuchEip The specified eip is not found. 404 The specified eip is not found.
          RequestEipInvalid The request's param eip is invalid. 400 The request's param eip is invalid.
          NatPostpaid Postpaid nat cannot be renewed. 400 Postpaid nat cannot be renewed.
          ReservationLengthInvalid The request's param reservationLength is invalid. 400 The request's param reservationLength is invalid.
          ReservationTimeUnitInvalid The request's param reservationTimeUnit is invalid. 400 The request's param reservationTimeUnit is invalid.
          NatIdInvalid The natId is invalid. 400 The ntId is invalid.
          SnatRuleSourceAddressInvalid The snat rule source address is invalid. 400 The source address is invalid.
          CidrFormatIllegal Cidr format is illegal. 400 The source address format is illegal.
          SnatRuleSourceAddressConflict The snat rule source address is conflict. 400 The source address conflicts
          LimitExceeded Limit exceeded for current request. 400 The quota exceeds the limit.
          RuleIdNotExist The rule id is not exist. 404 The ruleId is invalid.
          BadRequest Bad request parameters or illegal request. 400 The parameter is invalid.
          SnatRuleEipsInvalid The snat rule eips is invalid. 400 The public network IP is invalid.
          DnatRuleConflictException The DnatRule's protocol Ip and port has exist. 400 DNAT rules conflicts
          DnatRuleProtocolInvalid The DnatRule's protocol is invalid. 400 DNAT protocol is invalid
          DnatRuleInternalPortInvalid The DnatRule's internal port is invalid. 400 The private network IP port is invalid.
          DnatRulePublicPortInvalid The DnatRule's public port is invalid. 400 The public network IP port is invalid.
          DnatRuleInternalIpInvalid The DnatRule's internalIp not allow empty. 400 The private network IP is invalid.
          DnatRuleEipNotAllowEmpty The DnatRule's eip not allow empty. 400 The EIP of DNAT is not allowed to be null.
          DnatEipEmpty The NatGateway is not bind dnat eip. 400 The NAT gateway is not bound with DNAT EIP.
          DnatRuleEipInvalid The DnatRule’s eip is invalid. 400 The bound EIP is not consistent with the DNAT EIP bound with the NAT gateway.
          DnatRuleIdException The DnatRule's id invalid. 400 The ID of DNAT is invalid.

          Peer Connection Error Code

          Error Code Error Description HTTP Status Code Semantics
          BadRequest BadRequest 400 Request parameter error
          UnsupportedPeerConnOperation The peerConn does not support this operation 400 The peerConn does not support this operation.
          PeerIfNameException diff account are not allowed to set PeerIfName 400 Diff account are not allowed to set PeerIfName.
          ResizeException The prepay peerConn only support enlarge bandwidth 400 The prepay peerConn only support enlarge bandwidth.

          Error Code of ENIC Services

          Error Code Error Description HTTP Status Code Semantics
          SubnetHasNoMoreIpException The subnet has no more Ip to allocate. 400 No ip is available in the subnet.
          VmMemoryCanNotAttachMoreIpException The device's memory can not attach more ip. 403 You cannot add more IPs in the memory of the virtual machine.
          DeviceInvalidException he deviceId is not same with eni's deviceId. 400 The virtual machine Id is invalid.
          VmStatusException The vm status is not allowed to operate. 403 You cannot perform any operation in the current status of the virtual machine.
          EniAndDeviceNotInSameAzException The eni and device not in same az or not in same vpc. 403 The network card is not in the same availability as the virtual machine.
          NatSubnetCanNotBindEip The subnet's type can not allow bind eip. 403 Binding the ENIC in the NAT subnet to the EIP is not allowed.
          PrimaryIPException The privateIp is invalid or primary Ip is not allowed to delete. 403 The primary IP cannot be deleted.
          EniStatusException The eni status is not allowed to operate. 403 You cannot perform any operation in the current network card status.
          EniIdException The param eniId is invalid. 400 The network interface card id is invalid.
          PrivateIpInUseException The ip is inuse. 400 The IP address is occupied.
          SubnetTypeInvalidException The subnetType is invalid,not allow create eni in subnet which type is BBC and BBC_NAT. 400 You cannot create the ENIC in BBC or BBC_NAT subnet.
          General Description
          VPC Related Interface