
All Product Document

          Virtual Private Cloud



          Parameter name Type Description
          vpcId String id of vpc
          name String Name
          cidr String Segment and subnet mask
          description String Description
          isDefault Boolean Default VPC? true: Yes; false: No
          secondaryCidr List Secondary segment cidr list of vpc
          tags List<TagModel> Collection of vpc bound tags


          Parameter name Type Description
          vpcId String id of vpc
          name String Name
          cidr String Segment and subnet mask
          description String Description
          isDefault Boolean Default VPC? true: Yes; false: No
          subnets List<Subnet> Subnets included in VPC
          secondaryCidr List<String> Secondary segment cidr list of vpc
          tags List<TagModel> Collection of vpc bound tags


          Parameter name Type Description
          cidr String Subordinated subnet CIDR
          privateIpAddress String VPC private network IP
          privateIpAddressType String Types of VPC private network IP
          createdTime String Creation time


          Parameter name Type Description
          subnetId String Subnet id
          name String Subnet name
          zoneName String Available zone name
          cidr String Subnet cidr
          vpcId String Id of vpc to which the subnet belongs
          subnetType String Subnet type, "BCC", "BCC_NAT" and "BBC"
          description String Description
          availableIp Integer Available ips in the subnet
          createdTime String Create Time of Subnet
          tags List<TagModel> List of tags bound to the subnet


          Parameter name Type Description
          routeRuleId String Route rule id
          routeTableId String Route table id
          sourceAddress String Source network segment
          destinationAddress String Destination network segment
          nexthopId String The next hop id, when nexthopType is the local gateway type, this field can be empty.
          nexthopType String Route type. The Bcc type is "custom"; the VPN type is "vpn"; the NAT type is "nat";
          the default type of the system is "sys". VPC automatically generate one default route rule for each subnet. This route rule id of this type is empty, and cannot be edited and deleted.
          description String Description


          Parameter name Type Description
          subnetId String Subnet ID
          subnetName String Subnet name
          subnetCidr String Subnet CIDR
          aclRules List<AclRule> ACL rule set


          Parameter name Type Description
          id String ACL rule ID
          subnetId String Subnet ID
          description String Comments
          protocol String Protocol, including all tcp udp icmp
          sourceIpAddress String Source IP, all available
          destinationIpAddress String Destination IP, all available
          sourcePort String Source port, e.g. 1-65535 or 8080
          destinationPort String Destination port, e.g. 1-65535 or 8080
          position String Priority 1-5000, no repetition with existing items The smaller the value is, the higher the priority is. The rule matching sequence is matched according to the priority from high to low.
          direction String Ingress and egress of rules
          action String Policy, including allow and deny


          Parameter name Type Required or not Parameter position Description
          subnetId String Yes RequestBody parameter Subnet ID
          description String No RequestBody parameter Comments
          protocol String Yes RequestBody parameter Protocol, including all tcp udp icmp
          sourceIpAddress String Yes RequestBody parameter Source IP
          destinationIpAddress String Yes RequestBody parameter Destination IP
          sourcePort String Yes RequestBody parameter Source port, e.g. 1-65535 or 8080
          destinationPort String Yes RequestBody parameter Destination port , e.g. 1-65535 or 8080
          position Integer Yes RequestBody parameter Priority 1-5000, no repetition with existing items. The smaller the value is, the higher the priority is. The rule matching sequence is matched according to the priority from high to low.
          direction String Yes RequestBody parameter Ingress and egress of rules
          action String Yes RequestBody parameter Policy, including allow and deny


          Parameter name Type Description
          paymentTiming String Payment time, prepaid and postpaid
          reservation Reservation Reserved information, which needs not to be set when the payment method is postpaid and must be set when the payment method is prepaid.


          Parameter name Type Description
          reservationLength int Time length, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,24,36]
          reservationTimeUnit String Time unit, month, only supports by month currently.


          Parameter name Type Description
          peerConnId String peer connection ID
          role String peer connection role initiator and acceptor
          status PeerConnStatus peer connection status
          bandwithInMbp String peer connection bandwidth
          description String peer connection comments
          localIfId String Local interface ID of peer connection
          localIfName String Local interface name of peer connection
          localVpcId String ID of local VPC of peer connection
          localRegion String Local region of peer connection
          peerVpcId String ID of opposite terminal VPC of peer connection
          peerRegion String Opposite terminal region of peer connection
          peerAccountId String Account ID of opposite terminal of peer connection
          paymentTiming String Payment type of peer connection
          dnsStatus DnsStatus Payment type of peer connection
          createdTime String Creation time of peer connection
          expiredTime string Expiration time, this parameter has a value only for the prepaid products.


          Parameter name Type Description
          creating String Creating
          consulting String Consulting
          consult_failed String Consultation failed
          active String Available
          down String Unavailable
          starting String Starting
          stopping String Stopping
          deleting String Deleting
          deleted String Deleted
          expired String Expired
          error String Abnormal
          updating String updating


          Parameter name Type Description
          close String Close synchronization
          wait String Wait synchronization
          syncing String Synchronizing
          open String Open synchronization
          closing String Closing synchronization


          Parameter name Type Description
          id String ID of NAT gateway
          name String NAT gateway name
          vpcId String ID of VPC to which NAT gateway belongs
          spec String The size of NAT gateway is divided into three kinds: small (supporting binding a maximum of 5 public network IPs), medium (supporting binding a maximum of 10 public network IPs) and large (supporting binding a maximum of 15 public network IPs).
          eips List IP address list of EIP bound to NAT gateway
          status NatStatus Status of NAT gateway
          paymentTiming String Payment mode: Prepaid and Postpaid
          expireTime String Expiration time


          Status Description
          active Operating
          updating updating
          unconfigured Unconfigured
          down Unavailable
          building Creating
          error Status abnormality
          deleting Deleting
          deleted Deleted
          starting Starting
          configuring Configuring
          rebooting Restarting
          stopping Stopping


          Parameter name Type Description
          ruleId String Rule ID
          ruleName String The rule name consists of upper and lower case letters, figures and other special characters like -_ /., and begins with a letter; the length limit is 1-65
          publicIpsAddress List The public network IPs are associated with the EIP on SNAT of NAT gateway or IPs of the shared bandwidth
          sourceCIDR String Private network IP/IP address range
          status String Rule statues


          Parameter name Type Description
          ruleId String Rule ID
          ruleName String The DNAT rule name consists of upper and lower case letters, figures and other special characters like -, _, /, and ., and must begin with a letter; the length limit is 1-65
          publicIpAddress String The public network IP is associated with the EIP on DNAT of NAT gateway or IP of the shared bandwidth
          privateIpAddress String Intranet IP
          protocol String Protocol, supporting TCP, UDP and all
          publicPort String Public network IP port(1-65535)
          privatePort String Private network IP port(1-65535)
          status String Rule statues


          Parameter name Type Description
          tagKey String Tag key, which can contain uppercase and lowercase letters, number, Chinese and special characters of -, _, /, and ., with a length of 1 - 65 characters.
          tagValue String Tag value, which can contain uppercase and lowercase letters, number, Chinese and special characters of -. _, /, and ., with a length of 1 - 65 characters.


          Parameter name Type Description
          vpnId String Id of vpn
          vpnName String Name
          description String Description
          status String Vpn status, active: Available, building: Creating, unconfigured: Unconfigured
          expiredTime String Maturity time
          productType String Billing Type
          eip String Public network ip
          bandwidthInMbps Integer Eip bandwidth
          vpcId String id of vpc
          vpnConnNum Integer Tunnel number
          vpnConns List<VpnConn> VPN tunnel list


          Parameter name Type Description
          vpnId String Id of vpn
          vpnConnId String Tunnel id
          vpnConnName String Tunnel name
          localIp String Local ip
          secretKey String Shared secret key
          localSubnets List Cidr list of local network
          remoteIp String Public network IP of opposite terminal VPN gateway
          remoteSubnets List<String> Cidr list of opposite terminal network
          description String Description
          status String Status of vpn tunnel
          createdTime String Creation time
          healthStatus String Link status
          ikeConfig IkeConfig IKE configuration
          ipsecConfig IpsecConfig IPSec configuration


          Parameter name Type Description
          ikeVersion String Version, value range: v1/v2
          ikeMode String Consultation mode, value range: main/aggressive
          ikeEncAlg String Encryption algorithm, value range: aes/aes192/aes256/3des
          ikeAuthAlg String Authentication algorithm, value range: sha1/md5
          ikePfs String DH group, value range: group2/group5/group14/group24
          ikeLifeTime String SA life cycle, value range: 60-86400


          Parameter name Type Description
          ipsecEncAlg String Encryption algorithm, value range: aes/aes192/aes256/3des
          ipsecAuthAlg String Authentication algorithm, value range: sha1/md5
          ipsecPfs String DH group, value range: group2/group5/group14/group24
          ipsecLifetime String SA life cycle, value range: 180-86400
          ipsecLifetime String SA life cycle, value range: 180-86400
          Express Tunnel Gateway Related Interface
          ENIC Related Interface