Baidu AI Cloud


Virtual Private Cloud

Release Notes

Release Date Feature Overview
  • Newly add [DHCP Option Set]( option set) feature, and Baidu Cloud Compute in the virtual private cloud supports to configure the fields of DHCP optional set, which include: Domain name, and domain name server. The configuration shall be valid for all Baidu Cloud Compute under the virtual private cloud
  • Newly add Enhanced VPN Gateway, with the maximum forwarding capacity of 1000Mbps
  • 2020-11 Newly add Flow Log service, which is used to record the network traffic information sent and received by the instance of Baidu Cloud Compute in VPC, and can provide users with the capacity of traffic analysis, visualization, troubleshooting/positioning and network architecture optimization.
    2020-10 Newly add Network Topology feature, so as to view the resource instances and associated services within VPC conveniently.
    2020-06 Newly add NAT Gateway [SNAT Table]( configure snat table) feature, and support the network segment specific public network IP to access to the Internet
  • Newly add NAT gateway [DNAT]( dnat table) feature, which is to map the public network IP on NAT gateway to BCC instance for use, so that BCC instance can provide Internet services, supporting IP mapping and port mapping.
  • Create Subset and specify the tag bound to the subset when querying the subset information
  • 2019-07 Add relay VPC feature . The relay VPC can forward the traffic which is not from the VPC. The route source segment in the VPC is configured by the users themselves and can be any segment, including segment and other segments which are not in the VPC. It greatly increases the flexibility of connection products such as peer-to-peer connection. Meanwhile in other to avoid the risks of network topology loops,
    2019-06 Newly add ENICservice, and Baidu AI Cloud ENIC can freely migrate between multiple cloud CVM server. By bounding various elastic network cards to the cloud host, a high-availability network plan is realized; various intranet IPs can be also bound to the elastic network card, and one EIP can be bound to each intranet IP. The user can realize that different kinds of business traffic can outflow from the network card by IPs of different sources, and multiple IPs are deployed on the single host by configuring the application policy after configuring the IP address.
    2019-04 Add support IPv6. The private network supports IPv4 and IPv6 dual stack protocol, and the resources on cloud can communicate through IPv4 and IPv6.
    2019-03 Add service network interface cardservices. The service network interface card of Baidu AI Cloud maps the VPC external services such as BOS to the internal VPC. The users can conveniently and securely access these services by the intranet within VPC or at the opposite terminal of the mixed cloud.
    2018-12 Build the VPN tunnel and realize the hybrid cloud. The peer-to-peer connection provides the VPC-level network interconnection services to help users to realize the traffic interoperability among different virtual networks.
  • Newly add trunk switchconfiguration. After the route trunk function is enabled, the routing table can forward the traffic that is not originated from this VPC, and the customized configuration of the routing source segment can be any segment, including the IP address range of and other non-VPC IP address range
  • Newly add manage secondary IP address range, support the addition and deletion of the secondary IP address range
  • 2018-09 It supports identity anf access management. The identity anf access management frature realizes multi-user synergic development, and the project manager can enable the permissions of view, code management, deployment, etc. for other development test personnel based on application or environment.
    Product Description