
All Product Document

          Virtual Private Cloud


          Welcome to use the product VPC of Baidu AI Cloud. You can use the API introduced in this document to flexibly operate the VPC services.

          If you first call the API of Baidu AI Cloud product, you can watch API Introduction Video Guide to quickly master the API calling method.

          VPC Interface

          Interface type Request method Description
          /v{version}/vpc POST Create a VPC
          /v{version}/vpc GET Query a VPC list
          /v{version}/vpc/{vpcId} GET Query a specified VPC
          /v{version}/vpc/{vpcId} DELETE Delete a VPC
          /v{version}/vpc/{vpcId} PUT Update a VPC

          Subnet Interface

          Interface Request method Description
          /v{version}/subnet POST Create subnet
          /v{version}/subnet GET Query a subnet list
          /v{version}/subnet/{subnetId} GET Query a specified subnet
          /v{version}/subnet/{subnetId} DELETE Delete subnet
          /v{version}/subnet/{subnetId} PUT Update subnet
          Best Practices
          Service Domain Name