Baidu AI Cloud


Virtual Private Cloud

Authorize Security Group Rule

  • This API is used to authorize the new security group rule in the security group.
  • The rule in the same security group takes the remark, protocol, direction, portRange, sourceIp|destIp, and sourceGroupId|destGroupId as the uniqueness index. If the same rule does not exist in the security group, the rule reports a 409 error.

Request Structure

PUT /v{version}/securityGroup/{securityGroupId}?{action}&clientToken={clientToken}&sgVersion={sgVersion} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: authorization string

			"remark": "Remark",
			"protocol": protocol,
			"portRange": portRange,
			"direction": direction,
			"sourceIp": sourceIp,
			"sourceGroupId": sourceGroupId

Request Header Field

No other special header fields are available except for the public header fields.

Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required? Parameter Position Description
version String Yes URL parameter API version number
sgVersion long No Query parameters Version number of security group
action String Yes Query parameter Operation on the security group, whose current value is authorizeRule.
clientToken String Yes Query parameter Idempotent Token, which is an ASCII string with the length no more than 64 bits. For details, see Idempotency of ClientToken.
securityGroupId String Yes URL parameter Security group ID to authorize new security group rules.
rule SecurityGroupRuleModel Yes RequestBody parameter Security group rule to be authorized

Return Header Field

No other special header fields are available except for the public header field.

Return Parameters

No specific parameters are returned.

Error Code

Error Code Error Description HTTP Status Code Explanation
BadRequest protocol is invalid. 400 The protocol type is incorrect.
SecurityGroup.RulePortOrderInvalid The order of security group rule port is incorrect. 400 The order of the security group rule port is incorrect.
SecurityGroup.RulePortRangeInvalid The value of the security group rule port is exceeded. 400 The value of the security group rule port exceeds the limit.
SecurityGroup.RulePortInvalid The value of the security group rule port must be a number. 400 The security group rule port is not number.
SecurityGroup.RuleCIDRAddressError The security group rule ip (cidr) address is incorrect. 400 The security group rule source (destination) address is incorrect.
SecurityGroup.RuleDirectionError The security group rule direction is incorrect. 400 The security group rule direction is incorrect.
NoSuchObject The specified object is not found, or resource does not exist. 404 The object security group does not exist.
SecurityGroup.RuleNumberExceededLimit Security groups that contain rule number exceed the limit. 413 The number of rules in the security group exceeds the limit.
SecurityGroup.RuleDuplicated Security group rule is duplicated. 409 The security group rule is duplicative.
VersionMismatch The sgVersion is mismatched. 400 The version number of the specified security group rule is identical to the current latest version number. If no sgVersion parameter exists in the request, do not return the error code.

Request Example

PUT /v2/securityGroup/g-nky7qeom?authorizeRule&clientToken=be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2015-08-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de

			"remark": "Remark",
			"protocol": "tcp",
			"portRange": "1-65535",
			"direction": "ingress",
			"sourceIp": "",
			"sourceGroupId": ""

Return Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-bce-request-id: 1214cca7-4ad5-451d-9215-71cb844c0a50
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 06:42:19 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Server: BWS
IPv6 Gateway Related Interfaces
Create Security Group