Baidu AI Cloud


Virtual Private Cloud


Acquire Endpoint

When confirming the Endpoint configured when you use the SDK, you can first read the section on VPC Service Domain Name in the Developer Guide to understand the Endpoint concept. Baidu AI Cloud currently opens the multi-region (Region) support. Please refer to the part of network product VPC in Region Selection Introduction. The NAT services are a part of VPC services, and use the VPC service domain name.

Get the Key

To use Baidu Cloud products, you need to have a Baidu Cloud account and a valid AK (Access Key ID) and SK (Secret Access Key) for signature verification. You can obtain and understand your AK/SK information through the following steps:

1.[Register Baidu Cloud Account]( tpl=bceplat&from=portal) 2.[Create AK/SK]( _=1513940574695#/iam/accesslist)


Natclient is the Java client of NAT services, encapsulates the API of NAT services, and simplifies the interaction between developers and NAT services. The users can call the methods in NatClient to configure the NAT gateway.

Create NatClient

When creating NatClient, you need to first use Endpoint, AK and SK to configure the NatClientConfiguration type config instance, and then use the config instance to configure the NatClient. The configuration example is as follows:

static final String HOST = "";
 static final String AK = "";
 static final String SK = "";
 NatClientConfiguration config = new NatClientConfiguration();
 config.setCredentials(new DefaultBceCredentials(AK, SK));
 NatClient natClient = new NatClient(config);

Create NAT Gateway

The createNat function can be used to create the NAT gateway in the specified VPC, and is defined as below:

public CreateNatResponse createNat(CreateNatRequest request)

Refer to the code directory for the definitions of CreateNatRequest and CreateNatResponse: nat/model/ The parameters are described as follows:

Parameter name Type Required or not Description
name String Yes The name of NAT gateway is composed by upper and lower case letters, numbers, and -_ /. special characters, and must start with letters, with a length of the range from1to 65.
vpcId String Yes ID of VPC to which NAT gateway belongs
eips List<String> No EIP bound to the NAT gateway
spec String Yes The size of NAT gateway is divided into three kinds: small (supporting binding a maximum of 5 public network IPs), medium (supporting binding a maximum of 10 public network IPs) and large (supporting binding a maximum of 15 public network IPs).
billing Customized Billing type Yes The billing mode supports the purchase by postpaid and monthly repayment. Refer to Billing Description for details.

For the customized Billing type definition, refer to

Query the NAT Gateway List

The listNat function can be used to query the NAT gateway list. If the query condition is queried, the NAT gateways are screened according to the query condition. If no query condition is provided, all NAT gateways are queried by default. The function is defined as below:

public ListNatResponse listNat(ListNatRequest request) 

Refer to the code directory for the definitions of ListNatRequest and ListNatResponse: nat/model/

The parameters are described as follows:

Parameter name Type Required or not Description
vpcId String Yes ID of VPC to which NAT gateway belongs
natId String No ID of NAT gateway
name String No Name of NAT gateway
ip String No IP address bound to the gateway
marker String No Starting location of query for batch acquisition of lists
maxKeys int No Maximum number contained in each page, generally not exceeding 1000. The default value is 1000.

Query the NAT Gateway Details

The getNat function can be used to query the NAT details, and is defined as below:

public GetNatResponse getNat(String natId)

Refer to the code directory for the definition of GetNatResponse: nat/model/ The parameters are described as follows:

Parameter name Type Required or not Description
natId String Yes ID of NAT gateway

Update the NAT Gateway Name

The modifyNat function can be used to update the NAT gateway name, and is defined as below:

public void modifyNat(ModifyNatRequest request)

Refer to the code directory for the definition of ModifyNatRequest: nat/model/ The parameters are described as follows:

Parameter name Type Required or not Description
natId String Yes ID of NAT gateway
name String Yes New name of NAT gateway

Bind EIP

The bindEip function can be used to bind EIP to the NAT gateway, and is defined as below:

public void bindEip(BindEipRequest request) 

Refer to the code directory for the definition of BindEipRequest: nat/model/ The parameters are described as follows:

Parameter name Type Required or not Description
natId String Yes ID of NAT gateway
eips List<String> Yes EIP to be bound to the NAT gateway

Unbind EIP

The unbindEip function can be used to unbind EIP from the NAT gateway, and is defined as below:

public void unbindEip(BindEipRequest request)

Refer to the code directory for the definition of BindEipRequest: nat/model/ The parameters are described as follows:

Parameter name Type Required or not Description
natId String Yes ID of NAT gateway
eips List<String> Yes EIP to be unbound from the NAT gateway

Release the NAT Gateway

The releaseNat function can be used to release the NAT gateway, and is defined as below:

public void releaseNat(ReleaseNatRequest request) 

Refer to the code directory for the definition of ReleaseNatRequest: nat/model/ The parameters are described as follows:

Parameter name Type Required or not Description
natId String Yes ID of NAT gateway

NAT Gateway Renewal

The purchaseReservedNat function can be used to renew the NAT gateway, and only the prepaid type supports the renewal operation. The function is defined as below:

public void purchaseReservedNat(PurchaseReservedNatRequest request)

Refer to the code directory for the definition of PurchaseReservedNatRequest: nat/model/ The parameters are described as follows:

Parameter name Type Required or not Description
natId String Yes ID of NAT gateway
billing Customized Billing type Yes For the billion mode, refer to Billing Description for details.

For the customized Billing type definition, refer to

Peer Connection