
All Product Document

          Virtual Private Cloud

          Use VPC Services by CLI


          The BCE CLI accesses VPC services by the VPC subcommand, and operates VPC, Subnet, Route and other resources.

          CLI uses multi-layer command structure, and all commands start with bce,[options] represents the options supported by BCE CLI; <service> indicates the services supported by CLI, such as BOS, CDN etc., and each service has multiple specific sub-commands.

          $ bce [options] [<service> <command> [parameters [options]]]

          Parameter interpretation

          Parameter item Value Description
          options The value of BCE common Option is taken as -c, -v, -h, -d and --conf-path. -
          service VPC -
          command Including but not limited to: create-vpc,list-vpc,delete-vpc,show-vpc,update-vpc,create-subnet,list-subnet,delete-subnet,show-subnet,update-subnet,create-route-rule,list-route-rule,delete-route-rule. Please see the command function description for the role of each command.
          parameters Please see the command parameters description for the role of each command. -
          +options -h. Option of VPC command

          Common Option of CLI

          • View Help You can add -h or --help to any command to view the help information for the command.

              $ bce -h
              $ bce vpc -h
              $ bce vpc list-vpc --help
          • View and set the configuration information of AK, SK, etc. -c/--configure

              $ bce -c [<conf-path>]
          • View the version information: -v/--version

                $ bce -v
          • View the debug information: -d/--debug

                $ bce -d vpc list-vpc

          The command -d/--debug cannot be used alone, and must be used in conjunction with service.

          • Use specified configuration files: --conf-path

                $ bce --conf-path ./conf-sample/ vpc list-vpc

          When the command --conf-path is not used, the configuration under the home directory of user ~/.bce is used by default.

          Configure BCE-CLI
          VPC Related Operations