Baidu AI Cloud


Time-Spatial Database

Gzip Compression Instruction of Writing Data Points

In the sdk of v0.10.10, gzip compression is enabled by default for writing data points. If you do not need to use it, you can refer to the following code:

String METRIC = "cpu_idle";                                          // metric
String TAG_KEY = "server";                                           // tag name
String TAG_VALUE = "server1";                                        // tag value
// create data points
List<Datapoint> datapoints = Arrays.asList(new Datapoint()
                .withMetric(METRIC)                                  // set Metric
                .addTag(TAG_KEY, TAG_VALUE)                          // set Tag
                .addDoubleValue(System.currentTimeMillis(), 0.1));   // add a data point
boolean useGzip = false;                                             // do not use gzip
tsdbClient.writeDatapoints(new WriteDatapointsRequest().withDatapoints(datapoints), useGzip);
URLGenerate the Pre-Signed URL of Query Data Points
Management Interface