Baidu AI Cloud


Time-Spatial Database

Support SQL query


The TSDB supports SQL query interface, which can be used to filter and query TSDB data through the SQL language. With the strong power of SQL, users can be familiar with operations on data in a convenient way, and can also make full use of the computing ability of the SQL function, to mine data values.

Basic Operation Instructions

  • The table of SQL statements corresponds to the metric of TSDB.
  • The field in SQL statements corresponds to the timestamp, field and tag of TSDB.
  • If SQL query criteria contain Chinese characters, enclose them in single quotation marks. If it only contains the English characters, enclose them in either single quotation marks or double quotation marks.

For example: An IoT integration solution for smart meter monitoring, which collects data from all monitoring points of the smart meter. In TSDB (as shown in the image below), the metric is SmartMeter, which means that TSDB stores data for smart meter, each with two fields (field), power and MeterCurrent, with two tags, namely MeterID and City, to represent the meter ID and city where each data point comes from. The meter uploads power and current values every 5s.

The above table can be seen as a two-dimension table. The SQL statements are written for twodimensional tables

Application scenario 1: To filter data with a power value greater than 400, a current value less than 5. The meter ID is 2345HDYE

select timestamp, power, MeterCurrent, MeterID, City from SmartMeter where power > 400 and current<5 and MeterID = " 2345HDYE"

Application scenario 2: Return power average every 10 seconds in meter with meter ID 2345HDYE

select time_bucket(timestamp, '10 seconds') as TIME, avg(power) as AVG_POWER from SmartMeter group by time_bucket(timestamp, '10 seconds') order by time_bucket(timestamp, '10 seconds')

Application scenario 3: Join two metrics

Two metrics are shown in the following table

Use MeterID to join two tables. The SQL statement is as follows: select * from SmartMeter join SmartTemperature on SmartMeter.MeterID = SmartTemperature.MeterID ;

To get the following data:


SQL Function

  • Examples of query functions
Type SQL Interpretation
Time Query select timestamp from metric timestamp: Fix query timestamp keyword
metric: name of the metric that the user needs to query
Single-field Query select value from metric value: Means the name of the field that the user needs to query
metric: name of the metric that the user needs to query
Tag Query select tag_key from metric tag_key: key of the tag that the user needs to query
metric: name of the metric that the user needs to query
Multi-column Query select timestamp,field1 from metric
select * from metric
tag_key: key of the tag that the user needs to query
field1: name of the field that the user needs to query
metric: name of the metric that the user needs to query
Order by Time select timestamp, value from metric order by timestamp
select timestamp, value from metric order by timestamp desc
select timestamp, value from metric order by timestamp offset 1 limit 1
order by: Query order mode
asc/desc: ascending/descending order
offset and limit: After sorting, take the limit starting from the offset.
Filtering Query select timestamp, value from metric where value > 30 and timestamp >150937263000 value > 30: filter value's value, UTC timestamp accuracy in milliseconds
Group Query select tag_key, count(1) from metric group by tag_key group by tag_key: Group by key values of tag
Aggregation Query select time_bucket(timestamp, '2 days') as DAY, sum(value) as SUM from metric group by time_bucket(timestamp, '2 days') order by time_bucket(timestamp, '2 days') time_bucket: Time aggregator
timestamp: Timestamp fields in actual data points (no modifications required)
2 days: time window is 2 group by time_bucket:
group by 2 days
sum(value): aggregate values in 2 days

time_bucket supports calendar alignment and custom starting time:
Taking time_bucket (timestamp, 1dc) as an example, the character 'c' indicates calendar alignment. For time units, see time units in the documentation.
Default starting time of the window is 20000101 00:00:00, and if custom starting time is required, you can change '2 days' to '2 days, 20190101 00:00:00', which indicates one time window every 2 days from 20190101.

Examples of calendar alignment rules are below:
As for time_bucket (timestamp, '1 dc, 20190101 12:00:00'),
the first window is January 01 12:00:00.000 January 01 23:59:59.99.
The second window is January 02 00:00:00.000 - Jan 02 23:59:59.99
and so on
Custom Function Calculation and Query select timestamp, ((field2 - field1) * 10) as RESULT, tag_key from metric (field2 field1) * 10: Custom function calculation by the user
  • Common time functions for SQL query
Classification Supported Function Example Description
Date and Time Operator +/- mysql> select (date '2012-08-08' + interval '2' day)
mysql> select (timestamp '2012-08-08 01:00' + interval '29' hour)
2012-08-09 06:00:00.000
mysql> select (date '2012-08-08' - interval '2' day)
mysql> select (timestamp '2012-10-31 01:00' - interval '1' month)
2012-09-30 01:00:00.000
Time zone conversion AT TIME ZONE mysql> SELECT timestamp '2012-10-31 01:00 UTC' AT TIME ZONE 'America/Los_Angeles'
2012-10-30 18:00:00.000 America/Los_Angeles
mysql> SELECT timestamp '2012-10-31 01:00 UTC' AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Shanghai'
2012-10-31 09:00:00.000 Asia/Shanghai
UTC time zone conversion
Date and time functions current_date
cast(to_unixtime(timestamp) as bigint)
mysql> select current_date
mysql> select current_timestamp
2021-04-21 10:59:56.378 UTC
mysql> select from_unixtime(1619031748);
2021-04-21 19:02:28.000
mysql> select now()
2021-04-21 11:01:38.221 UTC
mysql> select to_unixtime(timestamp '2021-04-21 19:02:28')
mysql> select cast(to_unixtime(timestamp '2021-04-21 19:02:28') as bigint)
Date and time related
Interception function date_trunc(unit,timestamp) mysql> select date_trunc('day',timestamp '2021-04-21 19:02:28')
2021-04-21 00:00:00.000
mysql> select date_trunc('hour',timestamp '2021-04-21 19:02:28')
2021-04-21 19:00:00.000
Intercept part of timestamp
Time period date_add(unit,bigint,timestamp) mysql> select date_add('hour', 8, timestamp '2021-04-21 19:02:28')
2021-04-22 03:02:28.000
Add and subtract based on a certain time
Duration parse_duration(string) mysql> SELECT parse_duration('5m')
0 00:05:00.000
Time conversion of string format
Date Format date_format(timestamp,string format) mysql> select date_format(timestamp '2021-04-21 19:02', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')
2021-04-21 19:02:00
Format transformation
Extract function day_of_week(timestamp) mysql> select day_of_week(timestamp '2021-04-21 19:02')
Return bigint
  • Custom Function:

The TSDB supports standard ANSI SQL statements, and some common custom functions are selected as shown below.

Description of Custom Functions:

Classification Supported Function Example Description
Condition expression CASE SELECT field1,
               CASE field1
                         WHEN 1 THEN 'one'
                         WHEN 2 THEN 'two'
                         ELSE 'many'

FROM metric
case expression
Condition expression IF SELECT field1,
               IF (field1>100,1,0) as result

FROM metric
if expression, if (condition, true_value) or
if (condition, true_value, false_value)
Condition expression COALESCE SELECT field1, field2,
               COALESCE (field1, field2) as result

FROM metric
Return the first nonempty value in the list
Computing function abs(x) SELECT field1,
                abs (field1) as result

FROM metric
Return the absolute value of x
Computing function sqrt(x) SELECT field1,
                sqrt (field1) as result

FROM metric
Return the square root of x
Computing function cbrt(x) SELECT field1,
                cbrt (field1) as result

FROM metric
Return the cube root of x
Computing function ceil(x) SELECT field1,
               ceil (field1) as result

FROM metric
Return the smallest integer not less than x.
Computing function ceiling(x) Same as ceil(x) Return the smallest integer greater than or equal to x
Computing function floor(x) SELECT field1,
               floor (field1) as result

FROM metric
Return the largest integer less than or equal to x
String operation || SELECT field1 || field2 as result
FROM metric
String cascade
Aggregator avg(x) SELECT time_bucket(timestamp, '2 days') as DAY, avg(field1) as result
FROM metric group by time_bucket(timestamp, '2 days') order by time_bucket(timestamp, '2 days')
Return the average of field1
Aggregator count(*) SELECT count(*) as result
FROM metric where timestamp < 1525611901
Return the quantity
Aggregator count(x) SELECT time_bucket(timestamp, '2 days') as DAY, count(field1) as count
FROM metric group by time_bucket(timestamp, '2 days') order by time_bucket(timestamp, '2 days')
Return the quantity of nonempty values
Aggregator max_by(x, y) SELECT max_by(field1,field2) as result
FROM metric where timestamp < 1525611901000
Return x when y reaches its maximum value, and UTC timestamp accuracy is in millisecond.
Aggregator min_by(x, y) SELECT min_by(field1,field2) as result
FROM metric where timestamp < 1525611901000
Return x when y reaches its minimum value, and UTC timestamp accuracy is in millisecond.
Aggregator max(x) SELECT max(field1) as result
FROM metric where timestamp < 1525611901000
Return the maximum value of x, and UTC timestamp accuracy is in millisecond.
Aggregator min(x) SELECT min(field1) as result
FROM metric where timestamp < 1525611901000
Return the minimum value of x, and UTC timestamp accuracy is in millisecond.
Aggregator sum(x) SELECT time_bucket(timestamp, '2 days') as DAY, sum(field1) as sum
FROM metric group by time_bucket(timestamp, '2 days') order by time_bucket(timestamp, '2 days')
Return the sum value of x


All the TSDB Java-SDK, Node-SDK, Python-SDK and API support the SQL query. For more information, please see Java-SDK, Node-SDK, Python-SDK and API respectively.

Invitation Application