Baidu AI Cloud


Time-Spatial Database

TsdbClient Create a TsdbClient

Users can create a TsdbClient by referring to the following code:

HTTP Client

String ACCESS_KEY_ID = <your-access-key-id>;               // User's Access Key ID
String SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = <your-secret-access-key>;       // User's Secret Access Key
String ENDPOINT = <your-tsdb-database-endpoint>;           // User's Time Series Database ( TSDB) domain name, with the format such as
// create the configuration
BceClientConfiguration config = new BceClientConfiguration()
                .withCredentials(new DefaultBceCredentials(ACCESS_KEY_ID, SECRET_ACCESS_KEY))
// Initialize a TsdbClient
TsdbClient tsdbClient = new TsdbClient(config);

HTTPS Client

String ACCESS_KEY_ID = <your-access-key-id>;               // User's Access Key ID
String SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = <your-secret-access-key>;       // User's Secret Access Key
String ENDPOINT = <your-tsdb-database-endpoint>;           // User's Time Series Database ( TSDB) domain name, with the format such as
// create the configuration
BceClientConfiguration config = new BceClientConfiguration()
                .withProtocol(Protocol.HTTPS)              // Use HTTPS Protocol; If not set, use HTTP Protocol by default
                .withCredentials(new DefaultBceCredentials(ACCESS_KEY_ID, SECRET_ACCESS_KEY))
// Initialize a TsdbClient
TsdbClient tsdbClient = new TsdbClient(config);

In the above code, the variables ACCESS_KEY_ID and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are assigned to the user by the system and are both strings used to identify the user and perform signature verification for accessing TSDB. Among them, ACCESS_KEY_ID corresponds to "Access Key ID" in the console, and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY corresponds to "Access Key Secret" in the console. Please refer to [Get](Reference/Get AKSK/How to Get for obtaining methods.

Parameter Instruction

There are more configuration items in BceClientConfiguration, and the following parameters can be configured:

Parameters Instruction
connectionTimeoutInMillis Set up timeout for connection (in milliseconds)
localAddress Local Address
maxConnections Max HTTP Connections allowed to open
protocol Protocol type
proxyDomain Windows domain name of the proxy server that accesses NTLM authentication
proxyHost Proxy Server Host Address
proxyPassword Password for proxy server verification
proxyPort Proxy Server Port
proxyPreemptiveAuthenticationEnabled Whether proxy preemptive authentication is enabled
proxyUsername User name for proxy server verification
proxyWorkstation Windows work station of the NTLM proxy server
retryPolicy Retry Policy
socketBufferSizeInBytes Socket Buffer Size in Bytes
socketTimeoutInMillis Timeout of data transmission in open connections (in milliseconds)
userAgent User Agent, User-Agent header of HTTP
Getting Started
Write Operation