Baidu AI Cloud


Time-Spatial Database

Management Interface

In the sdk of v0.10.17, users are enabled to create/delete/query time series database instances through API.

Create a TsdbAdminClient

String ACCESS_KEY_ID = <your-access-key-id>;               // User's Access Key ID
String SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = <your-secret-access-key>;       // User's Secret Access Key
String ADMIN_ENDPOINT = "";            // Note: The endpoint is different from that  when creating a TsdbClient
// create the configuration
BceClientConfiguration config = new BceClientConfiguration()
                .withCredentials(new DefaultBceCredentials(ACCESS_KEY_ID, SECRET_ACCESS_KEY))
// initialize a TsdbAdminClient
TsdbAdminClient tsdbAdminClient = new TsdbAdminClient(config);

Configuration items in the BceClientConfiguration shall refer to the new TsdbAdminClient. Similarly, TsdbAdminClient also supports the use of HTTPS, and the configuration method refers to TsdbClient.

Create a Time Series Database Instance

The code example is as follows:

String databaseName = "databasename";                            // name of the instance
String description = "description";                              // instance description, optional
int ingestDataPointsMonthly = 1;                                 // write quota, unit: millions of points/month
int queryUnitsMonthly = 10;                                      // query quota, unit: ten thousands of points/month
int purchaseLength = 1;                                          // purchase length, unit: month
String couponName = <your-coupon-name>;                          // coupon name, optional
CreateDatabaseRequest request = new CreateDatabaseRequest()
String clientToken = <your-client-token>;                        // ClientToken, used to guarantee the idempotence. Use the same clientToken when retrying to send creation requests.
CreateDatabaseResponse response = tsdbAdminClient.createDatabase(request, clientToken);

For fields of the return value, please refer to API Documentation.

Delete a Time Series Database Instance

The code example is as follows:

String databaseId = <your-database-id>;                            // instance ID

Notes: Only Instance of deleting an expired time series database is permitted, otherwise an error will be reported.

Get a Time Series Database Instance

The code example is as follows:

String databaseId = <your-database-id>;                            // instance ID
GetDatabaseResponse database = tsdbAdminClient.getDatabase(databaseId);


Get a Time Series Database Instance List

The code example is as follows:

ListDatabaseResponse database = tsdbAdminClient.listDatabase();

Create a Task to Delete Data Points

// Assume that the user wants to delete the data points under the two metric: Wind and Temperature, and each metric uses tagFilter to filter. 

// windTaskTagFilter is the filter of metric "Wind". 
TaskTagFilter windTaskTagFilter = new TaskTagFilter();

// temperatureTaskTagFilter is the filter of metric "Temperature". 
TaskTagFilter temperatureTaskTagFilter = new TaskTagFilter();

// The key of tags is metric, and the "value" is the list of TagFilter corresponding to metric. 
Map<String, List<TaskTagFilter>> tags = new HashMap<String, List<TaskTagFilter>>();
// Add "Wind" and its corresponding "Filter". 
tags.put("wind", Arrays.asList(windTaskTagFilter));
// Add "Temperature" and its corresponding "Filter". 
tags.put("temperature", Arrays.asList(temperatureTaskTagFilter));

// Create a deletion request and obtain response. 
DeleteDatapointsRequest deleteRequest = new DeleteDatapointsRequest();
// Set the metric to be deleted. If you do not set the "metrics" field or the "metricFieldsList" field, all metric and field data will be deleted. 
// When deleting, it will query the "filter" corresponding to "metric" in tags for filtering. 
deleteRequest.setMetrics(Arrays.asList("wind", "temperature"));
DeleteDatapointsResponse deleteResponse = tsdbAdminClient.deleteDatapoints(deleteRequest);

Create a Task of Exporting Data Points

The code example is as follows:

// Assume that the user wants to export the data points under the two metric: Wind and Temperature, and each metric uses tagFilter to filter. 

// windTaskTagFilter is the filter of metric "Wind". 
TaskTagFilter windTaskTagFilter = new TaskTagFilter();

// temperatureTaskTagFilter is the filter of metric "Temperature". 
TaskTagFilter temperatureTaskTagFilter = new TaskTagFilter();

//  The key of tags is metric, and the "value" is the list of TagFilter corresponding to metric. 
Map<String, List<TaskTagFilter>> tags = new HashMap<String, List<TaskTagFilter>>();
// Add "Wind" and its corresponding "Filter". 
tags.put("wind", Arrays.asList(windTaskTagFilter));
// Add "Temperature" and its corresponding "Filter". 
tags.put("temperature", Arrays.asList(temperatureTaskTagFilter));
ExportDatapointsRequest exportRequest = new ExportDatapointsRequest();
// Set the metrics to be exported. If not, all metrics will be exported. For each metric to be exported, the corresponding filter will be queried in tags. 
// Carry out filtering 
exportRequest.setMetrics(Arrays.asList("wind", "temperature"));
ExportDatapointsResponse exportResponse = tsdbAdminClient.exportDatapoints(exportRequest);

Get Task Information

The code example is as follows:

GetTaskRequest getTaskRequest = new GetTaskRequest();
GetTaskResponse response = tsdbAdminClient.getTask(getTaskRequest);
Gzip Compression Instruction of Writing Data Points
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