Baidu AI Cloud


Time-Spatial Database



Name Instruction Support type
Avg Average value, the result of the average value for each sampling time range Number

Request Parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Instruction
sampling String Optional The length of sampling time, such as "10 minutes", if not enter, is the entire query time range


Name Instruction Support type
Dev The standard deviation is the result of the standard deviation of the value in each sampling time range Number

Request Parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Instruction
sampling String Optional The length of sampling time, such as "10 minutes", if not enter, is the entire query time range


Name Instruction Support type
Count The number is the result of the number of points within each sampling time range Number/String

Request Parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Instruction
sampling String Optional The length of sampling time, such as "10 minutes", if not enter, is the entire query time range


Name Instruction Support type
First The first is the result of the first value in each sampling time range Number/String

Request Parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Instruction
sampling String Optional The length of sampling time, such as "10 minutes", if not enter, is the entire query time range


Name Instruction Support type
Last The last is the result of the last value in each sampling time range Number/String

Request Parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Instruction
sampling String Optional The length of sampling time, such as "10 minutes", if not enter, is the entire query time range


Name Instruction Support type
LeastSquares The least square method is used to fit the value in each sampling time range Number

Request Parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Instruction
sampling String Optional The length of sampling time, such as "10 minutes", if not enter, is the entire query time range


Name Instruction Support type
Max The Maximum is the result of the maximum value for each sampling time range Number

Request Parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Instruction
sampling String Optional The length of sampling time, such as "10 minutes", if not enter, is the entire query time range


Name Instruction Support type
Min The Minimum is the result of the minimum value for each sampling time range Number

Request Parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Instruction
sampling String Optional The length of sampling time, such as "10 minutes", if not enter, is the entire query time range


Name Instruction Support type
Percentile The Percentile is the result of the p-th (see request parameter percentile) value for each sampling time range Number

Request Parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Instruction
sampling String Optional The length of sampling time, such as "10 minutes", if not enter, is the entire query time range
percentile Double Required Percentage's value range is (0, 1], for example, 0.1 means 10%


Name Instruction Support type
Sum The Sum is the result of all the values for each sampling time range Number

Request Parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Instruction
sampling String Optional The length of sampling time, such as "10 minutes", if not enter, is the entire query time range


Name Instruction Support type
Diff The Diff is the result of the difference of two adjacent value for each sampling time range Number


Name Instruction Support type
Div The result comes from each value divided by a divisor (see the divisor of request parameters) Number

Request Parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Instruction
divisor Double Required The divisor cannot be 0


Name Instruction Support type
Scale The result comes from each value multi a factor (see the factor of request parameters) Number

Request Parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Instruction
factor Double Required factor


Name Instruction Support type
Rate The rate comes from the rate per unit time (see parameter timeUnit) for every two adjacent values Number

Request Parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Instruction
timeUnit String Required Units


Name Instruction Support type
AdjacentUnique Adjacent values are deduplicated, only the first value is reserved for the same value, and non-adjacent values are not deduplicated. For example, the result of “1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 3” after deduplication is “1, 2, 1, 3” Number/String/Bytes
Management API Introduction
Grouping Method