Baidu AI Cloud


Time-Spatial Database

SDK Installation

Version Detection

  1. $ npm -v // Check if npm is installed correctly
  2. $ node -v // Check node version

Versions That Support Node.js

  • 4.x
  • 5.x

Install the SDK

The JavaScript package has been uploaded to the npm manager to install the SDK's development package directly using npm.

npm install @baiducloud/sdk

Then use it in the program:

import {TsdbDataClient} from '@baiducloud/sdk';  
// use babel to escape to require keyword
// or use var TsdbDataClient = require('@baiducloud/sdk').TsdbDataClient;

const config = {
    endpoint: <Endpoint>,                  // user's time series database domain name, with the format such as http://{databaseName}
    credentials: {
        ak: <AccessKeyID>,                //your AccessKey
        sk: <SecretAccessKey>              //your SecretAccessKey

let client = new TsdbDataClient(config);

client.getMetrics()                             // call the needed interface
    .then(response => console.log(response))    // successful
    .catch(error => console.error(error));      // failed
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