Baidu AI Cloud


Time-Spatial Database

Write Operation

Write Single-Field Data Points

Users can refer to the following code to write the single-field data points:

Note: When the metric, field, tags and timestamp written are all the same, the value written later overrides the value written first.

String METRIC = "wind";                                            // metric
String TAG_KEY = "city";                                           // tag name
String TAG_VALUE = "ShangHai";                                     // tag value
String FIELD = "direction";                                        // field
// create data points
List<Datapoint> datapoints = Arrays.asList(new Datapoint()
                .withMetric(METRIC)                                  // set Metric
                .withField(FIELD)                                    // set data point field. It is optional, if not enter, use the default domain name value
                .addTag(TAG_KEY, TAG_VALUE)                          // set Tag
                .addDoubleValue(System.currentTimeMillis(), 0.1));   // add a data point

A Datapoint object can add multiple data points at the same time, which use the same metric and tag and the same field. Multiple data with the same metric and tag can be put into the same Datapoint object to reduce payload.

Datapoint datapoint = new Datapoint()
              .withMetric(METRIC)                                      // set Metric
              .withField(FIELD)                                        // set data point field. It is optional, if not enter, use the default domain name value
              .addTag(TAG_KEY, TAG_VALUE)                              // set Tag
              .addDoubleValue(System.currentTimeMillis(), 0.1)         // add a data point
              .addDoubleValue(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1, 0.2);    // add another data point

DataPoint objects can add data points of type double, long, and String. For the same field, if the value of one data type is written, the same field is not allowed to write to other data types.

// add Double type data points
Datapoint datapoint1 = new Datapoint()
              .withMetric("wind")                                     // set Metric
              .withField(FIELD)                                       // set data point field. It is optional, if not enter, use the default domain name value
              .addTag(TAG_KEY, TAG_VALUE)                             // set Tag
              .addDoubleValue(System.currentTimeMillis(), 0.1);       // add Double type data points
// add Long type data points
Datapoint datapoint2 = new Datapoint()
              .withMetric("temperature")                              // set Metric
              .addTag(TAG_KEY, TAG_VALUE)                             // set Tag
              .addLongValue(System.currentTimeMillis(), 10L);         // add Long type data points
// add String type data points
Datapoint datapoint3 = new Datapoint()
              .withMetric("humidity")                                 // set Metric
              .addTag(TAG_KEY, TAG_VALUE)                             // set Tag
              .addStringValue(System.currentTimeMillis(), "string");  // add String type data points

Write Multiple-Field Data Points

Different fields do not need to be written at the same time. It can be considered that different fields are independent. However, if you want to find out with one statement during the query, you need to ensure that metric, all tags and timestamps are consistent.

Users can refer to the following code to write the multiple-field data points:

String METRIC = "wind";                                              // metric
String TAG_KEY = "city";                                             // tag name
String TAG_VALUE = "ShangHai";                                       // tag value
String FIELD_1 = "direction";                                        // FIELD 1
String FIELD_2 = "speed";                                            // FIELD 2
long TIME = System.currentTimeMillis();                              // time

// add data points to FIELD_1
Datapoint datapoint1 = new Datapoint()
              .withMetric(METRIC)                                     // set Metric
              .withField(FIELD_1)                                     // set FIELD 1
              .addTag(TAG_KEY, TAG_VALUE)                             // set Tag
              .addDoubleValue(TIME, 0.1);                             // write Double type data points in appointed time

// add data points to FIELD_2
Datapoint datapoint2 = new Datapoint()
              .withMetric(METRIC)                                     // set Metric same with FIELD 1
              .withField(FIELD_2)                                     // set FIELD 2      
              .addTag(TAG_KEY, TAG_VALUE)                             // set Tag same with FIELD 1         
              .addLongValue(TIME, 10L);                               // add Long type data points, and the time is same with FIELD_1
tsdbClient.writeDatapoints(Arrays.asList(datapoint1, datapoint2));
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Query Operation