Management Interface
Last Updated:2022-01-18
Create a TsdbAdminClient
var TsdbAdminClient = require('@baiducloud/sdk').TsdbAdminClient;
const config = {
endpoint: <Endpoint>, // Domain name address of the management interface with the format such as tsdb.{region} Note: It is different from the endpoint used when creating a TsdbClient.
credentials: {
ak: <AccessKeyID>, // user's Access Key ID
sk: <SecretAccessKey> // user's Secret Access Key
// initialize a TsdbAdminClient
const client = new TsdbAdminClient(config);
Get a Time Series Database Instance
Basic Process
- Create a TsdbAdminClient.
- Run the createDatabase () method, you need to set up various information of the database, referring to the API design documentation for details.
The code example is as follows:
// set the instance parameters
var databaseName = "test"; // instance name
var clientToken = UUID.v4(); // ClientToken, used to guarantee the idempotence. Same clientToken is used when sending the create requests.
var description = 'This is just a test for TSDB.'; // instance description, optional
var ingestDataPointsMonthly = 1; // write quota, unit: millions of points/month
var storeBytesQuota = 1; // storage space capacity quota unit: GB
var purchaseLength = 1; // purchase duration, unit: month
var couponName = <your-coupon-name>; // coupon number, optional
// create and return results
client.createDatabase(clientToken, databaseName, ingestDataPointsMonthly, purchaseLength, description,storeBytesQuota)
.then(response => console.log(response.body)) // created successfully
.catch(error => console.error(error)); // failed to create and return the error type
Fields of the return value, please refer to API Documentation.
Delete a Time Series Database Instance
Basic Process
- Create a TsdbAdminClient.
- Run the deleteDatabase () method, you need to provide the databaseId of the database to be deleted.
The code example is as follows:
// delete the instance ID
var databaseId = 'tsdb-dvb9we5yfkcc';
// delete the instance and return results
.then(response => console.log(response)) // deleted successfully
.catch(error => console.error(error)); // failed to delete and return the error type
Note: Only Instance of deleting an expired time series database is permitted. Otherwise, an error occurs.
The running result is as follows:
// failed to delete (typically because the database is not expired)
status_code: 400,
message: 'Can not delete unexpired database',
code: 'DeleteUnexpiredDatabaseFailed',
request_id: '2a92ae76-87a2-432f-92a9-a426d2b447b6'
// deleted successfully (the database is expired)
body: {}
Get a Time Series Database Instance
Basic Process
- Create a TsdbAdminClient.
- Run the getDatabaseInfo () method, you need to provide the databaseId of the database to be obtained.
The code example is as follows:
// get the instance ID
var databaseId = 'tsdb-dvb9we5yfkcc';
// get the instance and return the instance information
.then(response => console.log(response.body)) // got successfully and return the information list
.catch(error => console.error(error)); // failed to get and return the error type
The running code is as follows:
// similar results return from the termination
databaseId: 'tsdb-tfu33g88m658',
databaseName: 'testgeturl',
description: '',
endpoint: '',
quota: {
ingestDataPointsMonthly: 1
status: 'Active',
autoExport: false,
createTime: '2017-10-11T08:51:09Z',
expiredTime: '2017-11-11T08:51:09Z'
Get a Time Series Database Instance List
Basic Process
- Create a TsdbAdminClient.
- Run the listDatabase () method.
The code example is as follows:
// get and return results
.then(response => console.log(response.body)) // got successfully and return the list containing each database information
.catch(error => console.error(error)); // failed to get and return the error type
The running result is as follows:
// similar results return from the termination and print all databases
"databaseId": "tsdb-dvb9we5yfkcc",
"databaseName": "viztest",
"description": "Ownedby IoT Visualization, Don\'tremove",
"endpoint": "",
"quota": {
"ingestDataPointsMonthly": 100
"status": "Active",
"autoExport": "false",
"createTime": "2017-06-14T07:41:46Z",
"expiredTime": "2018-06-14T07:41:47Z"
"databaseId": "tsdb-n88psnkq965c",
"databaseName": "vizyingyan",
"description": " testing data of IoT Visualization map",
"endpoint": "",
"quota": {
"ingestDataPointsMonthly": 10
"status": "Active",
"autoExport": "false",
"createTime": "2017-06-20T04:01:03Z",
"expiredTime": "2018-06-20T04:01:03Z"