Baidu AI Cloud


Time-Spatial Database

URLGenerate the Pre-Signed URL of Query Data Points

Pre-signed URLs can be used to query data points on front end pages. Usage: The front end requests the server to generate a pre-signed URL and return it to the front end, which uses the URL to initiate ajax requests to query data points.

String METRIC = "cpu_idle";                                   // set the metric of tag to get
String FIELD = "temperature";
// build query objects
List<Query> queries = Arrays.asList(new Query()                          // create Query Objects
        .withMetric(METRIC)                                              // set the metric
        .withField(FIELD)                                                // set the domain name of the query, and query the default domain if not set
        .withFilters(new Filters()                                       // create Filters Objects
                .withRelativeStart("5 seconds ago")                      // set the relative start time, here the setup is 5 seconds ago
                .withRelativeEnd("1 second ago"))                        // set the relative end time, and terminate till the current time by default if not set
        .withLimit(100)                                                  // set number limits of the return data points
        .addAggregator(new Aggregator()                                  // create Aggregator Objects
                .withName(TsdbConstants.AGGREGATOR_NAME_SUM)             // set the aggregator to Sum
                .withSampling("1 second")));                             // set the sampling
// get the pre-signed URL
URL url = tsdbClient.generatePresignedUrlForQueryDatapoints(queries, 120); // set the timeout for signature as 120s
Query Operation
Gzip Compression Instruction of Writing Data Points