Data API Introduction
Write Data Points
Method | API | Instruction |
POST | /v1/datapoint | Write data points |
Request Parameters
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required | Instruction |
datapoints | List<Datapoint> | Required | datapoint lists, arrays of datapoint objects |
Datapoint Objects
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required | Instruction |
metric | String | Required | Metric name |
field | String | Optional | Name of the field, the default name is value. Different fields support different data type writings. For the same field, if the value of a data type is written, the same field is not allowed to write other data types |
tags | Object | Required | All the tags corresponding to the data point. A pair of key-values in the object represents the key value of a tag |
type | String | Required | Long/Double/String/Bytes are acceptable now. Bytes is a special type, which means that value is a String encoded by base64. When stored in TSDB, it will be inversely encoded into byte array for storage |
timestamp | Int | Optional | Unix timestamp is measured in milliseconds; If timestamp is empty and value is not empty, time stamp will automatically fill in the current time of the system; If the number of bits of timestamp is less than or equal to 10 bits, the accuracy will be considered as seconds and automatically multiplied by 1000; A choice must be made between timestamp + value and values |
value | Int/Double/String | Optional | The value of data point must be either timestamp + value or values. When metric, field, tags, and timestamp are all written the same, the value written later overwrites the value written first |
values | List<List<Any>> | Optional | For the same data point of metric + tags, payload can be reduced by combining into a list of values. Values is a two-dimensional array, and one dimension in it must be two elements. The first element is timestamp, a unix time stamp, with type Int, and the second element is value, with type Int/Double/String. If the timestamp number of bits is less than or equal to 10 bits, the precision is considered to be seconds and automatically multiplied by 1000 |
Request Example
Field {database} in the HOST represents the name of the database
POST /v1/datapoint HTTP/1.1
HOST: {database}
Authorization: {authorization}
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-bce-date: 2016-06-08T16:49:51Z
"datapoints": [{
"metric": "cpu_idle",
"tags": {
"host": "server1",
"rack": "rack1"
"type": "Long",
"timestamp": 1465376157007,
"value": 51
}, {
"metric": "cpu_idle",
"tags": {
"host": "server2",
"rack": "rack2"
"type": "Long",
"values": [
[1465376269769, 67],
[1465376325057, 60]
Return Example
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
x-bce-request-id: 72492aee-1470-46d0-8a4d-0dab7b8e67b7
Get Metric Lists
Method | API | Instruction |
GET | /v1/metric | Get all the metric lists in the database |
Return Parameters
Parameter name | Parameter type | Instruction |
metrics | List<String> | Metric list |
Request Example
GET /v1/metric HTTP/1.1
Host: {database}
Authorization: {authorization}
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-bce-date: 2016-06-08T16:49:51Z
Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-bce-request-id: 72492aee-1470-46d0-8a4d-0dab7b8e67b7
"metrics": [
Get Field Lists
Method | API | Instruction |
GET | /v1/metric/{metric}/field | Get the field list of metric in the database |
Return Parameters
Parameter name | Parameter type | Instruction |
fields | Object | In the field list, each key of an Object corresponds to a key of a field, and each value of an Object is of type Object, indicating the type of the field |
Request Example
GET /v1/metric/wind/field HTTP/1.1
Host: {database}
Authorization: {authorization}
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-bce-date: 2016-06-08T16:49:51Z
Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-bce-request-id: 72492aee-1470-46d0-8a4d-0dab7b8e67b7
"fields": {
"power": {
"type": "String"
"direction": {
"type": "Number"
Get Tag Lists
Method | API | Instruction |
GET | /v1/metric/{metric}/tag?start=0&end=1562573168000 | Get the key and value lists of all tags corresponding to metric |
Request Parameters
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required | Instruction |
metric | String | Required | Metric name |
start | Int | Optional | Query all tags for a period of time, this is the start time, and the default is 0 |
end | Int | Optional | Query all tags for a period of time, this is the end time, and the default is 263 - 1 |
Return Parameters
Parameter name | Parameter type | Instruction |
tags | Object | In the Tag list, each key of an Object corresponds to a key of a tag, and each value of an Object is of type List < String >, which represents the list of all values of the tag |
Request Example
GET /v1/metric/cpu_idle/tag HTTP/1.1
Host: {database}
Authorization: {authorization}
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-bce-date: 2016-06-08T16:49:51Z
Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-bce-request-id: 72492aee-1470-46d0-8a4d-0dab7b8e67b7
"tags": {
"host": ["server1", "server2"],
"rack": ["rack1", "rack2"]
Query Data Points
If a single query lasts more than 50s, the system will automatically terminate the query. If a query timeout occurs, the following measures can be taken to optimize the query: 1. Reduce the number of queries in a single request 2. Shorten the interval between starting and ending time in a single query 3. Reduce the number of time series involved in a single query 4. Preprocess the data
Method | API | Instruction |
GET | /v1/datapoint?query={json} | Query data point, and query parameter encoded in query parameter |
PUT | /v1/datapoint?query | Query data point, and query parameter in the body |
Request Parameters
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required | Instruction |
queries | List<Query> | Required | Query Condition List, an array of Query objects |
disablePresampling | Boolean | Optional | Whether to disable preprocessing result query?The default setting is false |
Query Objects
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required | Instruction |
metric | String | Required | Name of metric to query |
field | String | Optional | Name of the field of metric to query, and the default name is value |
fields | List<String> | Optional | Field list of metric need to query. Because there is a conflict between fields and field, they can not coexist. |
tags | List<String> | Optional | Key list of the tag of the metric to query |
filters | Object | Required | Filter condition with type Filters |
groupBy | List<Query> | Optional | Group condition, an array of GroupBy objects |
offset | Int | Optional | For data paging, the offset of the data point returned from query is 0 by default if it is not filled in |
limit | Int | Optional | The number limit of returned data point is 1,000,000 by default if it is not filled in |
aggregators | List<Aggregator> | Optional | Aggregation condition, an array of Aggregator objects |
order | String | Optional | Asc and Desc are supported, and Asc is the default |
fill | Object | Optional | Interpolation option is with type Fill. Interpolation only acts on the original data, and interpolation is performed separately for each time series |
fills | List<Fill> | Optional | Multiple fill options, arrays of Fill objects. Because there is a conflict between fills and fill, they can not coexist. If there are multiple fills for the same field, then only the first fill is effective for this field, for example, the first fill is for all fill and the second fill is for a fill, then only the first fill is effective for a |
marker | String | Optional | For paging queries, return from marker, using the nextMarker value returned from the previous query |
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required | Instruction |
start | Int/String | Required | The start time can be either absolute time (i.e. time stamp, type Int, in milliseconds) or relative time (type String, such as "5 days ago"). For absolute time, if the number of bits is less than or equal to 10 bits, the accuracy will be considered as seconds and automatically multiplied by 1000. Note: When or is included, the outermost start cannot be entered, and the internal start of a single filter is required. |
end | Int/String | Optional | The end time can be absolute time or relative time, and the default is 263 - 1. For absolute time, if the number of bits is less than or equal to 10 bits, the accuracy will be considered as seconds and automatically multiplied by 1000 |
tags | Object | Optional | It can be an Object. Each key of an Object corresponds to a key of a tag, and each value of an Object is of type List < String >, which represents the value list to match with the tag It can be an array of TagFilter objects |
value | String | Optional | The value filtering of single field query is divided into symbol and value Symbols support =, !=, >, <, >=and<= Values allow Number (including long and double), String, and Tag, where String is enclosed in single quotation marks; Tag is the key of the tag, without single quotation marks, and will be automatically resolved to the corresponding type during filtering (for example, the type of field is Number, and the value of the tag will be resolved to Number), for example: "> 111" or "< 11.1" or "= 'abc'" or "> threshold" |
fields | List<FieldFilter> | Optional | Value filtering for multi-field queries, array of FieldFilter objects. Because there is a conflict between fields and value, they can not coexist. |
or | List<Filters> | Optional | Because there is a conflict between or filter query condition and or and other query condition, they can not coexist. |
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required | Instruction |
field | String | Required | Field name of metric need to filter |
value | String | Required | The value filtering of multiple field queries is divided into symbol and value Symbols support =, !=, >, <, >=and<= Values allow Number (including long and double), String, and Tag, where String is enclosed in single quotation marks; Tag is the key of the tag, without single quotation marks, and will be automatically resolved to the corresponding type during filtering (for example, the type of field is Number, and the value of the tag will be resolved to Number), for example: "> 111" or "< 11.1" or "= 'abc'" or "> threshold" |
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required | Instruction |
tag | String | Required | Key of the tag of the metric to filter |
in | List<String> | Optional | The value list of tags that can be included, that is, the value of tag only needs to be anyone of in. Cannot exist with notIn and like at the same time |
notIn | List<String> | Optional | The value list of tag to filter, that is, the value of tag cannot be any one of notIn. Cannot exist with in and like at the same time |
like | String | Optional | Rules to match, "%" matches any number of characters, "_" matches a single character, and escape character is " / "; It cannot coexist with in and notIn |
GroupBy Objects
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required | Instruction |
name | String | Required | Grouping method, currently only Tag is supported |
tags | List<String> | Optional | Which tags are grouped by, required when name is Tag |
Aggregator Objects
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required | Instruction |
name | String | Required | Aggregation methods, currently Avg, Dev, Count, First, Last, LeastSquares, Max, Min, Percentile, Sum, Diff, Div, Scale, Rate, and AdjacentUnique are supported |
sampling | String | Optional | The length of sampling time, such as "10 minutes". The query of natural calendar alignment is supported. The character "c", such as "1 hc", needs to be added to the time unit. Please refer to the time unit page for details. Required when the name is Avg, Dev, Count, First, Last, LeastSquares, Max, Min, Percentile, and Sum. If not, sampling is the whole query time range. |
percentile | Double | Optional | Percentage's value range is (0, 1], for example, 0.1 means 10%. Required when the name is Percentile |
divisor | Double | Optional | Divisor, required when the name is Div |
factor | Double | Optional | Factor, required when the name is Scale |
timeUnit | String | Optional | Time unit, required when the name is Rate |
The rules for calendar alignment are as follows:
If the time range of the query is from 12:12:12.000 on June 15 to 11:11:11.000 September 17, and the sampling cycle is one month through the "Natural Calendar Alignment" query, 4 values are generated.
The first value is the aggregate value from 12:12:12.000 on June 15 to 23:59:59.999 on June 30,
The second value is the aggregate value from 00:00:00.000 on July 1 to 23:59:59.999 on July 31,
The third value is the aggregate value from 00:00:00.000 on August 1 to 23:59:59.999 on August 31,
The fourth value is the aggregate value from 00:00:00.000 on September 1 to 11:11:11.000 on September 17.
Fill Objects
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required | Instruction |
type | String | Required | Fill type currently support Linear, Previous and Fixed |
interval | String | Required | Fill interval. If a time series has no value in this interval, fill will be performed. Please refer to Time Unit for format |
maxWriteInterval | String | Optional | Max Write Interval. The maximum data writing interval for a time series (there must be a value in this interval) is 0 by default. Please refer to Time Unit for format. The system will attempt to find points from (start-maxWriteInterval) to start and end to (end + maxWriteInterval). If there is no point from (start-maxWriteInterval) to start, the missing point before the first point between start and end will be filled by the value of the first point; If there is no point from end to (end + maxWriteInterval), the missing point after the last point between start and end will be filled by the value of the last point. When the type is Fixed, the parameter will be ignored |
value | Int/Double/String | Optional | The fixed value filled by fixed value fill is required when the type is Fixed |
field | String | Optional | For the field to interpolate, if this parameter is not filled in, all the fields will be filled by default |
Return Parameters
Parameter name | Parameter type | Instruction |
results | List<Result> | The result list should match the queries, and is an array composed of Result objects |
Result Objects
Parameter name | Parameter type | Instruction |
metric | String | Metric name of the result |
field | String | Field name of the result |
fields | List<String> | Field list of the result |
tags | List<String> | Tag list of the result |
rawCount | Int | Number of original data points |
consumedCount | Int | Number of data points scanned for billing |
groups | List<Group> | Group list of the result, an array of Group objects |
truncated | Boolean | Whether all the data has been returned? True means there is still data behind it, false means there is no data behind it, and the default is false When groupBy or Aggregators are used, there is no such item |
nextMarker | String | Used for paging query to obtain the marker value to pass for the next batch of data. It is only available when truncated is true |
presamplingRuleId | String | Pre-processing rule hits the ID, if there is no parameter means it does not hit |
Group Objects
Parameter name | Parameter type | Instruction |
groupInfos | List<GroupInfo> | Information of the group, an array of GroupInfo objects |
values | List<List<Any>> | The sequence of time and values is a two-dimensional array. The first element is timestamp, with type Int, and the following elements are value corresponding to field, with the number of fields and type Int/Double/String. The following elements are value corresponding to tag, with the number of tags and type String. |
GroupInfo Objects
Parameter name | Parameter type | Instruction |
name | String | Grouping method, currently only Tag is supported |
tags | Object | In the tag of the group, a pair of key-values in the Object represents the key-value of a tag, which is available when the name is Tag |
Single Domain Request Example
PUT /v1/datapoint?query HTTP/1.1
Host: {database}
Authorization: {authorization}
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-bce-date: 2016-06-08T16:49:51Z
"queries": [{
"metric": "cpu_idle",
"field": "test",
"filters": {
"start": "1 hour ago",
"tags": {
"host": ["server1", "server2"]
"value": ">= 10"
"groupBy": [{
"name": "Tag",
"tags": ["rack"]
"limit": 1000,
"aggregators": [{
"name": "Sum",
"sampling": "10 minutes"
"disablePresampling": false
Single Domain Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-bce-request-id: 72492aee-1470-46d0-8a4d-0dab7b8e67b7
"results": [{
"metric": "cpu_idle",
"field": "test",
"rawCount": 1000,
"groups": [{
"groupInfos": [{
"name": "Tag",
"tags": {
"rack": "rack1"
"values": [
[1465718968506, 10],
[1465718985346, 12],
[1465718992879, 15]
"presamplingRuleId": "21"
Multiple-Domain Request Example
PUT /v1/datapoint?query HTTP/1.1
Host: {database}
Authorization: {authorization}
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-bce-date: 2016-06-08T16:49:51Z
"queries": [{
"metric": "cpu_idle",
"fields": ["field1","field2"],
"tags": ["rack"],
"filters": {
"fields": [{
"field": "field1",
"value": ">= 10"
"field": "field2",
"value": "<= 10"
"start": "1 hour ago",
"tags": {
"host": ["server1", "server2"]
"groupBy": [{
"name": "Tag",
"tags": ["rack"]
"limit": 1000,
"aggregators": [{
"name": "Sum",
"sampling": "10 minutes"
"disablePresampling": false
Multiple-Domain Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-bce-request-id: 72492aee-1470-46d0-8a4d-0dab7b8e67b7
"results": [{
"metric": "cpu_idle",
"fields": ["field1","field2"],
"tags": ["rack"],
"rawCount": 1000,
"groups": [{
"groupInfos": [{
"name": "Tag",
"tags": {
"rack": "rack1"
"values": [
[1465718968506, 10, 1.0, "rack1"],
[1465718985346, 12, 2.0, "rack1"],
[1465718992879, 15, 11.0, "rack1"]
Or Query Request Example
PUT /v1/datapoint?query HTTP/1.1
Host: {database}
Authorization: {authorization}
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-bce-date: 2016-06-08T16:49:51Z
"queries": [{
"metric": "cpu_idle",
"fields": ["field1","field2"],
"tags": ["rack"],
"filters": {
"or": [{
"fields": [{
"field": "field1",
"value": ">= 10"
"field": "field2",
"value": "<= 10"
"start": "1 hour ago"
"tag": "rack",
"in": ["rack1", "rack2"]
"start": "2 hour ago"
"groupBy": [{
"name": "Tag",
"tags": ["rack"]
"limit": 1000,
"aggregators": [{
"name": "Sum",
"sampling": "10 minutes"
"disablePresampling": false
Or Query Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-bce-request-id: 72492aee-1470-46d0-8a4d-0dab7b8e67b7
"results": [{
"metric": "cpu_idle",
"fields": ["field1","field2"],
"tags": ["rack"],
"rawCount": 1000,
"groups": [{
"groupInfos": [{
"name": "Tag",
"tags": {
"rack": "rack1"
"values": [
[1465718968506, 10, 1.0, "rack1"],
[1465718985346, 12, 2.0, "rack1"],
[1465718992879, 15, 11.0, "rack1"]
Interpolation Request Example
PUT /v1/datapoint?query HTTP/1.1
Host: {database}
Authorization: {authorization}
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-bce-date: 2016-06-08T16:49:51Z
"queries": [{
"metric": "cpu_idle",
"filters": {
"start": "1 hour ago"
"tags": {
"host": ["server1"]
"fill": {
"type": "Linear",
"interval": "5 minutes",
"maxWriteInterval": "30 minutes"
Interpolation Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-bce-request-id: 72492aee-1470-46d0-8a4d-0dab7b8e67b7
"results": [{
"metric": "cpu_idle",
"field": "value",
"rawCount": 2,
"groups": [{
"groupInfos": [],
"values": [
[1499072400000, 20.4],
[1499072700000, 17.85],
[1499073000000, 15.3],
[1499073300000, 22.95],
[1499073600000, 30.6],
[1499073900000, 38.25],
[1499074200000, 45.9],
[1499074500000, 53.55],
[1499074800000, 61.2],
[1499075100000, 61.2],
[1499075400000, 61.2],
[1499075700000, 61.2]
Tag Match Request Example
PUT /v1/datapoint?query HTTP/1.1
Host: {database}
Authorization: {authorization}
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-bce-date: 2016-06-08T16:49:51Z
"queries": [{
"metric": "cpu_idle",
"tags": ["tag1"],
"filters": {
"start": "1 hour ago"
"tags": [{
"tag": "tag1",
"like": "value%"
Tag Match Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-bce-request-id: 72492aee-1470-46d0-8a4d-0dab7b8e67b7
"results": [{
"metric": "cpu_idle",
"field": "value",
"tags": ["tag1"],
"rawCount": 2,
"groups": [{
"groupInfos": [],
"values": [
[1499072400000, 20.4, "value1"],
[1499072700000, 17.85, "value2"]
SQL Query Interface
Method | API | Instruction |
GET | /v1/row?sql={statement} | Use ANSI SQL to query time series data |
Request Parameters
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required | Instruction |
sql | String | Required | ASIC syntax SQL query statement, Eg. Select * from metric requires url encode when placed in the get request |
Return Parameters
Parameter name | Parameter type | Instruction |
Columns | List<Column> | Schema information of the SQL query, an array of Column objects |
rows | List<List<Object>> | Result list of the SQL Query, a two-dimensional array of Query objects |
Column Objects
Parameter name | Parameter type | Instruction |
name | String | Colume name |
Request Example
GET /v1/row?sql=select%20%2A%20from%20metric HTTP/1.1
Host: {database}
Authorization: {authorization}
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-bce-date: 2016-06-08T16:49:51Z
Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-bce-request-id: 72492aee-1470-46d0-8a4d-0dab7b8e67b7
"columns": [{
"name": "time"
"name": "field1",
"name": "tag1"
"rows": [
[1499072400000, 20.4, "value1"],
[1499072700000, 17.85, "value2"]