
All Product Document

          Elastic IP

          SDK Installation

          Runtime Environment

          1. Python SDK supports operation in the environment of Python2.7 and Python3.
          2. Before installing SDK, you need to execute command pip install pycrypto to install pycrypto reliance.
            If the installation fails, please execute pip install pycryptodome.

          Download and Install

          Method 1: Install via Pip

          You can install the Baidu AI Cloud Python SDK into your environment through pip installation. Execute the following command on the command line in the networked state.

          pip install bce-python-sdk

          You can install the Python SDK locally.

          Method 2: Download the Source Package Locally and Install It

          1.Download Python SDK in Official Website. 2.Move the command line to the path of the compressed package and execute the following command (version is replaced with the version number in the package name).

          pip install bce-python-sdk-version.zip  

          You can install the Python SDK locally.

          You can also execute the following command after decompressing the compressed package (version is replaced with the version number in the package name).

          cd bce-python-sdk-version
          python setup.py install 

          to complete the SDK installation.

          SDK's Directory Structure

                 ├── auth                             // Public permission directory 
                 ├── http                             //Http request module 
                 ├── services                         // Service public directory 
                 │     └── eip                       //EIP Directory 
                 │            ├──eip_client.py        //EIP Client entry class 
                 │            ├──model.py             //EIP internal model, such as Billing 
                 │            ├──eip_group_client.py //EIPGroup client entry class 
                 │            └──eip_group_model.py   //EIPGroup internal model, such as Billing 
                 ├── bce_base_client.py               // Base class of BCE client entry class 
                 ├── bce_client_configuration.py      //HttpClient configuration class 
                 ├── bce_response.py                  //BCE client request class 
                 ├── exception.py                     //BCE client exception class 
                 ├── protocol.py                      // Network protocol definition 
                 ├── region.py                        // Regional processing module 
                 ├── retry_policy.py                  //BCE service public configuration 
                 └── utils.py                         //BCE public tool class 

          Uninstall SDK

          It is expected that you can uninstall "bce-python-sdk" using pip when uninstalling the SDK.
