
All Product Document

          Elastic IP

          Instructions for Use

          Understanding the following contents helps you use API operation service better.

          • API Authentication Mechanism
          • Typesetting agreement

          API Authentication Mechanism

          You can interact with Baidu AI Cloud by two means, including authentication method and anonymous method. For authentication method, you need to verify the identity of a request sender by using Access Key Id / Secret Access Key encryption method. Access Key Id (AK) is used to identify users, and Secret Access Key (SK) is a key used by users to encrypt authentication string and by Baidu AI Cloud to verify the authentication string, where SK must be confidential, which can only be known by users and Baidu AI Cloud.

          After Baidu AI Cloud receives a request of users, the system will use the same SK and authentication mechanism to generate an authentication string, and compare it with the authentication string contained in the user request. If the two authentication strings are the same, the system considers that the user has the designated operation permission, and executes the related operations; if the two authentication strings are different, the system will ignore the operation and return an error code. Please refer to the Authentication for details of the authentication mechanism.

          Typesetting Agreement

          Layout Meaning
          < > Variable
          [ ] Optional item
          { } Mandatory item
          | Mutual exclusion relationship
          Monospaced font Courier New Screen output
          API Service Domain Name
          General Description