
All Product Document

          Elastic IP

          EipBP Instance

          The EipBp instance is an instance of creating a bandwidth package on Baidu AI Cloud. Identity verification is required to create a bandwidth package. If you fail the identity verification, go to [Baidu Open Cloud Official Website Console](https://console.bce.baidu.com/qualify/? _=1567871861163#/qualify/result) for authentication, and currently, only the creation of prepaid EIP shared bandwidth is supported.

          Create a Bandwidth Package Instance

          Use the following codes to create a bandwidth package instance.

          public function testCreateEipBp() 
              $resp = $this->client->createEipBp($this->eip, null, $this->createBandwidthInMbps, $this->name, $this->autoReleaseTime); 

          Bandwidth Package Bandwidth Expansion and Contraction

          Specifies the bandwidth expansion and contraction of the bandwidth package.

          public function testResizeEipBp() 
              $this->client->resizeEipBp($this->id, $this->newBandwidthInMbps); 

          Query the Bandwidth Package Details

          Query the bandwidth package details.

          public function testGetEipBp() 

          Query the Bandwidth Package List

          Query the bandwidth package list.

          • The bandwidth package list can be queried according to multiple conditions.
          • If no query conditions are provided, the default query will cover all bandwidth packages.
          • The returned result is the query result of intersection of multiple conditions, i.e. when multiple conditions are provided, bandwidth meeting all conditions simultaneously is returned.
          • The query result above supports marker paging, with paging size of 1,000 by default, which can be specified via maxKeys parameter.
          public function testListEipBps() 

          Update the Bandwidth Package Name

          Update the name of the specified bandwidth package.

          public function testRenameEipBp() 
              $this->client->renameEipBp($this->id, $this->newName); 

          Update the Bandwidth Package Automatic Release Time

          Update the automatic release time of the specified bandwidth package.

          public function testUpdateEipBpAutoReleaseTime() 
              $this->client->updateEipBpAutoReleaseTime($this->id, $this->newAutoReleaseTime); 

          Release the Bandwidth Packet

          Release the specified bandwidth package.

          public function testReleaseEipBp() 
          EIPGroup Instance
          Exception Handling