
All Product Document

          Elastic IP


          Confirm Endpoint

          When confirming the Endpoint configured when using SDK, you can read the part in API reference regarding API service domain name, and understand Endpoint related concept. Baidu AI Cloud enables multi-region support currently, please see the description of Region selection. The corresponding information is:

          Access region Corresponding Endpoint
          Beijing eip.bj.baidubce.com
          Guangzhou eip.gz.baidubce.com
          Suzhou eip.su.baidubce.com
          Hong Kong eip.hkg.baidubce.com
          Wuhan eip.fwh.baidubce.com
          Baoding eip.bd.baidubce.com

          Get the Key

          To use Baidu AI Cloud EIP, you need to have a valid AK (Access Key ID) and SK (Secret Access Key) for signature authentication. AK/SK is assigned by the system to users, both of which are strings, used to identify users, and perform signature authentication for accessing EIP. You can obtain and understand your AK/SK information through the following steps: Register Baidu AI Cloud Account [Create AK/SK](https://console.bce.baidu.com/iam/? _=1513940574695#/iam/accesslist)

          Create Client

          Each specific service has a Client object, which encapsulates a series of easy-to-use methods for developers to interact with the corresponding service. Developers can refer to the documentation in the directory corresponding to the specific service in SDK to use the corresponding service.

          Use AK/SK to Create EIP Client

          Access EIP via AK/SK, and users can create a EIP Client by reference to the following codes:

          import ( 
          func main() { 
              // Access Key ID and Secret Access Key of users 
              ACCESS_KEY_ID, SECRET_ACCESS_KEY := <your-access-key-id>, <your-secret-access-key> 
              // User specified Endpoint 
              ENDPOINT := <domain-name> 
              // Initialize an eipClient 
              eipClient, err := eip.NewClient(AK, SK, ENDPOINT) 

          Note: ENDPOINT needs to be defined with the domain name of specified region. For example, if the service region is Beijing, the domain name is http://eip.bj.baidubce.com.

          Use STS to Create EIP Client

          Apply for STS Token

          EIP can implement temporary authorized access by a third party through the STS mechanism. STS (Security Token Service) is a temporary authorization service provided by Baidu Cloud. With STS, you can issue a third-party user with a custom time-based and privileged access credential. Third-party users can use the access credentials to directly call Baidu Cloud's API or SDK to access Baidu Cloud resources.

          To access EIP through STS, users need to apply for an authentication string through the STS client first.

          Create eip Client with STS Token

          After STS is applied, STS Token can be configured in EIP Client to create EIP Client via STS Token.

          Code Example

          GO SDK realizes the interface of STS service, and users can refer to the following complete code to apply for STS Token and create EIP Client object.

          import ( 
              "github.com/baidubce/bce-sdk-go/auth"          // Import authentication module 
              "github.com/baidubce/bce-sdk-go/services/eip" //Import EIP service module 
              "github.com/baidubce/bce-sdk-go/services/sts" // Import STS service module 
          func main() { 
              // Create the Client object of STS service, with Endpoint of default value 
              AK, SK := <your-access-key-id>, <your-secret-access-key> 
              stsClient, err := sts.NewClient(AK, SK) 
              if err != nil { 
                  fmt.Println("create sts client object :", err) 
              // Obtain a temporary authentication token, with a valid period of 60 sec, and ACL null 
              stsObj, err := stsClient.GetSessionToken(60, "") 
              if err != nil { 
                  fmt.Println("get session token failed:", err) 
              fmt.Println("GetSessionToken result:") 
              fmt.Println("  accessKeyId:", stsObj.AccessKeyId) 
              fmt.Println("  secretAccessKey:", stsObj.SecretAccessKey) 
              fmt.Println("  sessionToken:", stsObj.SessionToken) 
              fmt.Println("  createTime:", stsObj.CreateTime) 
              fmt.Println("  expiration:", stsObj.Expiration) 
              fmt.Println("  userId:", stsObj.UserId) 
              // Create the Client object of EIP service with the temporary STS applied, with Endpoint of default value. 
              eipClient, err := eip.NewClient(stsObj.AccessKeyId, stsObj.SecretAccessKey, "eip.bj.baidubce.com") 
              if err != nil { 
                  fmt.Println("create eip client failed:", err) 
              stsCredential, err := auth.NewSessionBceCredentials( 
              if err != nil { 
                  fmt.Println("create sts credential object failed:", err) 
              eipClient.Config.Credentials = stsCredential 

          Note: When STS is used to configure rip Client, no matter where the endpoint of the corresponding EIP service is, the endpoint of STS needs to be configured as http://sts.bj.baidubce.com. This default value is used to create STS object in the code above.

          Call Function Interface

          Based on the Client object of the corresponding service created, the developer can call the corresponding functional interface and use the functions of Baidu Cloud products.


          The following uses Baidu Cloud Elastic IP (EIP) as an example to give a basic usage example. For detailed usage instructions, please refer to the detailed documentation of each service.

          import ( 
          func main() { 
              // Access Key ID and Secret Access Key of users 
              ACCESS_KEY_ID, SECRET_ACCESS_KEY := "<your-access-key-id>", "<your-secret-access-key>" 
              // Endpoint of EIP service 
              ENDPOINT := "<domain-name>" 
              // Create Client for EIP service 
          	 EIP_CLIENT, _ = NewClient(AK, SK, Endpoint) 
              // Create EIP 
          	 args := &CreateEipArgs{ 
          	 	 Name:            "sdk-eip", 
          	 	 BandWidthInMbps: 1, 
          	 	 Billing: &Billing{ 
          	 	 	 PaymentTiming: "Postpaid", 
          	 	 	 BillingMethod: "ByTraffic", 
          	 	 ClientToken: getClientToken(), 
          	 result, err := EIP_CLIENT.CreateEip(args) 
              if err != nil { 
                  fmt.Println("create eip failed:", err) 
              fmt.Println("create eip success ,eip address is:", result.Eip) 


          Use HTTPS Protocol

          The SDK supports the use of HTTPS protocol to access Baidu Cloud's service products. To use the HTTPS protocol, you only need to specify the domain name using the https protocol in the Endpoint specified when you create the Client object of the corresponding service. SDK will automatically recognize and use the HTTPS protocol for access.

          // import "github.com/baidubce/bce-sdk-go/services/eip" 
          ENDPOINT := "https://eip.bj.baidubce.com" //Specify the use of HTTPS protocol 
          AK, SK := <your-access-key-id>, <your-secret-access-key> 
          eipClient, _ := eip.NewClient(AK, SK, ENDPOINT) 

          Configure EIP Client

          To configure parameters of some details of EIP Client, you can use the export field Config of EIP Client object for custom configuration after creating that object, and can configure agent, maximum connections, etc. for the client.

          Use Agent

          The following codes enable the client to access to EIP service with agent.

          // import "github.com/baidubce/bce-sdk-go/services/eip" 
          // Create EIP Client object 
          AK, SK := <your-access-key-id>, <your-secret-access-key> 
          ENDPOINT := "eip.bj.baidubce.com" 
          client, _ := eip.NewClient(AK, SK, ENDPOINT) 
          // The agent uses the local 8080 port 
          client.Config.ProxyUrl = ""

          Set Network Parameters

          Users can set the network parameters with the following sample code:

          // import "github.com/baidubce/bce-sdk-go/services/eip" 
          AK, SK := <your-access-key-id>, <your-secret-access-key> 
          ENDPOINT := "eip.bj.baidubce.com" 
          client, _ := eip.NewClient(AK, SK, ENDPOINT) 
          // Configuration is not retried, and the default is Back Off retry 
          client.Config.Retry = bce.NewNoRetryPolicy() 
          // Configure the connection time-out period as 30sec 
          client.Config.ConnectionTimeoutInMillis = 30 * 1000

          Configure Generation of Signature String Option

          // import "github.com/baidubce/bce-sdk-go/services/eip" 
          AK, SK := <your-access-key-id>, <your-secret-access-key> 
          ENDPOINT := "eip.bj.baidubce.com" 
          client, _ := eip.NewClient(AK, SK, ENDPOINT) 
          // Configure the HTTPS request header for signature as `Host` 
          headersToSign := map[string]struct{}{"Host": struct{}{}} 
          client.Config.SignOption.HeadersToSign = HeadersToSign 
          // Configure the valid period of signature as 30sec 
          client.Config.SignOption.ExpireSeconds = 30

          Detailed Configuration

          When developers use GO SDK, the export field Config of the Client object created corresponding to the service provides the following parameters to support detailed configuration:

          Name of configuration item Type Meaning
          Endpoint string Domain name of request service
          ProxyUrl string Agent address of client request
          Region string Region of request resources
          UserAgent string User name, User-Agent header of HTTP request
          Credentials *auth.BceCredentials Authentication object of request is classified into ordinary AK/SK and STS
          SignOption *auth.SignOptions Signature option of authentication string
          Retry RetryPolicy Connection retry policy
          ConnectionTimeoutInMillis int Connection time-out period, in msec, and the default is 20min


          1. The Credentials field is created using the auth.NewBceCredentials and auth. NewSessionBceCredentials functions, the former is used by default, and the latter is used when STS authentication is used.
          2. SignOption field is the option to generate signature string, for more information, please see the explanation in the table below:
          Name Type Meaning
          HeadersToSign map[string]struct{} HTTP header used to generate signature string
          Timestamp int64 The time stamp used to generate signature string is the value when the request is sent by default.
          ExpireSeconds int Valid period of signature string
           Among them, HeadersToSign defaults to `Host`, `Content-Type`, `Content-Length`, `Content-MD5`; TimeStamp is generally zero, indicating the timestamp when the authentication string is generated by the call, and the user should generally not clearly specify the value of this field; ExpireSeconds defaults to 1800 seconds or 30 minutes. 
          1. Retry field specifies the retry strategy, and support 2 retry strategies currently: NoRetryPolicy and BackOffRetryPolicy. By default, the latter is used, and this retry strategy specifies the maximum number of retry, longest time of retry and retry base. Retry is performed by multiplying the retry base by exponential growth of 2 until the maximum retry test or the maximum retry time is reached.
          // Client is a `Client` object for a specific service 
          // Configure the request proxy address 
          client.Config.ProxyUrl = ""
          // Configuration is not retried, and the default is Back Off retry 
          client.Config.Retry = bce.NewNoRetryPolicy() 
          // Configure the connection time-out period as 30sec 
          client.Config.ConnectionTimeoutInMillis = 30 * 1000
          // Configure the HTTPS request header for signature as `Host` 
          client.Config.SignOption.HeadersToSign = map[string]struct{}{"Host": struct{}{}} 
          // Configure the valid period of signature as 30sec 
          client.Config.SignOption.ExpireSeconds = 30
          Exception Handling