
All Product Document

          Cloud Monitor

          Push Data Interface

          Interface Description

          Push the data to BCM for monitoring. When using the custom monitoring feature, you can push the data to BCM via this interface for real-time monitoring.

          Usage Restriction

          Currently, only Beijing, Guangzhou, Suzhou and Hong Kong Regions can use the custom monitoring feature, and other Regions don't support the feature.

          Request Structure

          • Request method: POST
          • URL: /json-api/v1/metricdata/{userid}/{scope}
          • For the request body, please refer to the following request parameters and request examples.

          Request Parameter

          Name Type Description Required or not Parameter position
          userId String Tenant ID Yes URL parameter
          scope String, only limited to usage of the following character sets: "0~9, "A~Z", "a~z" and "_". Name space Yes URL parameter
          metricData List<MetricDatum> Monitoring item data Yes RequestBody parameter


          Name Type Description Required or not
          metricName String Monitoring item name Yes
          dimensions List<Dimension> Dimension Yes
          value double Monitoring item value No
          timestamp String Time Yes


          Name Type Description Required or not
          name String Dimension name Yes
          value String Dimension value Yes

          Response Parameter

          Name Type Description
          requestId String Request identification
          code String Return code
          message String Return message

          Request Example

          POST  /json-api/v1/metricdata/user1/UserDefined_BCC  HTTP/1.1  
              "metricData": [ 
                      "metricName": "pv", 
                      "dimensions": [ 
                              "name": "os", 
                              "value": "centos" 
                              "name": "serviceName", 
                              "value": "myService" 
                      "value": 1234567, 
                      "timestamp": "2014-05-26T07:30:00Z" 
                      "metricName": "responseTime", 
                      "dimensions": [ 
                              "name": "os", 
                              "value": "windows" 
                              "name": "serviceName", 
                              "value": "myService" 
                      "value": 1234568, 
                      "timestamp": "2014-05-26T07:30:00Z" 

          Response Example

          Successful response example

              "requestId": "45113fb2-fe84-411f-809b-9383d43003cd", 
              "code": "OK", 
              "message": "" 

          Failed response example

              "requestId": "45113fb2-fe84-411f-809b-9383d43003cd", 
              "code": "INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE", 
              "message": "Metric data required" 
          Query Data Interface
          Cloud Product Monitoring Items and Parameters