
All Product Document

          Cloud Monitor


          1.It is prompted that the BCM-Tool is not found in installation?

          Generally, the old version system is used, and there is no preset BCM- Tool source file (/etc/yum.repos.d/baidu-bcm.repo of centos, /etc/apt/sources.list.d/baidu-bcm.list of ubuntu). It should be added manually by the following methods.

          CentOS machine:

          cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/baidu-bcm.repo <<EOF 
          name=Baidu cloud monitor(BCM) 


          For users in the intranet production environment, the baseurl=http://repo.bcm.baidubce.com/yum-internal should be used.

          Ubuntu machine:

          cat > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/baidu-bcm.list <<EOF 
          # Baidu cloud monitor(BCM) 
          deb http://repo.bcm.baidubce.com/deb/ all main 


          For users in the intranet production environment, the http://repo.bcm.baidubce.com/deb-internal/ all main should be used.

          Then complete installation according to the Install Method.

          2.The installation fails, it is promoted the python doesn't exist or the version is error?

          The BCM-Tool supports Python 2.6 and 2.7 versions, and detects the system's own Python version in installation. The installation fails if the version is lower than 2.6 or higher than 2.7. The root user can install the BCM-Tool after the 2.6 or 2.7 version Python is installed.

          3.The installation is successful but the operation of BCM-Tool fails. It is prompted that the python is not found or the invalid syntax format is wrong?

          The problem is caused by that the python environment is not found under the current user or the version is unmatched.

          Use the which python command to view whether the environment exists. If it has been installed, check whether the version number meets the requirements via the python--version.

          The installation is successful because the installation user is a root user. The successful installation indicates that the python environment under the root user has no problem, while the user using the BCM-Tool may use other python environments.

          4.Execute the Bcm-tool command. How should I do if no prompt command is found?

          This problem is caused by two reasons: One is that the BCM-Tool is not installed or its installation fails; the other is that the creation of soft link of the BCM-Tool fails at the end of installation.

          • First, confirm whether the BCM-Tool is installed (check whether there is a catalogue of /opt/bcm-tool) . And then directly operate /opt/bcm-tool/bin/bcm-tool. If the operation is normal, it indicates that the BCM-Tool is available.
          • Second, check whether the /usr/bin/bcm-tool (soft link of /opt/bcm-tool/bin/bcm-tool) exists. If it doesn't exist, we can use the ln -s /opt/bcm-tool/bin/bcm-tool /usr/bin/bcm-tool command to manually create one.

          5.When we push or query the monitoring data, why do we see the prompt Data point have illegal timestamp, is later than 2 Hours after current time or earlier than two weeks ago?

          The BCM requires that the time stamp of the pushed and queried monitoring data shouldn't be earlier than 2 weeks or later than the next 2 hours. Please check the time stamp when receiving the prompt message.

          6.When we push or query the monitoring data, we receive the prompt - Argument -t/--Timestamp is invalid?What should we do?

          The prompt message indicates that the time stamp format is wrong. The BCM supports the time stamp format of ISO8601. The standard format is 2015-01-01T12:00:00Z or 2015-01-01T20:00:00+08:00:00, and the one with Z at the end represents the UTC time and the one with +08:00:00 at the end represents the Beijing standard time.

          7.When we use the BCM-Tool, why do we receive the prompt - Invalid Scope, your scope can't be start with "BCE_" or "BCM_"?

          The BCM-Tool requires that users shouldn't push the SCOPE starting with BCM_ or BCE_. The BCM and BCE are used by the public cloud internal system.

          8.How to acquire the "User Id", "Access Key" and "Secret Access Key"?

          We can view the "User ID" in "User Information > Basic Information > User ID", and the "Access Key" and "Secret Access Key" in My Service > Security Authentication > My Access Key. Please refer to Get AKSK.

          Unload Method