Baidu AI Cloud


Simple Cache Service SCS

Release an Instance


  • When a single SCS instance is released, the physical resources used by the instance will be recovered, and all related data will be lost and not be recovered.
  • Only the expired instances adopting Postpaid or Prepaid mode can be released.

Request Structure

DELETE /v{version}/instance/{instanceId} HTTP/1.1
Authorization authorization string

Request Header Field

There are no other special header fields except the public header field.

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Type Required Parameter Position Description
version String Yes URI Parameter API version No.
instanceId String Yes Query parameters Instance Id

Return Header Field

There are no other special header fields except the common header field.

Return Parameters

No special return parameters.

Error Code

Error Code Error description HTTP status code Explanations
BadRequest Bad request parameters or illegal request. 400 Error request
OperationDenied Prepay type cannot be deleted. 409 The pre-paid and unexpired instances cannot be released
InstanceNotExistException Instance not found. 404 The instance is not found or is not yours.
InstanceDeleteFailed Instance {instanceId} delete failed. 403 “scs” instance is failed to delete.
ServiceUnavailable Service is unavailable. 503 Internal server error occurs.
Create an Instance
Change the Configuration