Baidu AI Cloud


Simple Cache Service SCS

AOF Persistence Switch

The cloud database provides the feature for enabling/disabling AOF persistence. The user can modify appendonly parameters in the management console to enable/disable AOF persistence.


  • The supported enabling/disabling states include: YES, NO, and PARTIAL
  • YES: AOF is enabled at the master node and the standby node. Be applicable for the AOF having emphasis on data reliability
  • NO: AOF is disabled at the master node and the standby node. Be applicable for the AOF having emphasis on the service performance
  • PARTIAL: AOF is disabled at the master node and the standby node. Be applicable for balancing the data reliability and service performance
  • This parameter is not applicable for single-replica instances

Operating Steps

  1. Log in to the Cloud Database SCS Management Console SCS, and click "Instance Name/ID".
  2. Click "Parameter Settings" in the tab navigation bar of the instance details page.
  3. Find appendonly parameter on "Parameter Setting" > "Modifiable Parameters" page, and click "Edit" in the "Current Running Parameter Value" column.


  1. Select the required switch status in the popped-up window and click "yes".


Disable the Dangerous Command
Tag Management