Query Details of the Instance
Last Updated:2020-08-13
- Query the details of a single instance
Request Structure
GET /v{version}/instance/{instanceId} HTTP/1.1
Host: redis.{region}.baidubce.com
Authorization: Authorization string
Request Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the public header field.
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Parameter Position | Description |
version | string | Yes | URI Parameter | API version No. |
instanceId | string | Yes | URI Parameter | Instance ID to be queried |
Return Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the common header field.
Return Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
instanceId | String | Instance ID |
instanceName | String | Instance Name |
instanceStatus | String | Instance status |
clusterType | String | Engine type: Redis; Value: Cluster: “Cluster”: “master_slave”,default: Master_Slave |
engine | String | Engine type, redis, memcache |
engineVersion | String | Engine version |
vnetIp | String | Private IP |
domain | String | Domain name |
port | String | Link port |
instanceCreateTime | Datetime | Instance creation time |
instanceExpireTime | Datetime | Expiry time of instances |
capacity | int | Total capacity (unit: GB) |
usedCapacity | double | Used capacity (unit: GB) |
paymentTiming | String | Mode of Payment Prepaid; postpaid |
zoneNames | List<String> | Availability zone list |
vpcId | String | VPC ID |
subnets | Subnet | Subnet cidr |
Parameter Name | Parameter Types | Parameter Descriptions |
name | String | Subnet name |
subnetId | String | Subnet Id |
zoneName | String | Availability zone of subnet |
cidr | String | Subnet cidr |
vpcId | String | Vpc id |
Request Instance
GET /v2/instance/scs-bj-cxisuftlkquj HTTP/1.1
HOST: redis.bj.baidubce.com
ContentType: application/json
Authorization bce-auth-v1/0255cb4f78f140728045b551d6a317ec/2018-11-13T05:46:05Z/1800/host/70268ec1d0491c86e67f345ad3aee4cf7f8924dade9b7f3e2f1a95814a00c129
Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-bce-request-id: 7869616F-7A68-6977-656E-406261696475
Content-Type: application/json
"instanceId": "scs-bj-cxisuftlkquj",
"instanceName": "post101",
"instanceStatus": "Running",
"clusterType": "master_slave",
"engine": "redis",
"engineVersion": "3.2",
"vnetIp": "",
"domain": "redis.ruqpwjmvrsyt.scs.bj.bce.qa.sandbox.baidu.com",
"port": "6379",
"instanceCreateTime": "2018-11-13T05:37:49Z",
"capacity": 1,
"usedCapacity": 0.06,
"paymentTiming": "Postpaid",
"vpcId": "vpc-1n1wqxfu4iuu",
"subnets": [
"name": “System Predefined Subnet C",
"subnetId": "sbn-0ynnfkyymh8z",
"zoneName": "cn-bj-c",
"cidr": ""
"name": "System Predefined Subnet",
"subnetId": "sbn-rvv87cdd0gv9",
"zoneName": "cn-bj-a",
"cidr": ""
"zoneNames": [