
All Product Document

          Database Transmission Server

          Query Task Information

          Interface Description

          View the data transmission task information of the designated id.

          Request URI

          GET /v{version}/task/{dtsId}

          Parameter name Parameter type Required Description Example value Parameter position
          version String Yes API version number "1" Path
          dtsId String Yes Task ID "dtsmxxxyyy" Path

          Request Body Parameters


          Response Header Parameters

          No other special header fields are available, except for common header fields.

          Response Body Parameters

          Instructions for Data Structure of Response Body Field

          Parameter name Parameter type Required Description Example value
          dtsId String Yes Task ID dtsmxxyy1234
          taskName String Yes Task name dtsmxxyy1234
          status String Yes Task status (unConfig: means after you create a task, you can enter the unconfigured status, which only contains dtsID information; ready: means after configuring tasks, you can enter the not started state, which contains all information of the task; checking: means after clicking Start, you can enter the checking state; checkPass: means only after passing the pre-check, you can start the task; checkFailed: when starting tasks, you can enter the pre-check state, and in case of failure in check, you can enter this state that you can modify tasks or terminate tasks directly; running: after passing the pre-check, you can enter this status, including data migration or data synchronization; stopping: means that you cannot operate the task in this status; stopped: means starting from this state can achieve resuming from the breakpoint, i.e., modifying a data synchronization object after pause; stopCheckFailed: means the pre-check of a new synchronized object fails. When adding the synchronized object, you can enter the pre-check status, and in case of failure in check, you can return to the paused state, but you can view and check failure reasons; runFailed: means in case of an exception during running, you can enter this state; in case of a recoverable error, you can continue to start after the recovery; and in case of an unrecoverable error, you can only terminate the task; finished: means that the task is finished, including finishing the task manually or automatically after the task is complete, or an unrecoverable error occurs) finished
          dataType DataType Yes
          region String Yes Region bj
          createTime String Yes Creation Time 2020-12-10T13: 24: 10Z
          srcConnection Connection Yes
          dstConnection Connection Yes
          schemaMapping SchemaMapping Yes
          runningTime Integer Yes Duration of tasks run 20
          subStatus List<SubStatus> Yes Subtask status
          dynamicInfo DynamicInfo Yes
          errmsg String Yes The error information returned when failed to execute. E.g., the error information is empty string when the task execution is successful.
          sdkRealtimeProgress String Yes (Limited to data subscription) Task real-time progress in UTC format
          granularity String Yes The granularity of transmission tasks, which is only divided into an instance level and a database level dbtb
          subDataScope SubDataScope Yes (Limited to data subscription) Data scope of subscription channel
          payInfo PayInfo Yes Payment information
          lockStatus String Yes Whether tasks are locked or not. The value includes: unlock, lockExpiration unlock
          dtsIdPos String Yes The forward task ID of two-way synchronization tasks dtsmxxyy1234
          dtsIdNeg String Yes The backward task ID of two-way synchronization tasks dtsmxxyy1234
          dtsTaskPos DtsTaskPos Yes Forward task Information of two-way synchronization tasks
          dtsTaskNeg DtsTaskNeg Yes Backward task Information of two-way synchronization tasks

          Instructions for Data Structure of Connection Field

          Parameter name Parameter type Required Description Example value
          instanceType String No Instance Type bcerds
          region String No Region bj
          dbType String No Database type mysql
          dbUser String No Access account of database dts_trans
          dbPass String No Access password of database
          dbPort Integer No Access port of database 3306
          dbHost String No database ip or host name
          instanceId String No Instance ID rdsmfgdti3d53f5
          field_whitelist String No Column filter (whitelist)
          field_blacklist String No Column filter (blacklist)

          Instruction for Data Structure of Schema Field

          Parameter name Parameter type Required Description Example value
          type String No The types of objects to be transmitted, with values: db (database), table, view, function, and procedure table
          src String No The schema name of source database test.table_src
          dst String No The schema name of target database test.table_dst
          where String No where filter condition

          Instructions for Data Structure of SubStatus Field

          Parameter name Parameter type Required Description Example value
          s String Yes Structure running
          b String Yes Total running
          i String Yes Increment running

          Instruction for Data Structure of DynamicInfo Field

          Parameter name Parameter type Required Description Example value
          schema List<DynamicInfoSchema> Yes
          base List<DynamicInfoBase> Yes
          increment List<DynamicInfoIncrement> Yes

          Instruction for Data Structure of DynamicInfoSchema Field

          Parameter name Parameter type Required Description Example value
          current String Yes The number of schema migrated 800
          count String Yes The total number of schema migrated 1000
          speed String Yes Migration rate 500
          expectFinishTime String Yes Predicted time remaining (s) 20

          Instructions for Data Structure of DynamicInfoBase Field

          Parameter name Parameter type Required Description Example value
          current String Yes Line number of data migrated 800
          count String Yes Total line number of data migrated 1000
          speed String Yes Migration rate 500
          expectFinishTime String Yes Predicted time remaining (s) 20

          Instructions for Data Structure of DynamicInfoIncrement Field

          Instructions for Data Structure of SubDataScope Field

          Parameter name Parameter type Required Description Example value
          startTime String Yes Start time
          endTime String Yes End time

          Instructions for Data Structure of PayInfo Field

          Parameter name Parameter type Required Description Example value
          productType String Yes Payment method: Prepay, and postpay postpay
          sourceInstanceType String Yes Source-end instance type (OnBce: Baidu AI Cloud database; and OffBce: Self-built data storage) OnBce
          targetInstanceType String Yes Target instance type (OnBce: Baidu AI Cloud database; and OffBce: Self-built data storage) OnBce
          crossRegionTag Integer Yes Cross-region identifier (0: Intra-region; and 1: Cross-region) 0
          createTime Long Yes Resource create time, and UNIX time stamp (msec) 1607606657000
          standard String Yes Specification (Large: Large specification; and the large specification is only supported) Large
          endTime Long Yes UNIX time stamp (msec) 1607606657000

          Instructions for Data Structure of DtsTaskPos Field

          A dtsTaskPos field is the forward task information of two-way synchronization tasks, so the value structure of this field is consistent with the task structure.

          Instructions for Data Structure of DtsTaskNeg Field

          A dtsTaskNeg field is the backward task information of two-way synchronization tasks, so the value structure of this field is consistent with the task structure.

          Request Example

          GET /v1/task/{dtsId}
          <Common request header>

          Response Example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          <Common response header>
            "subDataScope" : {
              "startTime" : "startTime",
              "endTime" : "endTime"
            "schemaMapping" : [ {
              "dst" : "test.table_dst",
              "src" : "test.table_src",
              "where" : "where",
              "type" : "table"
            }, {
              "dst" : "test.table_dst",
              "src" : "test.table_src",
              "where" : "where",
              "type" : "table"
            } ],
            "dataType" : [ "base", "base" ],
            "dtsId" : "dtsmxxyy1234",
            "errmsg" : "errmsg",
            "runningTime" : 20,
            "dtsIdNeg" : "dtsmxxyy1234",
            "subStatus" : [ {
              "b" : "running",
              "s" : "running",
              "i" : "running"
            }, {
              "b" : "running",
              "s" : "running",
              "i" : "running"
            } ],
            "dtsIdPos" : "dtsmxxyy1234",
            "sdkRealtimeProgress" : "sdkRealtimeProgress",
            "lockStatus" : "unlock",
            "createTime" : "2020-12-10T13: 24: 10Z",
            "granularity" : "dbtb",
            "dtsTaskNeg" : { },
            "taskName" : "dtsmxxyy1234",
            "region" : "bj",
            "srcConnection" : {
              "dbPass" : "dbPass",
              "dbPort" : 3306,
              "instanceId" : "rdsmfgdti3d53f5",
              "instanceType" : "bcerds",
              "dbUser" : "_dts_trans_",
              "field_whitelist" : "field_whitelist",
              "dbType" : "mysql",
              "dbHost" : "",
              "field_blacklist" : "field_blacklist",
              "region" : "bj"
            "dynamicInfo" : {
              "schema" : [ {
                "expectFinishTime" : "20",
                "current" : "800",
                "count" : "1000",
                "speed" : "500"
              }, {
                "expectFinishTime" : "20",
                "current" : "800",
                "count" : "1000",
                "speed" : "500"
              } ],
              "increment" : [ [ { }, { } ], [ { }, { } ] ],
              "base" : [ {
                "expectFinishTime" : "20",
                "current" : "800",
                "count" : "1000",
                "speed" : "500"
              }, {
                "expectFinishTime" : "20",
                "current" : "800",
                "count" : "1000",
                "speed" : "500"
              } ]
            "payInfo" : {
              "standard" : "Large",
              "sourceInstanceType" : "OnBce",
              "createTime" : 1607606657000,
              "targetInstanceType" : "OnBce",
              "crossRegionTag" : 0,
              "endTime" : 1607606657000,
              "productType" : "postpay"
            "dtsTaskPos" : { },
            "status" : "finished"

          Error Code

          See universal error code.

          Create Task
          Query Task List