
All Product Document

          Database Transmission Server

          Query Task Monitoring

          This article mainly introduces the task monitoring information of the data transmission service (DTS).

          View the monitoring trend chart

          The Monitoring Trend Chart includes: task status, incremental synchronization delay, and transmission rate (number of rows and data volume).

          The details are as follows:

          1. Log in to Baidu AI Cloud and enter DTS Management Console.


          1. In the data transmission task list, select a data transmission task. Click the Task Name to enter the task information.


          1. Click Monitoring Information in the left navbar to enter the monitoring information page.


          1. On the "Monitoring information" page of the task, you can see the monitoring trend chart of the data flow. You can view the monitoring data in the last 30 days. Drag the time progress bar below the monitoring chart to adjust the time of the monitoring chart.


          Description of Monitoring Items

          The details are as follows:

          Monitoring Items Description Monitoring Frequency Monitoring Period
          Task status The status of the data transmission task. 0 means the normal operation and 1 means the task failure. 5 minutes/time 30 days
          Incremental synchronization delay The delay of incremental data transmission from the source to the destination. Unit: second 5 minutes/time 30 days
          Transmission rate (number of rows) The number of rows transmitted per second. Unit:rows/ s 5 minute/time 30 days
          Transmission rate (data volume) The rate of data transmitted to the destination per second. Unit: byte/s 5 minutes/time 30 days
          Data Synchronization
          Set Alarm Policy